View Full Version : for all you with ps3

11th February 2008, 05:57 PM
ok my friend has a ps3 and wants to go online with it do you need any thing special to do this or do you just plug it in to the modem and off you go ???

thanx stoney ;)

AndyP & Lenore
11th February 2008, 06:37 PM
If your friend has a Wireless router for his Internet access, he should make sure wireless is switched on on his router, go into the PS3 menu for networking and click "find wireless network". The PS3 should then talk him through connecting to the Internet. I don't have my PS3 here at work, and I'm guessing on the menu names etc., but it should be fairly easy.

If he doesn't want to use wireless, he should still be able to connect a cat 5 network cable between his router and the PS3. Then find the "networking" option on the PS3 menu and follow the instructions.

TBH, I've found the PS3 very intuitive, and really easy to follow. Which is just as well, as I'm a bit thick at times.:o :eek: :D


The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 07:05 PM
Hey, another PS3 related topic. I was thinking of getting a PS3, not for the games but as a BluRay player, any downsides? Can it play the HD audio formats and if so what are the output options available (coxial?)

11th February 2008, 07:32 PM
It had an optical output...ideal for feeding the audio output to a receiver etc.

The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 07:47 PM
It had an optical output...ideal for feeding the audio output to a receiver etc.

I pretty sure optical can't handle the data rates for HD Audio

AndyP & Lenore
11th February 2008, 07:59 PM
I pretty sure optical can't handle the data rates for HD Audio

Don't know enough about HD audio data rates to give a scientific answer, but I tested our PS3 with a DVD of The Fugitive and a Blu Ray disc of The Fugitive. The Blu Ray disc sounded far better. I don't know if the Blu Ray disc had actual HD audio track or if it was just because on a Blu Ray disc the audio is less compressed.

However, from my experience you do not want to buy a PS3 for playing DVD's/Blu Ray movies. The noise from the fan after 40 mins of being switched on drives us mad. I have put my Toshiba DVD player back in and we've given up on Blu Ray movies until the format war sort's itself out once and for all - will probably go Blu Ray in the end. And once it is sorted, we will buy a dedicated player for the winning format. PS3 will be kept for gaming. When I eventually get round to re-installing it in my entertainment unit in the living room.

Edit: Just to confirm I used optical audio lead also. Don't know if there was a coaxial port there or not.


The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 08:08 PM
I stopped being lazy and did a google search. No the PS3 doesn't do HD Audio through optical, in fact if you select the HD soundtrack it actually plays 2.0, you need a HDMI 1.3 compatible amp such as the new Onyko.

Thanks for the info Andy, I'll wait for a quieter machine. I might not replace my current amp if I can find a player with a decoder and 7.1 phono outputs.

AndyP & Lenore
11th February 2008, 08:16 PM
I stopped being lazy and did a google search. No the PS3 doesn't do HD Audio through optical, in fact if you select the HD soundtrack it actually plays 2.0, you need a HDMI 1.3 compatible amp such as the new Onyko.

Thanks for the info Andy, I'll wait for a quieter machine. I might not replace my current amp if I can find a player with a decoder and 7.1 phono outputs.

Onyko? Never heard of them.:rolleyes: Don't you mean Onkyo? :rolleyes: Hey do you think if we keep this up we can use more :rolleyes: smileys than BS in a normal day?:rolleyes: ;)

I've always used Denon Amps and love the sound from them. Mine is now 4 or 5 years old so doesn't have HDMI ports. It's not 7.1 compatible either.:( To make the best of Blu Ray HD audio, I'm really gonna have to replace the Amp. Said quietly so Mrs Poole doesn't hear.


The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 10:30 PM
I bought a monster of a pioneer amp last year :rolleyes: . It has HDMI switching :D but can't take the audio out and process it :( However, it has a 7.1 analogue input though , so I can use that with a Blu-Ray player which has a 7.1 analogue output:D . The new panasonic BD50 has, :D but it'll cost a fecking fortune :(. I'm willing to spend the dosh :eek: though because it has all the right codecs in place :) and is upgradeable via ethernet:D (so i believe:confused: ) .

