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19th November 2007, 02:46 PM
iPod touch... Decided to treat myself and I'm glad I did ... This little thing rocks!!!

19th November 2007, 02:51 PM
iPod touch... Decided to treat myself and I'm glad I did ... This little thing rocks!!!
What do you like most about it?? apart from the massive cost :eek:

19th November 2007, 03:38 PM
The interface is great and the wifi is also really good... the cost doesnt bother me plus i get my staff discount anyways ;)

If the capacity was bigger i would be over the moon lol

Not actually listened to music on it yet ... too busy playing with everything else :D

19th November 2007, 07:22 PM
Staff discount? So where you working now then young man?

The Dogfather
19th November 2007, 09:05 PM
I think there's quite a few places that get discount with apple. I do and I work for a colour.

20th November 2007, 12:00 AM
Im working at Currys Ali ... just moved few doors up. Im on sales and also thier POS Controller.

Its so good not having to sell drills and paint... actually interested in the products now! :D

Big Gordy
20th November 2007, 12:05 AM
I do and I work for a colour.

PINK....!!! :eek::p:D

20th November 2007, 08:39 PM
I am really pleased with my ipod touch too, very nice device especially when hacked to run 3rd party applications :)

20th November 2007, 09:14 PM
Im working at Currys Ali ... just moved few doors up. Im on sales and also thier POS Controller.

Its so good not having to sell drills and paint... actually interested in the products now! :D

Ha ha lol :D well I know where to come for my LCD/Plasma telly when I finally have the money then, do we get nms discount from you as well... :D

Glad to hear that your enjoying the new job.

21st November 2007, 01:50 AM
Does the iPod touch have built in wireless?!

21st November 2007, 09:27 AM
yup it sure does :)

21st November 2007, 11:31 AM
I am really pleased with my ipod touch too, very nice device especially when hacked to run 3rd party applications :)

what other apps do you have on yours... im tempted after reading up lol :D

21st November 2007, 10:20 PM
I first installed the jailbreak software from http://jailbreakme.com/
You surf to the above URL on the ipod touch and install the software that it on that site. This only works with version 1.1.1 of the ipod touch software.

Once installed you get an installer application on the ipod, through this you can install loads of different apps. I have SSH, Preview, Text Edit, Summerboard (themes), application launcher, finder, RSS reader and a game called lights on.

You can install loads of things including web servers, games all sorts really.

If you are running Version 1.1.2 software on the ipod you have to manually downgrade the software to V1.1.1, hack the ipod, install an app called OktoPrep, upgrade to V1.1.2 again through itunes, download an installer from http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/site/

I have the links for other info on my mac. I will post it later on.

I have taken the hacked software off my ipod when I was messing about with it trying to upgrade it. I did this by doing a restore in itunes which wipes all your music etc and puts the ipod back to factory settings. It is now hacked again though :)

This worked for me, but I wouldn't like to be held responsible for it going wrong.........so if you decide to proceed with the hack you take your chances I suppose. Plus when apple release any updates for now I would do a full restore to get rid of the hacks before upgrading, unless you want an expensive paper weight.

21st November 2007, 10:57 PM

The above link is the software required to complete the jailbreak hack if you are on v1.1.2


This link is handy guide to downgrade to v1.1.1

22nd November 2007, 01:17 AM
coolios... i shall have a play about... cheers for that :D