View Full Version : The Year 2007: Comments Please

21st December 2007, 01:44 PM
t’s that time of year again…the end of it.

I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, this year has been the quickest of my life. This may be indicative of several things changing jobs moving house etc etc , but the months have clicked off like weeks and I’m now staring down the barrel of 2008. It does appear to have been a quieter year for the forum though.

Anyway, before I carry on, I hope that you all have a great Christmas and that 2008 will be everything that you want from it. Thanks again to all of you NMS members for putting up some great threads ; sterling fellows that you are!

Down to brass tacks. How was your 2007?

Favourite thread: For whatever reason, what was the best for you?
Favourite member: Helpful? Funny? Moronic? They come in all shapes and sizes, so who’s your favourite(s) and for what reason.
Favourite Meet.

Best car moment of 2007: Was it your car, someone elses or something new to hit the streets? Whatever you’ve done, tell us about it.
Personal highpoint
Personal lowpoint
What you’re most looking forward to for 2008?

Favourite thread:

Any threads on tints:rolleyes:

Favourite member:

Not got one TBH although a special mention to MMM for all his hard work on the site.

Favourite Meet:

Oxford Run April this year was my last run I think.

Best car moment:

Towing the caravan up some steep hills in Ireland.

Personal highpoint

Being made redundant in the early half of the year

Allan received a phone call from the hospital today. He was offered a cancellation appointment for the 4th January to get his torn Meniscus Knee Ligament fixed. We both can't wait roll on the physio

Personal lowpoint:

Going back to work

What you’re most looking forward to for 2008?

Not working

21st December 2007, 02:43 PM
Favourite thread:

Like them all on here but the recent thread from AndyP about polishing and waxing I enjoyed as its a favourite topic of mine.

Favourite member:

Sarah Munro ;) ;) ;)

Favourite Meet:

Oxford Run, the convoy to the factory, getting merry in the bar and having a good laugh.

Best car moment:

Charging up an extremely steep hill in 1st gear on the June Jolly

Personal highpoint

Getting a new job.
Finding the classic mini of my dreams. My 2001 Tahiti Blue/silver Sportspack

Personal lowpoint:

Taking the wrong turning whilst leading the June Jolly run

21st December 2007, 08:24 PM
Favourite thread:

dont know lots of them

Favourite member:

dont know all of them as we can all have good fun

Favourite Meet:

picnic run for the fact that we had brill roads and a good day and mom's (weefossy's) sticky toffie pud just 2 dye for :D :D

Best car moment:

has to be start of the year putting my gtt manifold and de cat pipe and here it pop and crack away

Personal highpoint

me and christine seting a date and place 2 get married and also me and my dad did a record month since my dad started about 15 years ago

Personal lowpoint:

dont know not realy had one that i can think of just yet

22nd December 2007, 12:10 AM
Favourite thread:

Lol has to be window tints!!:rolleyes: ;)

Favourite member: n/a

Favourite Meet: Stoney's picnic run...great fast run..n good company

Best car moment: Knocking down a cyclist this week!:eek: :confused:

Personal highpoint : earning more money this year:D

Personal lowpoint: the cyclist left a big scratch on car.....i will sue!!!:D :D :D ;)

22nd December 2007, 12:17 AM
Favourite thread: Anything on tints, the "miniclan" conspiracy close 2nd.
Favourite member: Umm, i have to pick? no one
Favourite Meet: All equally as good, stoneys run takes top spot though
Best car moment: Everytime i get in it and not crashing it?
Personal highpoint : Ordering new car, getting rid of psycho ex
Personal lowpoint: This week... ID theft and bank card fraud... £3k out of pocket so far, total of £5k attempted transactions, has my address, emails, phone numbers, date of birth, sensitive passwords (obviously now changed)... Police not interested in doing a thing (due to new legislation brought out in past 2 years i gather; even though i have names, address, emails, landline phone number, proof of signature of receipt etc), bank not caring about prosecuting... Bank account currently under scruitiny and every transaction being halted pending investigation (direct debits are ok mind you) The joys.
Looking Forward to: Collecting the car and hopefully not having any grief relating to the above, unlikely to happen i think

22nd December 2007, 01:01 PM
Favourite thread: has to be tints thread :D closely followed by the fog lights one.

