View Full Version : WTF todays Police

5th March 2008, 06:39 PM
Here is a tale.

One of my brother now he is 48 years of age owns his own builders business and has roughly between 8 - 10 vans lorries stuff like that with his name all over them. Now his wee van that he uses to go round the jobs he has not put his name on that one. So it would be hard to tell that the van was his if you saw it on the road.

Anyway he was out Saturday at his local gold club and some night out.

Sunday morning gets his wee van out of his yard goes back to his flat makes breakfast and eventually runs his partner back down to her house at causewayhead around lunch time.

On the road back home at the Museum Hall Bridge of Allan he had to do a emergency stop as some one came out in front of him. Anyway he carried on and noticed in the rear view this black car following him. He continued to make his way home to Callander still with this black car behind him.

Just as he was heading into Callander there was this road block by the Police he stops the Police come up to him from the road block and from the black car behind him they had set the road block up just for him.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: .

They said he was drinking and had been driving all over the road. He had not been drinking and other than the emergency stop he had been driving normal. He assured them he had not been drinking and he took their breath test Nothing showed up, well after that he said they were nothing short of being totally nasty with him went over his van with a fine tooth comb couldn't find a thing and eventually let him on his way.

My brother is just getting over this now he was totally shocked by the whole event and couldn't believe the attitude of the police. I couldn't believe it myself. It's not like he is a young lad.

I find the whole thing amazing and can only think someone must have it in for him and called the Police to say he was drink driving surely this is not a everyday thing the Police would do.?

5th March 2008, 07:33 PM
Thats ridiculous!

Traffic cops or cops in general really do have it in for a lot of us now

5th March 2008, 08:05 PM

sounds very much like someone has given the Police some intel that your Brother was a drink driver...:( although as you say, he isn't/wasn't

what your talking about re following and stopping is fairly normal, but doesn't happen very often. If they have specific info, they will do this.

And the black car was probably blue, but it would be the last thing he was thinking about.. ;) :(


5th March 2008, 08:06 PM
Hmmm...Gordon gets stopped all the time, only because he is driving home late @ nite! I was told by a ex-cop friend of mine, he said tell gordon...refuse breath test n say he has had 6 pints, he said piss them off if they keep stopping him. as they must know his reg!

5th March 2008, 08:07 PM
This is how people lose confidence in the police, granted they should stop him if reported as a drink driver just to be sure but when he was proven not drunk an apology should have been offered.

Quite an experince having the road blocked.

5th March 2008, 08:27 PM
well thats the thing they are about here in a black fiesta and they try to push me in to a race when they see me just for a reason to stop me but i know the car so it dose not work as for them going over it i have never had this done at the side of the road

5th March 2008, 09:38 PM

sounds very much like someone has given the Police some intel that your Brother was a drink driver...:( although as you say, he isn't/wasn't

what your talking about re following and stopping is fairly normal, but doesn't happen very often. If they have specific info, they will do this.

And the black car was probably blue, but it would be the last thing he was thinking about.. ;) :(


that's what we told him that someone must have given the police a nod. Whoever did must have known his van as I said it is the only one without his name on it. That's the trouble alot of folk are jealous of his success but seems a bit extreme to me.

5th March 2008, 10:57 PM
I was stopped on suspicion of drink driving as the police saw me leaving the pub with my mate a month or so ago. They breathalysed me and when the reading was 0 they suddenly became rather polite.

Absolute pile of crap, I'd been drinking diet coke as I was shattered from rugby and only went to the pub to play the quiz machine for a wee while.

The Dogfather
5th March 2008, 11:41 PM
I was stopped on suspicion of drink driving as the police saw me leaving the pub with my mate a month or so ago. They breathalysed me and when the reading was 0 they suddenly became rather polite.

Absolute pile of crap, I'd been drinking diet coke as I was shattered from rugby and only went to the pub to play the quiz machine for a wee while.

