View Full Version : Knockhill Sun 30th March 2008

10th January 2008, 11:15 PM
First races of the season, so who fancies braving the cold and lets be honest wet weather at Knockhill to support Mark Dryden and all the other MINI racers?

Price for entrance is £12.00

I will be going up to see the Qualifying, so I will be leaving Stirling Services @ 08:30hrs to arrive at Knockhill about 09:00hrs. Parking in the normal place (lower paddock overlooking the hairpin).

If this is too early for any of you, then I'll see you at the circuit.;)

Names please...

1. Craig - Stirling Services
2. AndyP & Lenore
3. Big Gordy
4. Bonnie Scotland - The Boss in attendance.. Meeting at Knockhill
5. Low'n'loud
6. Ivano (mibee)
7. Crombers
8. Duncan Stewart
10. Bumble - Stirling Services
12. Neil (mibee)
14. James Beaumont
15. MarkyC - Stirling Services
17. Stephen & Allyson - Meeting at Knockhill
18. wee dove
19. ScottieDoop & Hop Along - Stirling Services
20. Chillin4alivin (Jason)
21. DRB5374
22. MiniSaltire - Racing

AndyP & Lenore
11th January 2008, 12:22 AM
First weekend of the School Easter hols for us, so will be busy. But put us down as mebbie's for now.

Will be my first chance to test out my new lens for proper.;)


Big Gordy
11th January 2008, 09:17 AM
Yeh stick Ross and me down for this Craig;) Ross may be working but we'll worry about that nearer the time ehh:rolleyes: :D

11th January 2008, 09:19 AM
Ooh, i'm home for this, the day before i go to Baku, so, put me down as a maybe just now :)

11th January 2008, 11:01 AM
Count me in for this one big man! :D:cool:

11th January 2008, 02:12 PM
Craig, put me down as a maybe as i should be ok for this

11th January 2008, 02:18 PM
& it's a yeah from me, if I'm not driving ;)

11th January 2008, 06:58 PM
All Updated on first post. Thanks folks. :D

Duncan Stewart
11th January 2008, 09:13 PM
Count me in please Craig :D

11th January 2008, 09:17 PM
Kim and I please!


11th January 2008, 09:31 PM
I'm in too!

11th January 2008, 09:54 PM
remember and buy some new waterproofs before March. ;)

11th January 2008, 10:03 PM
Jason down please, Les said its too cold for her:(

AndyP & Lenore
11th January 2008, 10:12 PM
remember and buy some new waterproofs before March. ;)

Why would we need them?


11th January 2008, 10:50 PM
Why would we need them?


cos it always rains at knockhill and it's still winter in March (this is really meant for William so he remembers a jacket this time...:cool: )

Neil and Lorna
11th January 2008, 11:08 PM

I'm in the same boat, up the same creek, with no propulsion as Andy if we canny get enough staff for this day.:eek:

So stick me down as a maybe for just now.



11th January 2008, 11:17 PM

I'm in the same boat, up the same creek, with no propulsion as Andy if we canny get enough staff for this day.:eek:

So stick me down as a maybe for just now.



No probs Neil - will do.

mind, if you've no propulsion, just stick your bruv in the water at the back of the boat, cos with the amount of wind he has, he can turn it into a jet boat. :eek: ;) :D :D :D :D :D

AndyP & Lenore
11th January 2008, 11:48 PM
No probs Neil - will do.

mind, if you've no propulsion, just stick your bruv in the water at the back of the boat, cos with the amount of wind he has, he can turn it into a jet boat. :eek: ;) :D :D :D :D :D

You've got the wrong bruv there mate, let me tell ya. There are only 3 things inevitable in life, death, taxes and neil's farts.

11th January 2008, 11:52 PM
You've got the wrong bruv there mate, let me tell ya. There are only 3 things inevitable in life, death, taxes and neil's farts.


but is that not 4 ?;)

12th January 2008, 12:02 AM
Sorry I can't make this - I'm coming home from Waterloo (the battlefield in Belgium - it's a long story) that day. Have a good one!

