View Full Version : stop / start

eddie 44
28th February 2008, 07:50 PM
whats your thoughts on the stop / start on new build manual mini,s :confused:

my understanding of it is.... when you stop at say a set of lights,and knock if out of gear and apply the hand brake the engine shuts down, then when you press the clutch , the engine restarts... can you see any problems with this... does this mean you can,t get out the car with the engine running ? leave it running on a frosty morning..? not that mine will be left out in the cold ;)

28th February 2008, 09:10 PM
You can switch it off using a button down next to the gear stick.

28th February 2008, 09:41 PM
total waste of time IMHO;)

28th February 2008, 11:03 PM
If its that cold the engine will not cut out anyway. Mine over the past few months has still continued to run once in neutral but it does tell u in the manual this may hapen to preserve battery power . Yeh u can switch it off aswell I hardly have time to knock it into neutral anyway always just stop then have to move on in the morning getting into Dundee lol.

1st March 2008, 10:36 PM
briliant idea for m6 and m25 journeys... but pretty useless elsewhere

3rd March 2008, 08:51 PM
Once again, I'm with Jason. The first I do when I get in the car is switch it off. Mind you I've got a carbon footprint like the jolly green giant.

Global warming .....bring it on. Bar B Qs on North Berwick beach on Xmas day, I'll have some of that:D :D

Duncan Stewart
7th March 2008, 05:39 PM
I'm finding it quite good. Stops at traffic lights have become a game of can I get it into gear before it restarts :D It always wins!
Also when you park it shuts off quicker than I can find the stop / start button .

Causes no problems and must be saving the few drops of petrol so I'm happy to leave it on.