View Full Version : Engine Light query...

7th October 2007, 02:08 PM
Last night, as I left the house on the way down to Arbroath for a nice healthy fish supper, I noticed as I was about 200 yards down the road that the engine light had stayed on..all the rest had gone off as normal.. including the EML one below it. Bugger I thought, the car's about to die... but no, everything felt normal, there was no drop in performance at all, and nothing sounded out of place. So I carried on, got me chippy, and made it home with no problems.
So I had a quick 'diagnostic' ;) this morning, tried again, and the light stayed on. Had a quick check of the oil and ahad a quick look around, and nothing sounded or looked out of place.
Weird. So I popped open the fuse box, took out the corresponding fuse for the light, which was fine, and popped it back in. Started the engince again, and wouldn't you know it, the light went out. Bizarre. Has anybody else had something similar? Should I be giving the dealer a call to get it in? Or could it have just been one of those little gremlins that pop up from time to time?
I'm off out to the shops in a mo.. so I'll see if it behaves itself this time...

7th October 2007, 04:01 PM
i had a prob a bit like that but my car cut out and it was the pins from the gas pedal that had come loose that was in my old cooper

was it the emitions light mabie as that came on im my s works when i put the de cat pipe :eek: in but has gone back off again now :confused: :confused: :confused:

shure elf mans comes on and off as well i think !!

dont know if this will help but thats just 2 thing that poped in 2 my head ;) ;)

AndyP & Lenore
7th October 2007, 04:17 PM
Ours had a habit of coming on while we had the Play Mini exhaust fitted. While we had the full system including cat as well as when we had just the cat back.

Am I right in thinking you have a Play Mini system?


7th October 2007, 05:04 PM
Yip... Playmini from the cat back.. I did wonder if maybe a sensor on or before the cat maybe got a whack from something the other day on the way up to Ellie's bruv's (about a mile of farm track :eek:), but then it's never happened before..
I had a nip down to Arbroath earlier, and all seems well again.. I'll put this one down to the gremlins.. if it was a classic i'd put it down to the magic Lucas smoke ;):D

I'll keep an eye on it this week tho.. Cheers for the replies.. glad to know I'm not the only one it's happened to :D

Aberdeen Al
9th October 2007, 06:40 PM
I have this issue (GTT manifold & JCW exhaust) and have been reassured that it's nothing to worry about..............I've even passed my MOT with it on too!

AndyP & Lenore
9th October 2007, 07:38 PM
I have this issue (GTT manifold & JCW exhaust) and have been reassured that it's nothing to worry about..............I've even passed my MOT with it on too!

Al, as far as I know, it's just that the rear lamda (sp?) sensor goes into "out of range". However the actual readings are legal, just not within your car's expected range.


9th October 2007, 07:46 PM
i believe elfmans was the post cat oxygen sensor giving up the ghost just before he had his works engine kit fitted??

might be worth getting it checked by the dealer or a mini specialist?? shouldn't cost you more than a half hours labour for them to run a quick test and see what fault memories are there unless it's something unusual

AndyP & Lenore
9th October 2007, 11:35 PM
i believe elfmans was the post cat oxygen sensor giving up the ghost just before he had his works engine kit fitted??

might be worth getting it checked by the dealer or a mini specialist?? shouldn't cost you more than a half hours labour for them to run a quick test and see what fault memories are there unless it's something unusual

Ah yes. True enough.

Wise advice Euan. Go get it checked anyway.;)


10th October 2007, 07:57 AM
Al, as far as I know, it's just that the rear lamda (sp?) sensor goes into "out of range". However the actual readings are legal, just not within your car's expected range.


Is it no LAMBDA?

Or is that the new Lada?


