View Full Version : A Catalogue of Disasters

10th January 2008, 11:14 PM
late afternoon was down on the Inverkeillor to Lunan Road and stopped to catch some photos of the sunset from the castle. Parked specy in one of the two 'parking' spaces took the photos and made to get off home. Front drivers wheel deeply embedded in thick mud, the harder I tried to get it out the deeper it sank, up to the sills, opposite end wheel in mid-air, a thick wave of oozing gunge thrown all over the car. Sh*t (literally)! Deserted road, darkness descending what to do? Quick thinking remembered breakdown cover included in ins policy so gave them a phone. No probs at all have someone with you in an hour max however will cost you £90 (Free?). Mumped my gums but got me over a barrel so reluctantly gave him some details for bank card. Was told if car not mechanically damaged then they'd phone back for my security code to process claim but if it was got it for free. Garage from Montrose phones within minutes, no probs but winching the car would cost £60. £150 to get a wee mini pulled out of a wee bittie mud, dinna think so! Thanked the chap very much but told him that I'd not use them since I'd rather hoof along the road to the nearest farm to see if anyone could pull me out. Green Flag then phones me back, obviously having been told by local garage I'd turned down their services, and asks for the security code for my card. Told him to get lost. I dont care who the hell they are I'm not paying anyone £90 for the few seconds it took him to pinpoint my location (my phone) and an equally brief call to the Montrose garage. No soddin' chance! Their still sending me a bill but told him it would be sent right back.
A couple of minutes later as I'm getting prepared to hoof it along the road, a local woman stops, and within twenty minutes a local farmer has his shiny tractor alongside me.

Oh! If only the story ended there!

The farmer decides its best to pull specy out from the rear so he does but I cant see his tail lights, out with window frame and specy and mirrors covered in a layer of mud, thick sticky mud. He does the biz but moving so slowly difficult to sense motion. I did eventually as the tractor's gleaming back loaders came crashing through the window:eek::eek::o We stood in an eerie silence till i started to laugh. You see when I'd been trying to negotiate with Green Flag mannie i told him my back wiper was playing up - very true - so that could be classed as a mechanical failure. Well now it was well and truly b******d:D:D:D

While some may see the morale of this story as I shouldn't have been such a tight a*se in the beginning I just think that for an extra £70 specy will have a sparkly new window, the rear wiper replaced/fixed, a new boot lid and gleaming paintwork. Quite a bargain really!

The family suspect i'm coming down with something since I haven't weeped, wailed or torn my hair out.

Its the kind of thing you just couldnt make up. :D:D:D

10th January 2008, 11:19 PM
Bummer Sheilz, but as you say, you'll get your problems sorted for a few quid...;)

It's amazing that free breakdown cover doesn't always end up being free eh? especially when it comes bundled with an insurance policy. another way for them to fleece us...:(

AndyP & Lenore
11th January 2008, 12:24 AM
Shielz, when the bill arrives file it the same place as your "parking" fine from your employer. I find a cross-shredder works best.;)

Most importantly, how did your photies come out. Do share.;)


11th January 2008, 01:13 AM
I actually just passed you just about Marywell going the other way before your "event" And your MINI was looking shiny too!:o

11th January 2008, 01:22 AM
What a disaster!!!!!

11th January 2008, 09:04 AM
Oh, that's just a nightmare! I can just feel that moment when the loaders came in and the silence. Ouch!

11th January 2008, 09:09 AM
Aw Sheilz, how long was the tow rope or whatever he used :eek:
I'd have done the same as you, told Green Flag where to go :mad:

I'm guessing that you're claiming on your insurance and that the £70 extra is you're excess????
In any case, I hope Specy's fixed in quick time :)

11th January 2008, 11:18 AM
I'm really quite worried because I'm still chuckling about it.
At this rate though will need to think about buying an industrial purpose shredder;)
Car going into JMs in Aberdeen though not sure when the estimator will be able to look at it. I have been reasssured that it will be proper parts and the correct paint etc etc. The courtesy car will be some basic model but that will just make me appreciate specy all the more once he's mended.

The £70 is my excess. Once the car's repaired will moan to Direct Line about Green Flag. Thieving gits:mad:

Tow rope was very short!

Duncan Stewart
11th January 2008, 08:48 PM
Sorry to hear about the damage Shielz, hope its fixed soon for you.
My Dad had the same problem on Wednesday when he managed to get stuck in mud while walkling his dogs at St Andrews beach - Green flag would not recover him without charge. I picked him up and later that day he got it out himself.

12th January 2008, 12:55 AM
Sorry to hear about the damage Shielz, hope its fixed soon for you.
My Dad had the same problem on Wednesday when he managed to get stuck in mud while walkling his dogs at St Andrews beach - Green flag would not recover him without charge. I picked him up and later that day he got it out himself.

Darned cheek. Am going to check out the AA and RAC because when I looked at the small print in my policy I paid £90 for the cover. Think I might get a better deal elsewhere.

Got a spanking new Astra sri 1800 for my courtesy car. 9 miles on the clock. Nice friendly chap told me to run it in. Cant think of anyone better for the job;) :D:DTook it for a wee run this afternoon just to get it into three figures. Nice car to drive once I got the feel of it though seats could be a bit more comfie. Last courtesy car I had was feesty sport and never felt quite so confident chucking it round corners as i do this one. Astra has a sport button. What can I expect of it other than a rapid emptying of the fuel tank?