View Full Version : Menzies

21st January 2008, 12:10 PM
Menzies are not showing as a Commercial Sponsor ? ? :confused:

21st January 2008, 12:23 PM
No idea why Craig :confused:

Big Gordy
21st January 2008, 12:44 PM
Maybe they've pulled the plug on sponsoring the site:eek:
Afterall the've not been receiving very good press from us have they:rolleyes:

21st January 2008, 01:24 PM
that's a shame.:rolleyes: ;) ;)

21st January 2008, 02:50 PM
not entirely surprising!

21st January 2008, 02:51 PM
Maybe they've pulled the plug on sponsoring the site:eek:
Afterall the've not been receiving very good press from us have they:rolleyes:

well if they tryed a bit harder some times then mabie they would get better press ;)

monsta mo mini admin
21st January 2008, 04:16 PM
Yep - Menzies have pulled the plug on site sponsorship. Been a change of personnel at the top and unfortunately they don't see the value of the association. Their loss.:mad:

21st January 2008, 04:20 PM
They got the purchase of my car from this site...so they definitely got business from the sponsorship.

Still, I see Motorpoint are finally selling mini's...so maybe we should be seeing if they want to sponsor us ;)

21st January 2008, 05:07 PM
well what about another dealer or tuning place ?? will there any more sponcers ?

Big Gordy
21st January 2008, 05:24 PM
They seemed to go downhill rapidly after Broony left:( Coincidence or what:eek:

21st January 2008, 05:36 PM
They got the purchase of my car from this site...so they definitely got business from the sponsorship.

...and mine :rolleyes:

AndyP & Lenore
21st January 2008, 05:47 PM
...and mine :rolleyes:

And our R56.:eek:

21st January 2008, 05:58 PM
If it hadn't been for Broony i never would have bought my Cooper from there

21st January 2008, 06:01 PM
If it hadn't been for Broony i never would have bought my Cooper from there

Same here! :rolleyes:;):D

Mini Me
21st January 2008, 06:35 PM
Yep - Menzies have pulled the plug on site sponsorship. Been a change of personnel at the top and unfortunately they don't see the value of the association. Their loss.:mad:

It's a shame... i joined the site years ago and organised the sponsorship.also in that time built up a huge customer base who became friends and all bought cars...... lots of cars:(
Unfortunately there is a staff member who has been aiming for this for months. He thinks the whole idea off the site and anyone involved in or arround it is very sad and pathetic wouldnt get involved and wanted menzies off from tthe day he started.(if i have been involved it must be a bad thing):confused:

It's a shame they fail to see the relationship that had been built , because it was commercialy clever as LOADS of you know.....
The only sad and pathetic thing here is there short sightedness...

NMS HQ........... no longer:eek: :eek:

Mini Me
21st January 2008, 06:38 PM
aw shucks......lol

21st January 2008, 06:42 PM
Unfortunately there is a staff member who has been aiming for this for months. He thinks the whole idea off the site and anyone involved in or arround it is very sad and pathetic wouldnt get involved and wanted menzies off from tthe day he started.(if i have been involved it must be a bad thing):confused:

Who are you talking about?

21st January 2008, 06:55 PM
Broony you were a top bloke excellent @ selling Minis;) Claire had great fun when buying my cars from you. Chris, Norman (and the other parts bloke that was on here for a short time:confused: ) very helpful guys.

tis such a shame there is so much I want to say on this thread but I can't won't.:mad: :mad: :( :( :(

Mini Me
21st January 2008, 06:56 PM
Who are you talking about?

Cant remember his name to be honest with you...:confused: :rolleyes:

21st January 2008, 07:15 PM
He thinks the whole idea off the site and anyone involved in or arround it is very sad and pathetic wouldnt get involved and wanted menzies off from tthe day he started.

Surely in the competitive world of car sales anything that distinguishes your company from the competition is a good thing? Publicise your company to the largest possible market?

It was Clare in Menzies who told me about NMS and I in turn tell anyone who will listen about NMS. I also tell them that when I bought my Mini that Menzies was worth making the trip from Prestwick to Stirling even though there is another dealer 20 minutes up the road from me in Irvine.

A Very Disappointing Decision From Menzies. :mad:


21st January 2008, 07:35 PM
If it hadn't been for Broony i never would have bought my Cooper from there

Me too :D well never mind, my next mini wasnt going to be coming from them anyway...

All they have done is "shoot themselves in the foot" as the saying goes.

The Dogfather
21st January 2008, 07:46 PM
Me too :D well never mind, my next mini wasnt going to be coming from them anyway...

All they have done is "shoot themselves in the foot" as the saying goes.

For the sake of a small amount of money they're willing to throw away a fair bit of potential repeat customers.

21st January 2008, 08:08 PM
I am personally really saddened at this news, we bought 3 cars from Menzies and we both agree that we will be shopping around now for our next Mini ( Broony you are to blame for my Mini fetish I should have never let you talk me into them, due to your commitment to the brand and all your knowledge it was a pleasure to deal with you). We went back to Menzies for our R56 because Clare was your prodigy and they were a sponsor. 3 MINI's Menzies wake up and smell the coffee, if we buy our next one from them they will have benefited with £70k worth of business from one couple, maybe not now.
I was only in at the weekend and they mentioned me and Les to a couple who were in looking at Mini's and said that that couple there are part of NMS the site we sponsor. Cheek.:(

AndyP & Lenore
21st January 2008, 08:21 PM
Well. Menzies. What can I say. Lenore and I were so disgusted with Menzies over the past few months we vowed never to return anyway. As a mod, I felt it fair to keep schtumm and only shared my feelings privately, but as they are no longer sponsors, I don't feel the same obligation.