They should stop more drivers, but only as long as they have a reason to suspect and are polite if the test is negative.

If it keeps the DDs of the road then they have my support.

6th March 2008, 01:08 AM
You're right...I always think that if you get caught doing something, then fair play, you were wrong and you take it on the chin.

mini saltire
6th March 2008, 09:06 AM
Not a nice experience at all!! I always think I wouldn't mind this type of thing happening but when the Police are found to be in the wrong there is nothing shameful about them being curtious and nice rather than still treating you like a criminal!!:mad:

9th March 2008, 03:02 AM
I got stopped by the police tonight at Laurencekirk. Got told they could see my blue leds in the back window and any colour but blue allowed. One of the lights had slipped so the actual light rather than a blue glow visible. Also told me my number plate was illegal. Got no spacing between 9 and e and got pair of eyes (no fear) as background (suits specy kind of goes with the theme) even though the letters are normal size and 100% legible. Was told that the number plate thing will be illegal from 1st September. How generous of him then to tell me he wouldn't give me a ticket! They didnt ask to check my docs though they looked around the car briefly with a torch and asked if I'd been to a show. Obviously keeping cars clean and tidy aint normal practice. Cheeky b***ers then sped off and they certainly weren't going at the speed limit - I was and they were out of sight in no time at all - no blue lights going either. Bl**dy hypocrates :mad:
They weren't rude or anything like that. I'd have reported them if they had been, but I thought to myself what an utter waste of taxpayers money having coppers hiding at the side of the road on a Saturday night where there is very little traffic and obviously not giving them much to do with their time.
I was thinking that this government isnt going to be happy till it has made criminals of us all with their petty restrictions and regulations yet being totally ineffective in dealing with real crime and social issues. Its just a load of p*sh.

9th March 2008, 10:04 AM
I got stopped by the police tonight at Laurencekirk. Got told they could see my blue leds in the back window and any colour but blue allowed. One of the lights had slipped so the actual light rather than a blue glow visible. Also told me my number plate was illegal. Got no spacing between 9 and e and got pair of eyes (no fear) as background (suits specy kind of goes with the theme) even though the letters are normal size and 100% legible. Was told that the number plate thing will be illegal from 1st September. How generous of him then to tell me he wouldn't give me a ticket! They didnt ask to check my docs though they looked around the car briefly with a torch and asked if I'd been to a show. Obviously keeping cars clean and tidy aint normal practice. Cheeky b***ers then sped off and they certainly weren't going at the speed limit - I was and they were out of sight in no time at all - no blue lights going either. Bl**dy hypocrates :mad:
They weren't rude or anything like that. I'd have reported them if they had been, but I thought to myself what an utter waste of taxpayers money having coppers hiding at the side of the road on a Saturday night where there is very little traffic and obviously not giving them much to do with their time.
I was thinking that this government isnt going to be happy till it has made criminals of us all with their petty restrictions and regulations yet being totally ineffective in dealing with real crime and social issues. Its just a load of p*sh.

i used to have number plates the same and got stoped all the time and i was the same all i did was put them without a gap and it was just an excuse for them to stop me all the time they say it is for the number plate reader they have in the cars but then told me that if they drive past a lorry with wrighting down the side it try to make it in to a number plate :eek: so i dont under stand why you have to do this at it can still read i if they are non standard lettering

i also used to be stoped all the time in my old car coming home from christines at night but to be fair there where only 1 set that where nasty but in fact in the main they just wanted to breath test me and that was fine as i dont drink and drive !!!!!!!!! it got to the stage that one of the coppers stoped me walked up to the car and said i have stoped you before havent i then just told me to becarfull and have a good drive home :eek: not even a breath test or even asked to leave the car :rolleyes: thats how well they got to know me but if you are polite to them i find you get the same back :)

but as others have said then if they are polite then thats fine its the ones with the attituied that is the prob

10th March 2008, 11:58 AM
NAZIS & they no it