12th January 2008, 10:49 AM
Could some kind mod please sticky this.... (your a bit slow today... ;) )

AndyP & Lenore
12th January 2008, 10:53 AM
BS is slow every day.


12th January 2008, 10:55 AM
BS is slow every day.


apart from on one of his runs... :eek: ;) :D

Thanks for the sticky., :)

22nd January 2008, 03:37 PM
i'd like to come please and i've got a mate coming to.

22nd January 2008, 07:16 PM
i'd like to come please and i've got a mate coming to.

No problem Ross, that's you added. :D

23rd January 2008, 01:28 AM
Me too please:)

23rd January 2008, 08:09 PM
Me too please:)

Done..... :D

23rd January 2008, 09:18 PM
Marky boy as well Mr D (oh and none of your smart comments either thankyou :D :D :eek: ;) )

23rd January 2008, 09:20 PM
Marky boy as well Mr D (oh and none of your smart comments either thankyou :D :D :eek: ;) )

Who Me ? :confused: :confused:

glad you got your modem fixed on your computer.. :D

thats you added. :cool:

7th February 2008, 01:01 AM
Put me down for this Please.

Im hoping I can come...so maybe just put me as a mibbee

Thanks! :)

Mini Ecosse
7th February 2008, 12:02 PM
Put us down for this please

Stephen & Allyson

7th February 2008, 10:39 PM
Put us down for this please

Stephen & Allyson

that's you added - oh and Ryan also. :)

wee dove
13th February 2008, 10:30 PM
you can put my name down for this.i havent been up2 knockhill 4 a while.r we all meetin up for this.

13th February 2008, 10:32 PM
yeah wee dove, we will prob sort out something nearer the time for a convoy up to Knockhill from various places.

added you to the list. :D

12th March 2008, 07:46 PM
Are we getting some lunchtime Track Laps like we did last season?

12th March 2008, 08:38 PM
Don't think so at the moment Ivan, maybe later in the year... ;)

12th March 2008, 09:20 PM
How did I miss this.

Can I come please.:D

12th March 2008, 10:15 PM
How did I miss this.

Can I come please.:D

That's you added. ;)

Big Gordy
13th March 2008, 09:21 AM
It will just be me now Craig:(

13th March 2008, 05:40 PM
It will just be me now Craig:(

Ok Gordy - Updated list. ;)

15th March 2008, 06:36 PM
Hi everyone, count me in for Knockhill...sounds magic....:cool:

15th March 2008, 06:39 PM
Hi everyone, count me in for Knockhill...sounds magic....:cool:

Cool. that's you added, ;)

15th March 2008, 06:54 PM

15th March 2008, 07:14 PM
Jason, you need to host your piccies on a site like photobucket and then link your post to that.
You can't host the piccies on your own computer

16th March 2008, 08:00 PM
ok thanks....will get them on soon!

16th March 2008, 08:02 PM
Might pop over for a shifty. :cool:

17th March 2008, 08:52 AM
well i am out the night before so i wont make this one as i will be in no fit state to drive that is for shure

mini saltire
20th March 2008, 11:52 AM
Well Craig, I suppose you had better put me down for this!!:p :D

Mini Ecosse
20th March 2008, 01:38 PM
Good luck on your 1st event at Knockhill this year.
Cutting short my holiday for this meeting.
No pressure then eh:eek: :D :D


mini saltire
20th March 2008, 02:25 PM
Good luck on your 1st event at Knockhill this year.
Cutting short my holiday for this meeting.
No pressure then eh:eek: :D :D


Its not like I'm gonna get any sleep between now and then anyway!!:D :D
Trust me Stephen whatever position I come in, I'll be doing my best pal!

20th March 2008, 06:43 PM
Did you manage to get another gearbox then Mark ?

mini saltire
20th March 2008, 10:43 PM
Did you manage to get another gearbox then Mark ?

