View Full Version : BMW Bluetooth

5th December 2007, 10:09 PM
Help, I've got a Sony Ericsson K850i, my 1st one worked perfectly with the car. But the rest of the phone was awful so it was replaced with a new one, with updated firmware, now it disconnects from car every 15 secs.

Getting yet another K850i, but if that doesn't work are there any phone that are guaranteed to work properly with the car?

AndyP & Lenore
6th December 2007, 12:20 AM
I'm sure BMW/MINI have a mobile phone compatibility chart somewhere, but it's obviously hidden away deep inside their web sites 'cos I can't find it anywhere.:mad:

I'm sure others have posted a link to it here in the past though.:confused:


6th December 2007, 09:41 AM
This is the BMW site: LINK (http://www.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/bluetooth/?siteID=1312)

Most up to date information is on here (you might need to register for the site first): LINK (http://www.bmwland.co.uk/talker/viewtopic.php?t=10117&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=525)

One thing to note is that the disconnect thing can sometimes be fixed by deleting all your text messages and then connecting to the car again. My w810i did this and I just had too many texts in the phone. No idea why it would make a difference but it's a known "feature".

6th December 2007, 12:27 PM
I tried the deleting texts, never made any difference.

Would be a total pain having to make sure you never had any texts in your phone though

6th December 2007, 01:24 PM
It doesn't need to be empty, it just seems when it starts to get really full it gets upset.

6th December 2007, 01:50 PM
My mobile phone had the correct firmware according to the BMW website, but, it still wouldn't work, so, i took it to a Nokia repair centre in Dundee at the advice of the service tech at JC's and got the firmware flashed to the latest version.
Phone now works, albeit the texts don't appear.

The BMW systems are far too fickle and i would never select it if i ever order a new car :mad:

6th December 2007, 10:32 PM
Tonight I tried deleting all the paired phones from the car, and repairing my mobile, and.... :confused:

It's back to working perfectly again!

7th December 2007, 09:48 AM
The BMW systems are far too fickle and i would never select it if i ever order a new car :mad:

I'm not so sure it's just BMW, my mate had problems with his VW as well. The trick is getting a phone which has profiles as they seem to work better. The problem seems to be that all phone companies implement bluetooth slightly differently, and the phones change faster than the car companies can (or want to) keep up.

I agree it's not perfect though, but it's better than looking like Madonna while driving with one of those ear piece things!

7th December 2007, 10:47 AM
But, i have the Parrot Evo in my S and it pairs perfectly well with both mine and Me Julie's phones.
Add to that i have a Nokia Car Kit in my classic and that pairs fine too.

So, it's the motor factor's units that are crap, the fact you pay almost double for a fickle system is pants :mad:

AndyP & Lenore
7th December 2007, 11:21 AM
But, i have the Parrot Evo in my S and it pairs perfectly well with both mine and Me Julie's phones.
Add to that i have a Nokia Car Kit in my classic and that pairs fine too.

So, it's the motor factor's units that are crap, the fact you pay almost double for a fickle system is pants :mad:

Would agree with that Alan. We have Blue Tooth in the FL2 and it will only pair with Lenore's Nokia (2 years old), it won't pair with my 6 month old E65. Real PITA. We didn't spec it as it was an ex-demmo car, but still proves NT in car manufacturers is expensive tat.


8th January 2008, 05:49 PM
Hey BJN, did you ever get your K850i to pair ok???
I've just ordered 2 phones for my upgrade and want to know if i will have to fir an evo kit :rolleyes:

8th January 2008, 06:24 PM
Apparently, this works fine in an E65 and an X3, no idea about an E46 I'm afraid - typically SE are not bad with BMW kits though.

8th January 2008, 08:51 PM
ahem... my little fiesta has bluetooth with voice activation for it and with a W810I a nokia N93 a V3 rzr and an old nokia thing (my dads work phone) it's never had a problem ... why do bmw seem to have so much trouble with their bluetooth systems if ford can pull it off surely they can?

8th January 2008, 09:08 PM
Hey BJN, did you ever get your K850i to pair ok???
I've just ordered 2 phones for my upgrade and want to know if i will have to fir an evo kit :rolleyes:

Yeah got it to work, problem cleared itself when I reset the pairings on the car.

Think it was getting confused when I paired a 2nd K850i with the same bluetooth name, thought it would have known the difference, but now works fine with the K850i.

More than can be said with the k850i itself as I'm on my 4th one!

8th January 2008, 09:48 PM
Excellent and did you get a snap in for it too?? if so, which one did you get, for which model cause the K850i is not listed :)

8th January 2008, 10:08 PM
I haven't bothered with a snap in just stick my phone in the wee dooket at the on the dash next to drivers door that way if i forget to lift the phone when I get out the car its not on display.