View Full Version : Which is your favorite MINI road?

AndyP & Lenore
26th October 2007, 07:47 PM
Ours is the A7 from Edinbrugh to Carlisle. It's got some cool straight bits, some great twisties and is simply a great drive.:cool:

Our Fave Mini Roads (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en-GB&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&num=10&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=105713010993057368744.00043d69b24ec0136e948&om=1&ll=55.720923,-3.024673&spn=0.112539,0.303497&z=11)

Where's yours and why?


26th October 2007, 08:09 PM
hopefully my link works ok

Zoom it out a bit but link works fine


the best road I have ever driven in a Mini. Leaving the A835 on to the A832 to Achnasheen to Kinlochewe to The Gairloch to Poolewe to Aultbea to Gruinard Bay and back down joing on the the A835 but further up near Ullapool. To make it a more longer you can cut of to the A890 and Stromferry. Not only great roads but great Views. Oh and did I mention some great places to eat infact some super great places to eat.

Perhaps not the best Mini road I have driven but that would be over in Europe driven in our 4x4 with a caravan on the back.

26th October 2007, 08:22 PM
a close second would have to be the Buttertubs Pass Yorkshire


we took this road home in this years Oxford Run.

The Dogfather
26th October 2007, 08:35 PM
a close second would have to be the Buttertubs Pass Yorkshire


we took this road home in this years Oxford Run.

A7, yes and Buttertubs another yes. I also agree about the NW Scotland coast road but I'd add the North coast road as well (as per the Twilight Run I tried to organise).

My favourite short stretch when we lived oop North was the coast road between Pennan and Macduff.

My current favourite is the stretch between Penrith and Alston it crosses the North Pennines at just below 2000ft includes a great uphill climb with sharp bends, smooth road surface and some great 'blind' overtaking straights. The name of the pass escapes me though. Its the most direct route to the lakes from our house.

26th October 2007, 08:37 PM
The Dukes pass through the Queen Elizabeth Forest...or the Rannoch Station Road.

I was well impressed with some of the Leadhills on Stoney's last run.

But there are loads of great roads as those who have organised the runs have shown us.

Well done to them all!


26th October 2007, 09:59 PM
I really enjoyed the A702 from Edinburgh heading south, great mix of twisties, wide sweepers and straights, with a few wee villages well spaced to slow you down, allowing you to 'floor' it at the end of the village

AndyP & Lenore
27th October 2007, 12:02 AM
The B709 from Innerleithen to Middleton Moor is another very cool road, and appears on the Italian Job run in November.;)

Our Fave Mini Roads (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en-GB&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&num=10&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=105713010993057368744.00043d69b24ec0136e948&ll=55.720923,-3.024673&spn=0.268007,0.63858&z=11&om=1)


27th October 2007, 12:51 AM
my fav's are some o the back roads around where i stay...aka St Andrews:)

27th October 2007, 01:15 AM
this is a wee one...but i love the blairgowrie to dundee road....reminds me of my scalectrix when i was wee ;)

27th October 2007, 01:20 AM
:p LOL is tht the road oooooooooooout o Fintry!!!!!;) ;) ;)

27th October 2007, 01:27 AM
:p LOL is tht the road oooooooooooout o Fintry!!!!!;) ;) ;)

thats the one...................when you hit the dip...you see the white lines and road right up in front of you...fab :)

27th October 2007, 01:30 AM
:cool: lolol....then head towards tealing???...past the "scottish solider!...guid road;) .....:p :p :p

27th October 2007, 09:11 AM
Highway 24 from Littlefort to 100 mile House about 50 miles long.

Ok so its not Scotland its in Canada, but its the best road i have ever driven, the first 10 miles of it you climb up 2000 feet, then its covered with lakes and hundreds of twisty bends. Also a fantastic road surface.

Unfortunatly i drove it in a Ford Taurus. :(

Highway 24 on Multimap (http://www.multimap.com/maps/?hloc=CA|100%20mile%20house#t=l&map=51.50586,-120.69488|11|4&loc=CA:51.64214:-121.2974:12|100%20mile%20house|100%20Mile%20House, %20British%20Columbia,%20Canada)

27th October 2007, 01:20 PM
so meney i dont know what one 2 pick :eek:

so here are some

and suroding roads

strathaven to muirkirk road

mmm need to think now i can not mind the roads i just find them :D :D

but i have plenty all over scotland cos of my work :D :D

28th October 2007, 08:46 AM
ok then the back road between Dalry @ Kilwinning mostly single track & so twisty

29th October 2007, 08:29 PM
CraigyD's Perth Run, some of those roads were awesome :cool: :D

29th October 2007, 10:20 PM
CraigyD's Perth Run, some of those roads were awesome :cool: :D

Oh go on...rub it in!...another one i couldn't go on:(

Some good runs this year though!