No, looks like I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the first meeting. I have sourced a new style box (06 plate car) with most of the gubbins to do the transplant. You need shafts, cables, clutch, master cylinder etc.... ££££s. Got it on EBay though so not showroom prices thank god!! New boxes are supposed to be stronger with slightly better ratios so I should go quicker;) :D :D . Won t be here in time for next weekend though:( . Thanks for everyones help in the Wanted section though.:cool:

21st March 2008, 12:09 AM
No, looks like I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the first meeting. I have sourced a new style box (06 plate car) with most of the gubbins to do the transplant. You need shafts, cables, clutch, master cylinder etc.... ££££s. Got it on EBay though so not showroom prices thank god!! New boxes are supposed to be stronger with slightly better ratios so I should go quicker;) :D :D . Won t be here in time for next weekend though:( . Thanks for everyones help in the Wanted section though.:cool:

Ah OK, fingers crossed then that it stays in one piece.. :o

at least it means that you will have a known good box for the rest of the season.. :)

22nd March 2008, 06:12 PM
I didnt realise there was so much interest in the racing. I assume we have Mark to thank for making everyone aware of it and encouraging you all to come along?
Do we have a big enough market to start selling t-shirts and things yet :p

Ill be racing #20, hope to see lots of you trackside on the 30th!

22nd March 2008, 06:16 PM
yeah, think what happened is some of us used to go along on our own, and then realised that quite a few of us were already there... :)

So we now try to go as much as we can, if the dates don't clash with any of the runs organised.
:D :D

All the best for the season Andrew, will pop by and see you next weekend. :cool:

are the dates out for the year yet? was thinking about going down to croft to see the MINI's racing. :)

22nd March 2008, 06:25 PM
wow that was some quick replying!

Croft is May 17th and 18th, you can find the whole calendar here http://www.smrc-uk.com/season/calendar.jpg

22nd March 2008, 06:30 PM
Just been checking it out, it's about 180 miles from me. Mrs D has approved it as a long day out, so looks like we will be going down and back in one day. :eek: ;) :D

Will start another thread for it.. ;)

22nd March 2008, 06:34 PM
Its quite a trek for me aswell 300miles as im up north so go down on the friday and stay there all weekend. I think we have one race on the saturday and one race on the sunday so you will have to pick which one to come watch!

22nd March 2008, 11:08 PM
What time have we to be at Knockhill for folks???:confused:

23rd March 2008, 11:32 AM
What time have we to be at Knockhill for folks???:confused:

I will be going up to see the Qualifying, so I will be leaving Stirling Services @ 08:30hrs to arrive at Knockhill about 09:00hrs. Parking in the normal place (lower paddock overlooking the hairpin).

If this is too early for any of you, then I'll see you at the circuit :D

23rd March 2008, 02:29 PM
Not sure if I can make this one, might be working.

23rd March 2008, 02:35 PM
Not sure if I can make this one, might be working.

Ok Colin, no worries. ;)

Mini Ecosse
23rd March 2008, 09:34 PM
I will be going up to see the Qualifying, so I will be leaving Stirling Services @ 08:30hrs to arrive at Knockhill about 09:00hrs. Parking in the normal place (lower paddock overlooking the hairpin).

If this is too early for any of you, then I'll see you at the circuit :D

See you at circuit.
No comments on state of mini:p it will be dirty as we will be calling in on our way home from englandshire:)

Stephen & Allyson

23rd March 2008, 10:58 PM
See you at circuit.
No comments on state of mini:p it will be dirty as we will be calling in on our way home from englandshire:)

Stephen & Allyson

Cool, see you there.. ;)

26th March 2008, 09:39 PM
whats the weather to be like this weekend???

Looking forward as always to this

should be good

Big Gordy
26th March 2008, 09:46 PM
Just got an email in from Knockhill advertising the start of the racing on Sunday and who's ugly mug is on it................Mark Dryden:eek: Almost put me off going:p;):D

26th March 2008, 09:51 PM
whats the weather to be like this weekend???