Favourite member: Jude

Favourite Meet: Oxford last year was awesome, also made it a weekend and came back via Buttertubs Pass which was superb. :cool:

Best car moment: Leading a convoy of NMS round Knockhill and getting a bit of speed up. Hopefully we can go faster next year..!

Personal highpoint : Taking delivery of my second hand MINI (R50) at the beginning of December

Personal lowpoint: being told 2 weeks ago that the new authority we are being transferred to on 1st Apr do not know what our salary/conditions will be, how long we are going to be protected by TUPE, who our new boss will be, will we have to transfer to Glasgow/Edinburgh and generally creating a huge amount of apprehension. (especially when a few of the senior cops/staff in Scotland have resigned over this authority and they have a HUGE turnover of staff) :( :( :(

AndyP & Lenore
22nd December 2007, 06:01 PM
Just want to echo Mrs Scottiecoop's commets; wishing everyone the best for the festive season.

Favourite thread:

Too many to chose one from, but the Commodore 64 thread was much fun.

Favourite member:

Why, Lenore, of course.;)

Favourite Meet:

The Knockhill meets were fun. Looking froward to more of the same in 2008. But the Oxford weekend extravaganza was especially good fun.

Best car moment:

Seriously, selling our X5.:o

Personal highpoint:

A & L Picking up our R56 in June and then picking up our R53 a couple of weeks ago.

L Only: Meeting Wet Wet Wet last week, thanks to Vintageb3.

Personal lowpoint:

Trading in our R53 in June - big mistake.

Can I add a category....? Dipsh!t of the year award (awarded to the person who's made the biggest arse of themselves over the year on the forums.

This year it's shared equally between two people....

Who other than the president of the fogs-on-regardless-of-visibility fan club:- "JCWMini"
And, "KJinnit", for getting himself banned from the forums in a moment of I-know-best arrogance.


22nd December 2007, 06:42 PM
Favourite thread:

Has to be the young drivers curfew :D:p

Favourite member:

Has to be fellow young un RyanK

Favourite Meet:

Perth Pleasure, followed closely by Manky Thrash

Best car moment:

Driving my first MINI home from Carlisle

Personal highpoint:

People drooling over my car unaware im the owner and am standing behind them haha :D Selling the Corsa and starting new Job.

Personal lowpoint:

Working for Morrisons... 2 days i lasted....enough said!

Once again folks - Merry Christmas and play safe! :cool:

24th December 2007, 11:46 AM
Low point R56 going bad
High point Type R
Best Thread The never ending story

24th December 2007, 12:37 PM
Favourite thread:

Anything about car care usually gets my interest...the fogs one was fun

Favourite member:

Oh!...you know who you are...;) :D

Favourite Meet:

They were all good we were on...really good roads we have in Scotland

Best car moment:

Every time I open the garage door...

Personal highpoint:

Can't think of any...

Personal lowpoint:

Losing our 6 year old pup Codie...she was a great pup:(


24th December 2007, 12:46 PM
Favourite thread:


Favourite member:


Favourite Meet:

Oxford Run - I cheated and got the train.

Best car moment:

My dads new Passat estate. Quiet, smooth, and easy to drive. The "Handbrake" is a fiddle though.

Personal highpoints

France v Scotland, meeting Santa in Lapland, My own dog Jet, still bounding about like a pup even though she's 16 and a bit deaf.

Personal lowpoint:

Corrie (14) had a stroke, and had to be put to sleep

What you’re most looking forward to for 2008?

A massive lottery win.