View Full Version : Norovirus

8th January 2008, 09:39 PM
Any one had it then.?

I woke up New Years day felt fine (well I had the cold):(

anyway ate some lunch at Mum's couple minutes later was sick as a dog was ill for 3 days it was awful.

Not really felt back to normal until today ( well as normal as can be):rolleyes:

8th January 2008, 09:40 PM
Me and my mum have been really quite unwell this past week though, just one of those things i suppose

AndyP & Lenore
8th January 2008, 09:44 PM
None of us so far, thankfully. But Lenore's mum is an auxilary nurse in a hospital in Kelso and she is terrified. She sees the results of this nasty bug first hand, and often has to clean up the mess. (That's as detailed as I want to get).

We had a customer in a couple of nights ago who was violently sick in one of our toilets. She passed out and we called an ambulance. Turned out not to be norovirus, but we shut those toilets and deep sanitised every square inch of the toilets the next day anyway.

Nasty little bug.


8th January 2008, 09:47 PM
None of us so far, thankfully. But Lenore's mum is an auxilary nurse in a hospital in Kelso and she is terrified. She sees the results of this nasty bug first hand, and often has to clean up the mess. (That's as detailed as I want to get).A.:mad:

There ye go talking ****e again!;)

(See what I did there?:D )


AndyP & Lenore
8th January 2008, 09:48 PM
There ye go talking ****e again!;)

(See what I did there?:D )


Get your coat.:D


8th January 2008, 09:48 PM
Oh:( ...OK then....:(


8th January 2008, 11:19 PM
Ah, poor Andy is getting a lot of abuse of late!

Missus had it on New Years Eve, so that was my night ruined (hers as well to be fair!). Ended up staying in and watched tele while she was not in a good way. Actually, that's a bit of a lie, watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time - Depp is brilliant in it!

The Dogfather
8th January 2008, 11:46 PM
Abuse, he's a mod. Isn't it par for the course ;)

You took your time to see that, the rest are OK but Depp is brilliant in all of them.......

AndyP & Lenore
9th January 2008, 12:45 AM
Ah, poor Andy is getting a lot of abuse of late!

Missus had it on New Years Eve, so that was my night ruined (hers as well to be fair!). Ended up staying in and watched tele while she was not in a good way. Actually, that's a bit of a lie, watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time - Depp is brilliant in it!

Ach, I'm thick skinned Euan. I can take it.;)

Now I'm sitting back waiting for all and sundry to say it not my skin that's thick. C'mon.... someone....:rolleyes:


9th January 2008, 03:05 AM
This is the first I've heard of it. When I first saw the thread I thought it was something to do with computer software :o Sound pretty awful and glad to hear you're feeling better Fiona. Aberdeen has its nasties going around too (bugs as well as people). I never get unwell until I'm due to go on hols and then the little b****rs lie in wait behind the suntan lotion. :rolleyes::D

9th January 2008, 08:19 AM
we have maged 2 miss it so far but my mom dad and sister have all had it i hered on the raido that it is taking down 100 000 a week at the moment

9th January 2008, 09:45 AM
Abuse, he's a mod. Isn't it par for the course ;)

You took your time to see that, the rest are OK but Depp is brilliant in all of them.......

I know! We watched all three in the course of a week, the second one was good but a little flat at the end. Enjoyed the last one too but for me the first one was the best!

We were full on retro films this Christmas - my brother had found Condorman somewhere. I loved that film as a kid (of course, it's now the ultimate cheese fest!) along with the Airwolf box-set. And as Katy was full of this virus and unable to get out of bed, I was a happy man!

9th January 2008, 10:52 AM
- my brother had found Condorman somewhere. I loved that film as a kid (of course, it's now the ultimate cheese fest!) along with the Airwolf box-set. And as Katy was full of this virus and unable to get out of bed, I was a happy man!

Awesome!! Not seen that film for YEARS!! :cool::cool:
We've been having a bit of a Red Dwarf-a-thon thanks to 'Dave' ;):D:D

THankfully we've missed the virus so far, but we did both manage to have a lovely snottery cold for pretty much all the holidays :(