View Full Version : mini mags

eddie 44
10th March 2008, 06:06 PM
i have been counting the weeks on the calendar till my new cooper arrives , Then last night i rememberd that i still had a pile of GoMini mags tucked away..spent last night looking through them, some stunning cars and a few well kent faces too...:p Bonnie scotland with his ds S monster :cool: ( I doubt very much that i would ever sell it ) :eek: Fiona in her stunning Metal flake EB zeemax.. ( She,s got no plans to sell scottiecoop) :eek: Then julz in the other zeemax lecky blue monster... not forgetting Jordan in his stunning mini one Zeemax.:DDo we know where these cars are now ? which brings me to the point of this post... what mags are out there for the NEW mini...? bought a copy of Modern Mini today.. are there anymore ?

AndyP & Lenore
10th March 2008, 06:12 PM

Fiona's EB flaky job was a sight to behold.:eek: :D

As far as I know there is only Modern Mini mag now. Haven't looked at any of the classic Mini mags. One of our cars was featured in one of them a couple of years ago, Mini Magazine I think it was.:confused:


10th March 2008, 07:00 PM
you both just had to mention that car didn't you. Couldn't help yourselves could you.

Now I've come over all sick and cold.

No wait worse I'VE JUST HAD A HOT FLUSH.:p :p :D :D