View Full Version : a wee shout for my other site

31st March 2008, 06:46 PM
Well you may have guessed I like car forums.:eek:

touareg being the first

Then I asked Colin to set up x5drivers.

Now I've got my new one for the X-trail.

Set it up on the 12th March and I have just got over 45 members so very mcuh early days but I'm hoping with the amount of x-trails on the road in the UK that it will grow and grow. I was surprised that no one had set up an x-trail forum for the UK.

If you want to check it out then please do so. Still got a few tweaks to make but in the whole I'm happy with it.


31st March 2008, 06:48 PM
Oh and if you know anyone with an x-trail then tell them about my site.

I'm exhausted with the amount of posts and links that I put around the web in the last few days. Caravan websites, Nissan forums etc etc etc;) ;) you name I've posted on their site.

AndyP & Lenore
31st March 2008, 06:58 PM
Fi, the only forum that I can view is the Introduce yourself forum. Is that intentional? Until registered?


31st March 2008, 06:59 PM
Fi, the only forum that I can view is the Introduce yourself forum. Is that intentional? Until registered?


correct. Got to register to see the rest of the site.;) :D :D

The Dogfather
31st March 2008, 09:23 PM
correct. Got to register to see the rest of the site.;) :D :D

Stops people from lurking but most people will want to view the site before joining up.

31st March 2008, 09:27 PM
Stops people from lurking but most people will want to view the site before joining up.

I may eventually open it up a bit but not at the moment. If I get people looking at the site that has an exxy then they will join. finger crossed.:D

31st March 2008, 09:58 PM
I came back from Aviemore via the Cabrach and there was an Audi allroads stuck in the snow, his wife had an X trail and was trying to tow it bit it was well stuck.:D

AndyP & Lenore
1st April 2008, 12:02 AM
Well done on the site Fi. It looks pretty cool.

Did you code it yourself? Or is the front page purely based on phpBB?

It will grow in time. Won't take long to get some members.
