View Full Version : fitting a cooper s bonnet 2 a mini one

wee dove
25th October 2007, 11:12 PM
hey i am new 2 all this so go easy if i sound a bit dum but i have just got myself some new cooper s bumpers and am looking 2 buy a bonnet but when i foned up my local mini dealership they said it might not fit because the bodywork is different in some way.can anyone help me out with this problem.

thanks in advance,

AndyP & Lenore
25th October 2007, 11:56 PM
Pretty sure that's rubbish. But I'm sure someone more knowledgeable on the different models will be along to put your mind at rest soon. I'm sure I've seen folks in Modern MINI and Go MINI (when it was around) who have put an S bonnet on a One.

Why don't you head over to the introduce yourself forum and say HI!


26th October 2007, 03:36 AM
Welcome to the site, an S bonnet will fit a ONE, but, the cars must be model specific, like the R50 will not accept the R56 bonnet

wee dove
26th October 2007, 07:14 PM
thanks guys. i thought it was rubbish but just wanted 2 b sure.

26th October 2007, 09:12 PM
why do you want to fit a cooper s bonnet tae a one?????

The Dogfather
26th October 2007, 09:14 PM
So he doesn't have to put up with the fuel bills and insurance, not to mention that whining noise that you get with an S ;)

26th October 2007, 09:18 PM
Yeah...that noise bugs the hell out of me!;)

Here's one though...can you fit a Cooper S to a Mini one bonnet?:rolleyes:


26th October 2007, 09:38 PM
<thinks>...could i put a one bonnet on my S n get cheaper road tax:p

wee dove
28th October 2007, 11:14 PM
a just want the looks of the cooper s without having to pay unreasonable sums of money for insurance plus im hopeing to have the engine conversion started by the end of the year

29th October 2007, 04:31 AM
im hopeing to have the engine conversion started by the end of the year
What conversion are you doing :)

29th October 2007, 02:24 PM
Pretty sure that's rubbish. But I'm sure someone more knowledgeable on the different models will be along to put your mind at rest soon. I'm sure I've seen folks in Modern MINI and Go MINI (when it was around) who have put an S bonnet on a One.

Why don't you head over to the introduce yourself forum and say HI!


Ahhh GO MINI.... That was a brilliant magazine and so much better than the present Modern MINI in my opinion.....