Looking forward as always to this

should be good

approx 4 degrees, 30 to 40 mph winds and rain. :eek: :rolleyes: :D

26th March 2008, 09:52 PM
approx 4 degrees, 30 to 40 mph winds and rain. :eek: :rolleyes: :D

honestly. Well I'll be taking my waterproofs then.:mad: oh and my hat and my gloves maybe even my pink wellies.;)

26th March 2008, 11:46 PM
That sounds almost "tropical" for Knockhill :p

eddie 44
27th March 2008, 11:21 AM
i might pop along to sunny knockhill... will see what the weathers like when i stick ma heed out the windee.... ;)

27th March 2008, 05:47 PM
i might pop along to sunny knockhill... will see what the weathers like when i stick ma heed out the windee.... ;)

Cool Eddie, be good to see you again. :)

AndyP & Lenore
27th March 2008, 09:29 PM

Rossp isn't able to make it anymore on Sunday:( , thought I should let you know as he doesn't come on here very often.



27th March 2008, 09:30 PM

Rossp isn't able to make it anymore on Sunday:( , thought I should let you know as he doesn't come on here very often.



Ok thanks. :)

eddie 44
27th March 2008, 11:15 PM
cheers craig...it will be good to see a few auld faces too... ;) Might be in a Mini :D , then it could be the honda... will depend on the dvla.. :mad:

27th March 2008, 11:30 PM
cheers craig...it will be good to see a few auld faces too... ;) Might be in a Mini :D , then it could be the honda... will depend on the dvla.. :mad:

Fingers crossed for you. :cool:

27th March 2008, 11:39 PM
clocks go forward this weekend;)

27th March 2008, 11:41 PM
clocks go forward this weekend;)

aye, so don't be late... :p :D

28th March 2008, 12:07 AM
Is there a meet up point for this, like outside the circuit, where is everyone parking ?

28th March 2008, 12:11 AM
Is there a meet up point for this, like outside the circuit, where is everyone parking ?

outside the circuit is not that easy, as some people may just drive in the other entrance.

I suggest just parking where we have previously. Drive in the main gate and drive straight forward past the cafe on your right (the main paddock and circuit office is on your left) then turn right after the cafe and drive into the car park which overlooks the hairpin (gravel car park, not the tarmac one as that is part of the other paddock) ;)

We have been allowed to park here before.:)

Mini Saltire - will we need permission for this? or will it be OK, bearing in mind the time of year?

Duncan Stewart
28th March 2008, 08:12 PM
Not going to make it this time :(
Have a good day and best of luck to Mark :D

28th March 2008, 09:05 PM
cheers craig...it will be good to see a few auld faces too... ;) Might be in a Mini :D , then it could be the honda... will depend on the dvla.. :mad:

finger crossed you can bring the Cooper look forward to seeing it. Afterall it's all your fault that I bought my Dooper.;) :D

28th March 2008, 10:43 PM
Forgot all about this. Cant make it now as builders are in the garden.


28th March 2008, 10:54 PM
Forgot all about this. Cant make it now as builders are in the garden.


Sorry to hear that - last minute change ?

29th March 2008, 10:57 AM
OK folks quick update.

Thanks to Mark (mini-saltire) we have been allowed to park inside the circuit where we have previously by the hairpin. When you get to the main gate, just say that Stuart Gray as cleared it for you to park by the hairpin in the lower paddock with the MINI club. Any probs, give me a call (most of you have my number) :)

Also Mark has arranged the lunchtime parade laps of the circuit so for anyone that has never been on the track, you can get to see what it is like from the racers perspective.. :cool: :cool: Also get to show your car off to all the spectators.. :)

See you all tomorrow morning.

Who else is meeting at Stirling Services ?

Big Gordy (joining at Kincardine Bridge)

29th March 2008, 12:51 PM
I'll be at Stirling Svs !

29th March 2008, 12:56 PM
I'm aiming to be at the circuit for 11am with Me Julie, Wee, well erm, Big Jase and ma little big sister :eek: watch her, she's tiny, but she bites :D plus, it's her birthday, aw :)

29th March 2008, 01:20 PM
I'll be at Stirling Svs !