We were both absolutely disgusted with the way they treated 2 members of this forum who were prior loyal customers of theirs. And we were appalled at the way they treated an employee when personal troubles hit and they rallied round and sacked him.

Call me old fashioned, but you don't treat customers with disrespect and expect them to return (albeit one of the customers was told not to "darken their doors" again), and you absolutely do not treat your staff with the contempt they treated Mini Me.

Notwithstanding the above, I think them dropping out as sponsors is not a good thing. At the end of the day, the site is only here because it is sponsored commercially by traders. MMM is not a charity. The MINI community has a large enough customer base to promote competitiveness in the market place and without a second dealer as sponsor, this is not a good deal for anyone. At the same time, Eastern don't appear to be interested in developing their sponsorship anyway, which is a shame, when you consider the monopoly they currently have.

When it's all said and done, the comments from a few that they have been getting a bad press and that they should have tried harder etc... To be fair to Chris Swan, he did (usually) reply to (most) pricing requests eventually. And any delays may not have been his fault.

All just in my opinion, which I should stress may not reflect the opinion of www.newminiscotland.co.uk or it's owner Calum.


Edit: Should also add that the biggest disappointment here is that the hard work Broony (MINI Me) put into developing Menzies' sponsorship has gone to waste. That is a big shame.:mad: :(

21st January 2008, 08:24 PM
Lets have a whip round if we dont get any sponsors:)

21st January 2008, 08:37 PM
hmmm sounds all too familiar that one..

21st January 2008, 09:28 PM
I would say that Menzies relationship with the site was more than just "sponsorship" they were involved deeply (mainly due to Broony) questions and answers a source for information and much more. To be as involved with the site as they were I think it very naive of them if they thought they would get no negative feed back it is difficult to keep all of your customers happy of all of time.

Paying to sponsor the site and have their name with a link to their Mini web page I would have thought to be still worthwhile no need to go the extra mile just simple sponsorship I would have thought.

21st January 2008, 11:01 PM
Well, I have had 3 cars from Menzies, and my sister is on her 3rd Car from Menzies....

countless recommendations to use Menzies and they just cut and run..:( :(

As others have said, VERY short sighted. Like Scottiecoop, there is more I could say, but fear that someone may read it (ie the person who has convinced their management to drop sponsorship) and the last time some things were said, they threatened legal action. :(

As a customer of theirs for nearly 5 years and spending a fortune with them, I think they have made the wrong decision. Just need to get another dealer involved... :cool:

The Dogfather
21st January 2008, 11:19 PM
Perhaps, a widening of Horizons for NMS is needed? Menzies may have pulled out due to the reduction in people on the site, maybe a UK wide agenda might increase membership and sponsorship.

Don't get me wrong I like the site the way it is but if there's a need for new sponsors....................

Mini Me
22nd January 2008, 01:15 AM
Edit: Should also add that the biggest disappointment here is that the hard work Broony (MINI Me) put into developing Menzies' sponsorship has gone to waste. :(

Thats the stupid bit. The cost is no issue. But the relationship with you all , i mean i dont know exactly how many nms members were good enough to give me your business, but its a bloody lot. And the parts !!!
I know it seems silly dropping the site,which it is , but because i worked so close with the site and had loads of visits from you all , someone didnt get it so it had to stop.. For a sales manager thats a bad business move. But hey , got me out and now the site. Happy days mate.
Man i so wish i could post what i want to..

Big Gordy
22nd January 2008, 09:29 AM
Just PM us with the all the dirt man;) :cool:

22nd January 2008, 10:13 AM
It's a real shame, as Menzies, and especially Mini Me, was a great team with NMS. I bought my car, and lots of bits, purely because of the link with NMS and the fact that so many people got excellent service there. The kind of service you really SHOULD get from a car dealer. The place in Glasgow I bought my first MINI from screwed me into the ground over some servicing and warranty issues, and I would NEVER go back to them. Menzies I always felt looked after me properly. Since my change of circumstances I even travelled all the way from Glasgow to Stirling to get my car serviced there, and buy tyres etc... Oh well... like you say, it's their loss. They'll see their sales figures drop on cars and parts.

Lets hope the dealer I now take my car to in Glasgow has the proper attitude... so difficult to find...
You don't wanna work in Glasgow, do you Mini Me, mate? :D ;)

22nd January 2008, 05:42 PM
Thats the stupid bit. The cost is no issue. But the relationship with you all , i mean i dont know exactly how many nms members were good enough to give me your business, but its a bloody lot. And the parts !!!
I know it seems silly dropping the site,which it is , but because i worked so close with the site and had loads of visits from you all , someone didnt get it so it had to stop.. For a sales manager thats a bad business move. But hey , got me out and now the site. Happy days mate.
Man i so wish i could post what i want to..

why not freedom of speach and so on ;) :D

22nd January 2008, 06:07 PM
well I've told a couple of my friends one who bought a cooper and another who bought a new Clubman Diesel not to to use my local dealer for the sale I am also quick to advise against them at all times to anyone who will listen.

The best bit is: if any one types my local dealers name into say Google they will get a link to this site and then they will see the likes of the post. I know after that I wouldn't buy from them.

All in all they have shot themselves in the foot.

The trouble is though they don't care for everyone of us there is another 20 owners out there that just buy the car and that is obviously their target market

Owners like us are seen as to much hassle, hassle they could do without.

You know for a great many people buying, owning and running a Mini is not like say buying a Ford if this dealer had looked after the owners on this site we would have looked after them.

22nd January 2008, 08:54 PM
So we won't be trying to get ours through Menzies then? :D

I presume the guy who thought it was all sad, was the guy who is in the showroom most times?

So it's Harry Fairbairnes or Douglas Park to get our business......or Eastern of we fancy a trek. :)