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4th January 2008, 01:41 AM
Today being the first day back at work I began my personal protest with my employer by no longer using my car for their business. Quite an eye opener for me. Instead of using up a quarter(ish) tank of petrol and being compensated with a miserable £6-8 in travel expenses, I went to the places I had to go to by taxi, costing my employer £34 for the fare. I really enjoyed the novelty of being able to sit back, not having to worry about the traffic and being able to have a good gawp at all the Christmas lights in people's windows.

I'm making my protest after the LA parking office refused to overturn a parking ticket issued in Jan 07 despite me being parked in a designated carpark though my, at the time current, parking permit was not displayed. While common sense would have suggested a quick look at a database would have told them I had a permit they chose to ignore my request. Many months later, having totally forgotten about it I came home from work to find Sheriff Officers had been to my door with a demand for £90 without as much as the courtesy of an envelope. Not content with that they returned two days later, this time splashing out on an envelope, with a new demand, this time for £140 as they'd forgotten to put on the charges.

F***n great! I'm running my wee car into the ground on their soddin behalf and some pompous twat in the parking office insists I pay a ticket I should never have been given in the first place. I am interested to know how many people who got tickets that day have been pursued so ruthlessly though I strongly suspect its only because the a*ssholes know where to get their thieving hands on my wages :mad::mad::mad::mad: I even approached the big boss but the wee nyaff in the yellow coat is omnipotent.

While this miserable individual thinks he's the bizz I in fact will be having the last laugh since I will not be paying out one penny of my own money on their behalf and will no longer be able to do as much as I did now that I intend travelling by the grossly inefficient public transport system this city offers. And I say it darned well serves them right the miserable b****ds:mad:

LOL you can tell I'm just fair seething about it.

4th January 2008, 01:47 AM
Hey, good for you making a stand, although, I'm sure you'll have checked with your union that the stand you're making can't be seen as un-official industrial action.:)

4th January 2008, 01:56 AM
I know what you mean though as I'm a classed as a casual user I'm under no obligation to use my car. This one sticks in my craw! Like every other colleague I run at a loss on their behalf but there are also some workers who don't have driving licenses or cars. If push comes to shove I'll just tell them I've developed a carbon print-conscience!

4th January 2008, 05:34 AM
Nice one for sticking to your rights.
No one should be out of pocket for running their car at their companies expense.
I'm thinking that in a very short period of time your taxi fares etc will mount up significantly.
How do you pay for these fares?? do you pay out then claim back, or, does your company pay out from petty cash.

It's be interesting to see the taxi fare to down south :rolleyes:

As for the permit being displayed when you received your ticket, hmm, does the permit say it must be displayed etc.
Not trying to knock ya Sheilz, just trying to understand the legality.
Common sense never prevails in these types of incidences, but, good on ya for taking your stance and good luck :)

4th January 2008, 08:22 AM
Sheilz have you been on to this site may help with your parking ticket problem


I know of three folks using this site have been able to get out of speeding fines some very good advice on the site

4th January 2008, 09:23 AM
thats a good site!

4th January 2008, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the link.

I think we have nine or ten days grace to have new permits displayed. I was out of that time. Would've been happy to put my hands up and say oops, sorry kind of thing, but really seriously annoyed because many, many tickets under similar circumstances have been waved aside and doubly further annoyed at the tactics used. I mean sherifff officers for one ticket when there are individuals out there with hundreds of the damned things! Its blatant discrimination and done simply because they can get their hands on my wages. But you know I was entitled to be there, that's the stupid thing about it!

4th January 2008, 11:51 AM
I'm thinking that in a very short period of time your taxi fares etc will mount up significantly.
How do you pay for these fares?? do you pay out then claim back, or, does your company pay out from petty cash.

It's be interesting to see the taxi fare to down south :rolleyes:

You're thinking right! parking permit cost departmental budget £140 per month. So already, just day one at work its cost them £52 for a monthly bus pass - for journeys in town that are fairly straightforward, and £30+ for one taxi. I've got a weekly journey to do to Portlethen so depending on trains and the distance from station to school that will either be a train fare or a taxi which I know would cost over £40. As far as out of town journeys, it will be train ticket once a month to Perth and Stirling. Not sure what that costs and I will do these trips over two days instead of in one so there's also the cost in my time. Also got to go to Tillycoultry so that would mean taxis from Stirling and since I amn't prepared to be away from home till late in the evening I guess I will have to do that visit on another day too. Oh dear! This is going to be expensive. Am going to have to do a couple of trips to Wales too so that should be great fun organising! Cant even begin to list the running around trips that half the time we dont even claim for.
But! I'm really happy since specy's new tyres are going to last so much longer :D

Oops, the costs come directly from their budget so no outlay at all from me.

4th January 2008, 12:02 PM
Oops, the costs come directly from their budget so no outlay at all from me.
Ok, but, when you jump in the taxi or onto a bus or train, how do you pay the fare?

4th January 2008, 12:15 PM
Ok, but, when you jump in the taxi or onto a bus or train, how do you pay the fare?

I get the admin team to order it in advance and charged to the account or whatever it is they do. That goes for taxis while train tickets are ordered through another dept but can be got be booked in minutes. There is the paperwork of course which again is another cost in terms of doing what it is I'm really supposed to be doing.

4th January 2008, 12:22 PM
Nice one, don't buckle and enjoy the cost benefits by buying some wee mods for the Speccy mobile ;)

4th January 2008, 12:58 PM
I know what you mean though as I'm a classed as a casual user I'm under no obligation to use my car. This one sticks in my craw! Like every other colleague I run at a loss on their behalf but there are also some workers who don't have driving licenses or cars. If push comes to shove I'll just tell them I've developed a carbon print-conscience!

Yeay, good stuff. Up the workers!

4th January 2008, 04:46 PM
The parking folk dont give a damn, and the heavy handed approach over this by visiting your door, looks to me like you are an easy case to chase up so they will tick the box with your name on it and the trouble makers will be over looked as they can meet their targets by sorting you out.

Fight em....GGGrrrrrr! go Sheila!

4th January 2008, 09:32 PM
The parking folk dont give a damn, and the heavy handed approach over this by visiting your door, looks to me like you are an easy case to chase up so they will tick the box with your name on it and the trouble makers will be over looked as they can meet their targets by sorting you out.

Fight em....GGGrrrrrr! go Sheila!

I'm ready, teeth bared, ggrrr!:D:D:D