I'm aiming to be at the circuit for 11am with Me Julie, Wee, well erm, Big Jase and ma little big sister :eek: watch her, she's tiny, but she bites :D plus, it's her birthday, aw :)

Thanks for letting me know... Jings the full Mercer clan.. :eek: ;)

29th March 2008, 10:08 PM
OK folks quick update.

Thanks to Mark (mini-saltire) we have been allowed to park inside the circuit where we have previously by the hairpin. When you get to the main gate, just say that Stuart Gray as cleared it for you to park by the hairpin in the lower paddock with the MINI club. Any probs, give me a call (most of you have my number) :)

Also Mark has arranged the lunchtime parade laps of the circuit so for anyone that has never been on the track, you can get to see what it is like from the racers perspective.. :cool: :cool: Also get to show your car off to all the spectators.. :)

See you all tomorrow morning.

Who else is meeting at Stirling Services ?

Big Gordy (joining at Kincardine Bridge)

us for stirling.

29th March 2008, 11:06 PM
us for stirling.

thanks fi :D

29th March 2008, 11:17 PM
weather for tomorrow looks like dry all day and about 8 or 9 Degrees. :)

Hope it's right, but it will prob rain at Knockhill anyway. :rolleyes: :D

29th March 2008, 11:19 PM
Darnit forgot I put my name in for this.

My manager at work is being a 'so and so' to say the least...long story, but a while back I thought I would of been off to make this. Sorry for the short notice!


29th March 2008, 11:28 PM
Darnit forgot I put my name in for this.

My manager at work is being a 'so and so' to say the least...long story, but a while back I thought I would of been off to make this. Sorry for the short notice!


No probs Ryan, thanks for letting me know..:)

Managers eh... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

30th March 2008, 12:18 AM
Can't make it got other plans, yall have a good time looks like the weather's gonna be OK. :) See you at the Oxford run.:cool:

30th March 2008, 12:29 PM
Sorry that i never made this.. I have ended up having to help my Dad clear out his Garage.

eddie 44
30th March 2008, 10:24 PM
finger crossed you can bring the Cooper look forward to seeing it. Afterall it's all your fault that I bought my Dooper.;) :D did,nae make it..my sister was only born on the 30th march 1968..:p thats sisters for you... hope you all had a good day. The mini,s ready.. but dvla are not..

AndyP & Lenore
30th March 2008, 11:59 PM
Fantastic day today. Knockhill's unique weather system didn't disappoint, as usual. Makes mental note to bring thermals next time.

Many thanks to Mum and Dad for the soup, buttered roll and warm company for most of the day. Had a blast.

Mark, the first race was indeed a bit of a nightmare for you, but at least no-one was hurt, surely the most important thing. Second race was excellent, well done. From what I recall, you didn't really lose any places on the third race, but I may be wrong.

AndrewW - good racing from you all day today. You seemed to be very consistent, to my very untrained eye.

Overall, we had a blast. Don't think we can make the next meet, but will be back as soon as we can.

Loads of pics on my wee web site here (http://www.reachercreatures.com/knockhill_march08/knockhill_march08_page1.htm).


31st March 2008, 12:06 AM
Cracking pics Andy!!!;)


AndyP & Lenore
31st March 2008, 12:13 AM
Cracking pics Andy!!!;)


Cheers Mark, loving this new lens. What a difference.

Starting a new thread in OTaB.


Neil and Lorna
1st April 2008, 01:04 PM
Here's some pics I took on Sunday.

Taken before the first race. All nice and shiny. Was it going to last. Eh No.


Hopefully for the rest of the season the view the other drivers will have.

Emergency repairs in progress after Mark reversed parked into the tyre wall.

Bumper to bumper racing. Sometimes a bit to close for comfort.

The Legends taking evasive action when one of them spins.How they all missed him I don't know.

A fire breathing 600+BHP Ford Focus.

Hope you enjoyed.


Big Gordy
1st April 2008, 01:10 PM
What about the noise from the Marcos:eek: :eek: mmmmmm delicious:D His charge through the pack after he spun out to last place at the hairpin was awsome:cool: You have to love the 2 guys in the westfields who manage to stay with the Focus Cossies even though they get blitzed on the straights:eek: :D