View Full Version : Dear MINI...

AndyP & Lenore
30th January 2008, 08:26 PM
Thank you for making the rear bulb assembly in the R56 so impossibly difficult to get to.:mad:

Got a nice wee warning on our display today saying the rear right reversing bulb was out. So, off to Hellfrauds, bought a new pack of two (anyone else noticed you can't buy them in ones?) and proceeded to install it.

Couldn't figure how to get the duff bulb out, so consulted the manual. Figured that out and removed the inside flap, then removed the bulb assembly for the reversing light. But could I get the new one back in - CIF!

At one point the bulb actually jumped out the wee black plastic holder. Really, it jumped. I didn't drop it. It jumped.:o And it fell into the cavity around the wheel arch. Had to drive home and get a screwdriver in to push it around and eventually grabbed it with two fingers. Then it took me 30 minutes of cussing, swearing, sweating, shouting and generally embarrassing myself to the neighbours at my temper, trying to get the frikking assembly back into the holder. But several cuts and bruises later, in it popped.;)

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid design.

Best regards, read: "Up yours"

Not Happy.:mad:

30th January 2008, 08:31 PM
Should have got it done under waranty ;)

30th January 2008, 08:32 PM
Lol and people still don't understand why garages charge so much for some jobs. :D

I myself am a panel beater, but we do all sorts (servicing, painting etc) and come across these sorts of problems all the time. :) Great fun innit? :D ;)

AndyP & Lenore
30th January 2008, 08:59 PM
Should have got it done under waranty ;)

I know it would have saved some blood sweat and tears, but our nearest dealer is 35 miles away. The bulb cost me £1.25 (2 for £2.50), so it would have cost a hell of a lot more to get it done "free" under warranty. Added to that they would no doubt have wanted the car for an hour to carry out the job.:rolleyes:

Although I'm not convinced they wouldn't try and say that was a wear and tear item = chargeable!:rolleyes:


Mini Ecosse
30th January 2008, 09:16 PM
You had nothing better to do anyway! :p :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

30th January 2008, 09:39 PM
R50 bulbs are a doddle to change. :p :D

I got a man to change my bulbs on my R56 as it did look a pig to get at.. :(

30th January 2008, 09:39 PM
just wait till you try to do a later spec convertible they are an absolute ***** to do:rolleyes: