View Full Version : Kicking Up A Stink

1st February 2008, 08:48 PM
..........it works.
Direct Line are covering the extra ten days of my car hire because I moaned, whined and threatened to send them, JM motors and BMW the bill to fight out amongst themselves. Got a call from the insurers customer service to tell me they would pick up the tab. Result! :D:D:D

1st February 2008, 09:00 PM
power to the people!! :cool:

well done Sheilz for standing your ground. If more people did this, then companies wouldn't get away with ripping people off as much.. :)

1st February 2008, 09:30 PM
Well done :p

AndyP & Lenore
1st February 2008, 09:31 PM
Good for you Shielz.;) It seems like you've had to do a fair bit of standing your ground lately.:(


1st February 2008, 10:37 PM
Good for you Shielz.;) It seems like you've had to do a fair bit of standing your ground lately.:(


True, seem to be growing into a right bolshie b*tch:D:D:D Though this is just a wee practice run for battling it oot with the cooncil and Single Status:mad: Should be grateful really as we got fairly decent increases, we just feel they weren't decent enough:(