View Full Version : Meet Freya

The Dogfather
19th March 2008, 02:29 PM
Haven't posted much in the last few days as I've been busy looking after my new puppy Freya. She's a little poop machine with a complex personality and great intelligence. She learned to sit on comand in about 30mins and can often be found sat in her litter tray. Why, because she's figured out she gets praise whenever she goes near it.

Its still early days with her and Elliott but there are some good signs (and a couple of worrying ones as well) that they'll get on eventually.

Here a pic of the little angel/devil: -

19th March 2008, 02:36 PM
Looks adorable mate!

19th March 2008, 02:38 PM
Nice one VB, good luck with the training :eek: :D

19th March 2008, 02:38 PM
your next dog will need to be called Jack.

That way when out walking you can call them to heel Freya Jack a.:D :p ;)
Great looking pup.

19th March 2008, 04:46 PM
Collie dogs are the muts

19th March 2008, 04:50 PM
lovely looking pup

AndyP & Lenore
19th March 2008, 06:49 PM
She looks lovely Paul:D . I love it when pups ears are still floppy. Next stage is the one up and one down look. Also cute.

I'm sure Freya and Elliot will become best of friends sooner than you think.


19th March 2008, 07:03 PM
Cracking Pup Paul... will keep you VERY busy I would bet.. :)

19th March 2008, 07:32 PM
Awwwwww.... she is lovely. I wouldnt mind getting myself a dog sometime. Collies are great dogs, but I also like german shephards/alsations because that is what my family have always had, but just worried about ending up having one which has or gets the bad rear hips which is a common problem for them. but I also like labs and retrievers. :rolleyes::p

19th March 2008, 07:47 PM
Nice one fella. :cool:

The Dogfather
19th March 2008, 09:22 PM
Zimbo, Collies are hardwork but very rewarding. However unless they have a 'job' they can go self-employed and this can be anything from bouncing of the walls to eating carpets.

They are very easy to train but very hard to untrain as they never forget. We use a word 'tray' to get the little girl to do her business, unfortunately we used the same word with Elliott about 6 years ago. Everytime she goes to her litter tray to do something we say the word, however Elliott thinks we are talking to him and he runs to the back door to go out for a piddle.

Cheers for the nice comments guys....

19th March 2008, 09:41 PM
That is one cute puppy

20th March 2008, 12:49 AM
She's gorgeous. A lot of work but not so much as one of the human variety.

20th March 2008, 12:54 AM
What a cutie!

20th March 2008, 01:21 AM
What a braw wee dug!:D


20th March 2008, 06:47 AM
What a cool looking pup you've got yourself vb, hope the training's not too hard ;)