View Full Version : Flying into storm...

3rd March 2008, 09:20 PM
Anyone see this....soooo close to crashing


3rd March 2008, 10:00 PM
how close was that wing to the ground:eek: :eek:


AndyP & Lenore
3rd March 2008, 10:06 PM
Oh my good god! :( :( :(

That would be my worst nightmare ever.:( :(

A.:( :( :(

3rd March 2008, 10:13 PM
I flew into Belfast on Friday there and it wasnt far off that. The plane was bouncing all over the shop. I thought the wings were clapping together it was that choppy. I hate it when it is like that.

3rd March 2008, 10:21 PM
Frightening, my boss was on a flight into Glasgow on Friday afternoon and he said that his flight was really bad and there were people crying on the plane.

4th March 2008, 09:44 AM
Nice to see the day before i fly home :eek:

4th March 2008, 10:41 AM
Friday was a bad to fly. I flew up into Edinburgh and it was by a mile the worst flight I've ever been on.

Sunday home was fine though, so you'll be fine BS!!

4th March 2008, 01:47 PM
wow.. Not so much "touch and go"... More "Touching Cloth"!!! :eek::D:D

He nearly made the manoeuvre... Just mad weather to be flying in tho :eek:

The Dogfather
4th March 2008, 02:05 PM
I flew into Heathrow a year back, terrible landing. Not the Pilot's fault the conditions were terrible, the passengers all gave him a round of applause, me included.

Big Gordy
4th March 2008, 02:10 PM
He enjoyed it so much he went round again to have another shot:D You'd pay good money for that kind of ride at Alton Towers:rolleyes: :cool:

4th March 2008, 07:07 PM
He enjoyed it so much he went round again to have another shot:D You'd pay good money for that kind of ride at Alton Towers:rolleyes: :cool:

Yeah... Too right you would.:D I'd pay for a ride like that!!!

Change of underwear all round on that flight I would think... :rolleyes: lol
That pilot DEFINATELY deserves a medal or something for saving that flight!!

4th March 2008, 08:32 PM
We landed at edinburgh and the pilot announced "that was a fully automated landing" :eek: Damned fool

The Dogfather
4th March 2008, 08:43 PM
We landed at edinburgh and the pilot announced "that was a fully automated landing" :eek: Damned fool

I thought most were now?

4th March 2008, 10:18 PM
Was delayed an hour last Friday trying to get out of London City because of wind and the landing in Edinburgh wasn't far off the video.
Also had one recently at City, where a plane pulled onto runway as we were about to land. Full throttle from pilot and we banked round Canary Wharf. People were screaming. Pilot says very calmly, "Sorry folks, another plane has taken our parking space, so we will have to go round the block again. He was so calm, he was amazing, a credit to BA.

mini saltire
6th March 2008, 09:20 AM
Change of underwear all round on that flight I would think... :rolleyes: lol
That pilot DEFINATELY deserves a medal or something for saving that flight!!

These boys n gals are paid very well as Pilots and most of it is seeing over the automated procedures now. It is no different from some idiot pulling out infront on the Motorway and you taking avoiding action. Granted not many of us has 100 passengers in our cars, but I would expect that save from any proffessional pilot.