View Full Version : The long way down...

29th October 2007, 08:34 PM
Well luckily enough for me I was channel surfing and spotted that it was on later on so programmed the tv to change over at the start, and it was WELL worth it... I definately have to get the first DVD ("The Long Way Round") and this one when it comes out because this is something I have ALWAYS fancied doing and I know that I will obviously never ever get to do something like this.

So this is the next best thing :D and Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman just look like such a nice bunch of guys as well.

Lucky buggers :p

Bring on the next weeks episode... its going to be a VERY VERY long week i think :D:mad:

AndyP & Lenore
29th October 2007, 08:36 PM
Zimbo, Long Way Round was excellent. You'll love it.:D :D


29th October 2007, 08:59 PM
Zimbo, Long Way Round was excellent. You'll love it.:D :D


I saw bits and pieces of it while it was on TV a while back but missed various episodes of it due to working shifts then. So I will have to get the DVD and watch the whole thing from start to finish. :D

30th October 2007, 04:27 AM
You need to read the book first, The Long Way Round that is, then watch the DVD's :)

30th October 2007, 08:52 AM
I saw bits and pieces of it while it was on TV a while back but missed various episodes of it due to working shifts then. So I will have to get the DVD and watch the whole thing from start to finish. :D

I have the long way round DVD if you want to borrow it, it's a great day's watching.. :D

Big Gordy
30th October 2007, 09:24 AM
And I've got the book if you want to borrow that first;) :D

30th October 2007, 07:59 PM
You need to read the book first, The Long Way Round that is, then watch the DVD's :)

I'll need to read the what first?? ...umm me and books dont really go well together :D

Craig, cheers for the offer mate but I am going to get a copy for myself for keeps so I can watch it any time I'm in the mood :p ( I mean the mood to watch the film, before anyone says anything...)

Gordy thanks to you too for the offer of the book but as i've said above we dont go together very well.

Big Gordy
30th October 2007, 10:25 PM
No bother mate:D
They both work on their own but the book does go into the more 'seedier' side of their trip that they obviously can't show on telly:eek: If its any help........the Ruskies are bloody crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy man:eek::eek::D