I applaud those that organized them all!


30th October 2007, 09:20 AM
A702 always made me smile on my way back to Edinburgh after a long motorway slog

I had a ball driving through from Loch Lomond to Fort William last year (can't recall the road number

The Tarn gorge in France was a good day as well - it's close to Millau if you remember Top Gear went there in some supercars one year. In fact, gorge to gorge across the top round there to "Die" (pronounced Dee" was awesome. This route in fact...

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5909822214510328662,44.318250,3.600220%3B8 358136169026773035,44.442350,4.346700&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Millau,+France&daddr=D907+%4044.318250,+3.600220+to:Boulevard+de+ l'Europe+Unie%2FD579+%4044.442350,+4.346700+to:44. 71161,5.105896+to:Die,+France&mra=dpe&mrcr=2,3&mrsp=3&sz=9&sll=44.570904,4.224243&sspn=1.312867,2.900391&ie=UTF8&z=9&om=1 (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5909822214510328662,44.318250,3.600220%3B8 358136169026773035,44.442350,4.346700&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Millau,+France&daddr=D907+%4044.318250,+3.600220+to:Boulevard+de+ l%27Europe+Unie%2FD579+%4044.442350,+4.346700+to:4 4.71161,5.105896+to:Die,+France&mra=dpe&mrcr=2,3&mrsp=3&sz=9&sll=44.570904,4.224243&sspn=1.312867,2.900391&ie=UTF8&z=9&om=1)

Edit by AndyP: Link to the above URL (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=5909822214510328662,44.3182 50,3.600220%3B8358136169026773035,44.442350,4.3467 00&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Millau,+France&daddr=D 907+%4044.318250,+3.600220+to:Boulevard+de+l'Europ e+Unie%2FD579+%4044.442350,+4.346700+to:44.71161,5 .105896+toie,+France&mra=dpe&mrcr=2,3&mrsp=3&sz= 9&sll=44.570904,4.224243&sspn=1.312867,2.900391&ie =UTF8&z=9&om=1) But it still doesn't work for some reason Euan. Change this if you wish.;)

Only time I was concerned about brakes in the S on some of the long downhill sections as they were cooking. Made even better by racing a gullwing Merc down one bit...

1st November 2007, 05:39 PM
As mentioned in another post, the road west of Longniddry to Gullane (A198), the A7, the A86 Aviemore to Fort William, ****bridge* to Tomintoul (A939) is crazy, pass of the cattle and the wee back road from Boat of Garten in the Highlands upto the Cairngorm ski road (B970) :D And the most breathtaking; B9007 going south into the Spey Valley... wow! Scotland really is great! Oh and "The Ring" where im going next month in a merc cosworth:eek: :D :cool:

*forum is blanking the place name; c ockbridge!

mini saltire
1st November 2007, 07:51 PM
Road from Kenmore to Blair Atholl through Tummel Bridge..... Not for the feint hearted!! Awesome views, tight bends, good elevation change and smooth surfaces.:D

1st November 2007, 09:34 PM
Road from Kenmore to Blair Atholl through Tummel Bridge..... Not for the feint hearted!! Awesome views, tight bends, good elevation change and smooth surfaces.:D

that's one of the roads on my Perthshire Run.. :D :D :D

mini saltire
1st November 2007, 11:02 PM
that's one of the roads on my Perthshire Run.. :D :D :D

Cool, I'll need to borrow a road Mini and come along to that one then!! Great views apparently... I was concentrating on not crashing!!

Duncan Stewart
2nd November 2007, 09:12 PM
A9 north of Helmsdale is fun in a mini :eek:

Loved the roads on Craigs Perthshire run this year too :D

19th November 2007, 03:04 PM
this is a good wee route that may well apper in one of my runs in the year

Google Maps link (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=8902198114700382430,55.572170,-3.810460%3B3118220164280343041,55.107260,-4.158600%3B11273562172110942506,55.673540,-4.072810&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=M74+%4055.572170,+-3.810460&daddr=55.416544,-3.666687+to:A702%2FMidtown+%4055.107260,+-4.158600+to:B743%2FMuirkirk+Rd+%4055.673540,+-4.072810&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=9&via=1,2&sll=55.410307,-3.449707&sspn=0.698537,2.554321&ie=UTF8&ll=55.613262,-3.852081&spn=0.34747,1.277161&z=10&om=1)