The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 10:31 PM
I might just wait a few months for them to drop a bit in price though :o Next on my shopping list is a Larini exhaust :p only 2.0 ;) but HD sound quality.
:D :D:D:D:D:D:D

The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 10:32 PM
Bloody 10 smiley per post rule!!! Cack

AndyP & Lenore
11th February 2008, 10:38 PM
I might just wait a few months for them to drop a bit in price though :o Next on my shopping list is a Larini exhaust :p only 2.0 ;) but HD sound quality.
:D :D

Does that come with it's own sub base? lol:D :D

A.:D :D

The Dogfather
11th February 2008, 10:56 PM
Nah, last thing I want is boom, I'm after italian roadster howl

12th February 2008, 09:57 AM
Hey, another PS3 related topic. I was thinking of getting a PS3, not for the games but as a BluRay player, any downsides? Can it play the HD audio formats and if so what are the output options available (coxial?)
Paul this should satisfy your needs, i have this in my games room connected to the PS3, i don't have true 7.1 surround, but, it can be connected in other ways
Denon AV Receiver (http://www.denon.co.uk/site/frames_main.php?main=prod&ver=&MID=3&sub=1&action=detail&Pid=339)

12th February 2008, 10:02 PM
Think MrKerr wants a PS3 or an X-box360 this year but whats best, I would say the PS3 but there seams to be more games for the 360

The Dogfather
12th February 2008, 10:26 PM
Paul this should satisfy your needs, i have this in my games room connected to the PS3, i don't have true 7.1 surround, but, it can be connected in other ways
Denon AV Receiver (http://www.denon.co.uk/site/frames_main.php?main=prod&ver=&MID=3&sub=1&action=detail&Pid=339)

Alan, I don't think this will do DTS-HD MA, which oinko can, I'm after an amp/player which can decode all the new HD formats. I've decided to go with a dedicated Blu-Ray player following on from the comments Andy made about fan noise.

Thanks for the link though, I do like Denons (and Pioneer, Sony, Onkyokeydokey etc.......:o ;) )

The Dogfather
12th February 2008, 10:30 PM
Alan, I take it back it does have DTS-HD MA but at £1500 it should come with a night with a film star of your choice. Ulma Thurman in that yellow catsuit would be fine by me.

Still going with the dedicated player and if I can get one with 7.1 output I can keep my current amp.

13th February 2008, 04:41 AM
Alan, I take it back it does have DTS-HD MA Yep, i know :rolleyes: (Andy's smiley)

AndyP & Lenore
13th February 2008, 10:56 AM
Think MrKerr wants a PS3 or an X-box360 this year but whats best, I would say the PS3 but there seams to be more games for the 360

Jason the Xbox 360 was released about 18 months before the PS3, so there will be loads more games. But if it helps, the majority of folk I've spoken to who have seen/played with both consoles sing the praises of the PS3 over the 360.

I've only used a 360 a wee bit (the one we bought from Fi for connecting to the digital projector in the cinema) and it's ok, but I prefer my PS3 at home.


AndyP & Lenore
13th February 2008, 10:57 AM
:rolleyes: (Andy's smiley)

Thank you. I knew I could count on you:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;) :D

13th February 2008, 10:58 AM
Think MrKerr wants a PS3 or an X-box360 this year but whats best, I would say the PS3 but there seams to be more games for the 360

From fiddling about with Zimbo's PS3 last night,the Xbox seems more intuitive, especially when attached to Xbox Live, but there's not a huge amount of difference. Apparently the PS is the more powerful machine, but having said that, there's the Xbox Elite, which has proper HDMI output now...

Personally, I prefer the general overall 'feel' of the Xbox controllers and gameplay -and so far- the 'look' of Xbox games, but that's a personal thing :D The Xbox is certainly the cheaper option!

13th February 2008, 12:43 PM
Think MrKerr wants a PS3 or an X-box360 this year but whats best, I would say the PS3 but there seams to be more games for the 360
PS3 all the way, no internet charges to join in online and the quantity of games are catching up :)

14th February 2008, 06:57 PM
ps3 we got my mates hoked up on the net with COD4 it was fab