View Full Version : Radiohead - In Rainbows

11th October 2007, 10:32 AM
Anyone downloaded it yet? What's the verdict?

Personally, I think it's brilliant - much better than the last two albums which I'm sure were good but too much like hard work to get into (only time they made sense was lying on the floor in my flat in Edinburgh, drunk, staring at the ceiling - so not exactly good car tracks then!!!)

"Weird Fishes/Apreggi" - what's he on about? Being eaten by worms and wierd fishes? Awesome track though.

As for the costs, I'll admit I paid nothing for it, on the basis that I'll buy the CD anyway as I like to have the CD and artwork, and also for the higher quality, but wanted to listen to it on day of release so don't see why I would pay for it twice. If I was only going to buy the download, I'd have paid about £5, as it's lower quality than a normal download and no artwork.

So, what do you all think? What did you pay?

11th October 2007, 10:39 AM
Went off them after their last couple of albums, feel they completely lost their way. So for now I'll be giving this one a complete miss.

11th October 2007, 11:08 AM
Went off them after their last couple of albums, feel they completely lost their way. So for now I'll be giving this one a complete miss.

I think if you try this one, you'll like it - there is more to compare to OK Computer then Kid A and Amnesiac. You can still tell it's a Radiohead album, but it's a lot more accessible. Give it two listens though before you make your mind up.

11th October 2007, 11:23 AM
If I do try it...I will not be paying for the download...and if I like it I'll then get the CD... only fair to pay for it is I think it is good.

11th October 2007, 12:22 PM
Radiohead were brill when they first came out. The first 3 albums were great but then they weant a bit dark and strange and I completely went off them.
Im pretty sure they pulled a similar stunt with their last album in the sense that they didnt advertise it at all. Just put it out in the shops and waited on folk buying it and Im pretty sure 'kidA' was only advertised on the internet. Looks like they were working towards a download only album.

11th October 2007, 03:34 PM
Radiohead were brill when they first came out. The first 3 albums were great but then they weant a bit dark and strange and I completely went off them.
Im pretty sure they pulled a similar stunt with their last album in the sense that they didnt advertise it at all. Just put it out in the shops and waited on folk buying it and Im pretty sure 'kidA' was only advertised on the internet. Looks like they were working towards a download only album.

That's effectively what they have done with this one - there will be a CD in the new year of it but for now it's a £40 set or a download. The fans will buy the £40 CD set, everyone else will wait for the CD early next year.

12th October 2007, 10:05 PM
Just listened to this album....well three times actually.

I like the direction they are taking to be honest. Its seems to me its THEIR direction...not one chosen for them;)

One of the best pop/rock gigs I ever saw was RH in Dundee Caird Hall...many years ago. I was dragged to the gig...and just stood there gazing at the stage open mouthed!

So dynamic!

But i kinda went off them after that...having seen them at various festivals in Europe and the US.

I actually supplied Rhodes piano spares to them before OK Computer...

So you could say my bits were on the album:D O er Missus:eek:

On my fourth listen of the album now...and its really growing on me!


14th October 2007, 10:24 AM
Bands make most of there money on tour now. Free is allways good, if you like radiohead . I only like Streetspirit "Tiesto mix"

14th October 2007, 08:57 PM
Errr...there are very few bands on the circuit that make profit on tour....We are talking: The Stones, U2, Radiohead....on that level.

Most bands use summer festivals to get tours to break even.

Money still to be made in selling CD's

They turn them out for £0.40 a unit...so how many do you think they need to sell at £9.99-£21.00 to make money?


AndyP & Lenore
15th October 2007, 12:00 AM
Errr...there are very few bands on the circuit that make profit on tour....We are talking: The Stones, U2, Radiohead....on that level.

Most bands use summer festivals to get tours to break even.

Money still to be made in selling CD's

They turn them out for £0.40 a unit...so how many do you think they need to sell at £9.99-£21.00 to make money?


Mark, I wouldn't dream of suggesting you don't know your stuff on this subject.;)

But I have seen a few programmes in the past that kind of support Deerslayer's statement:o . Something about "packaging reductions" the studio's are asking them to take. And I have heard it said elsewhere that the majority of a bands income these days is from touring.

Is it possible that the £0.40 statement is a bit of... well..... erm... oversimplification? WOW! That's a big word for midnight!


15th October 2007, 08:20 AM
My mates brother was in the Betaband until they split up last year. He used to make about 40p per album as there was a couple other members in the band. They used to hope for the big stage at T in the park so that they could promote the albums and also get a good pay from playing the stage.
They certainly were not on the same scale as Radiohead but I was shocked when I found out how little they earned from each album sale.

15th October 2007, 07:37 PM
Ain't no money in music unless you really make it....... Thats why I work for the Hydro!

Back on topic, even if this is the off topic thread..... I think RH are fantastic but I will not download the album as I prefer to have the package with the artwork etc. Plus, Im not a big fan of computers and don't own one !

15th October 2007, 07:55 PM
Ain't no money in music unless you really make it....... Thats why I work for the Hydro!

Back on topic, even if this is the off topic thread..... I think RH are fantastic but I will not download the album as I prefer to have the package with the artwork etc. Plus, Im not a big fan of computers and don't own one !

What's to stop you downloading it now and then buying it with all the artwork etc later? That's certainly my plan!

15th October 2007, 09:04 PM
Mark, I wouldn't dream of suggesting you don't know your stuff on this subject.;)

But I have seen a few programmes in the past that kind of support Deerslayer's statement:o . Something about "packaging reductions" the studio's are asking them to take. And I have heard it said elsewhere that the majority of a bands income these days is from touring.

Is it possible that the £0.40 statement is a bit of... well..... erm... oversimplification? WOW! That's a big word for midnight!


Maybe it was the way I put this in my last post....

I didn't say a HUGE percentage of money came to the band from album sales....but its more than can be made from doing a tour. Bands not in the "Stones" bracket make money from playing festivals and simply use gigs to promote their album's etc.

Its playing festivals that make bands money....and if you get a slot later in the day...or headline...it can be more....actually much more tha Joe Blogg's yearly salery.

They still make money from selling album's...and that was my point.

This any clearer?:D

I could make further comments on how it works for bands that i have worked for...but as you may understand...I'm not in a position to comment about that in a public forum.

Lets just say...its worth their while....and in turn...worth my while;)

I know for a fact that for bands at a certain level...i.e...made it....made it years ago and still popular...and current bands that have control of their own devices with very little record company interference can make money.

But anyway...its all about the music:rolleyes:


AndyP & Lenore
15th October 2007, 09:20 PM
Maybe it was the way I put this in my last post....

I didn't say a HUGE percentage of money came to the band from album sales....but its more than can be made from doing a tour. Bands not in the "Stones" bracket make money from playing festivals and simply use gigs to promote their album's etc.

Its playing festivals that make bands money....and if you get a slot later in the day...or headline...it can be more....actually much more tha Joe Blogg's yearly salery.

They still make money from selling album's...and that was my point.

This any clearer?:D

I could make further comments on how it works for bands that i have worked for...but as you may understand...I'm not in a position to comment about that in a public forum.

Lets just say...its worth their while....and in turn...worth my while;)

I know for a fact that for bands at a certain level...i.e...made it....made it years ago and still popular...and current bands that have control of their own devices with very little record company interference can make money.

But anyway...its all about the music:rolleyes:


Cheers Mark. All interesting stuff.;)