10th October 2007, 10:17 AM
i believe elfmans was the post cat oxygen sensor giving up the ghost just before he had his works engine kit fitted??

might be worth getting it checked by the dealer or a mini specialist?? shouldn't cost you more than a half hours labour for them to run a quick test and see what fault memories are there unless it's something unusual

So.. about £140? ;);):D:D:D
I'll maybe try to get it in to a dealer after pay day then. Thanks for the advice. It's not come on again since (except when it's meant to, when the car starts), and I've not noticed any difference in the way it drives or sounds at least.. so fingers crossed.. :rolleyes::D

Big Gordy
10th October 2007, 10:46 AM
Ach it will be fine:rolleyes: Its only a wee light:p ;) :D

10th October 2007, 03:25 PM
I once had my stereo go on full volume and no amount of adjusting it made any difference, so, like you, i pulled the fuse and it reset itself.

Not sure why you would have to pay to get your car checked?? just put it in, it's under warranty afterall, let them decide if it's an aftermarket exhaust etc ;)

11th October 2007, 10:05 AM
I once had my stereo go on full volume and no amount of adjusting it made any difference, so, like you, i pulled the fuse and it reset itself.

Not sure why you would have to pay to get your car checked?? just put it in, it's under warranty afterall, let them decide if it's an aftermarket exhaust etc ;)

That's exactly what I was thinking this morning on my way in to work. the car's still well in warranty, so there's no reason I should be paying for it. :rolleyes::D

If it's an exhaust sensor or something, then it'll have bugger all to do with the aftermarket exhaust.. the aftermarket bit starts well behind any sensors. And surely it sould have set the sensor off well before now, it's been on the car since new ;)

I may just have given the sensor a knock as I previously thought, on that rough track..

11th October 2007, 07:29 PM
ah ok sorry if it's under warranty then get it put in and let warranty take care of it.. i assumed your willingness to have a go yourself meant it was outside the warranty period hence my advice...

in which case get it in and checked unless an aftermarket part specifically caused the fault then i doubt you'll have to pay for it

11th October 2007, 08:25 PM
is your light on now?

11th October 2007, 11:12 PM
ah ok sorry if it's under warranty then get it put in and let warranty take care of it.. i assumed your willingness to have a go yourself meant it was outside the warranty period hence my advice...

in which case get it in and checked unless an aftermarket part specifically caused the fault then i doubt you'll have to pay for it

No worries.. can you tell I was a classic owner for many years? ;);):D:D

11th October 2007, 11:15 PM
is your light on now?

Nope.. it stayed out, car still feels the same, nothing noticable different..

As far as pi$$ing off a de-badged BMW 316 off a roundabout round the outside today goes.. :D:D:D:D:cool:

well.. he was being a tool :D

12th October 2007, 01:06 AM
they always are... lol

AndyP & Lenore
12th October 2007, 09:39 AM
Nope.. it stayed out, car still feels the same, nothing noticable different..

As far as pi$$ing off a de-badged BMW 316 off a roundabout round the outside today goes.. :D:D:D:D:cool:

well.. he was being a tool :D

But if it was debadged, how do you know it was a 316?


12th October 2007, 09:48 AM
But if it was debadged, how do you know it was a 316?


Cos he didn't blow me away! :D:D:D
..till I lifted off at 70. It was a petrol car, cos of the tiny wee exhaust tip, so it must have been a 316 or 318, and 318s are quicker than that :p:D

TBH I think he was *trying* to show off to the girl in the passenger seat.. and failing :D

AndyP & Lenore
12th October 2007, 09:51 AM
Cos he didn't blow me away! :D:D:D
..till I lifted off at 70. It was a petrol car, cos of the tiny wee exhaust tip, so it must have been a 316 or 318, and 318s are quicker than that :p:D

TBH I think he was *trying* to show off to the girl in the passenger seat.. and failing :D

Love it when that happens. The way their faces slide from grin to grimace in a few seconds is priceless.


12th October 2007, 11:51 AM
why would any 316-320 think they were driving a quick car?? Slow and boring!!

12th October 2007, 06:42 PM
e46 engine identification guide (for use at crail etc)

single outward facing exhaust tip 316 or 318i (hopelessly slow)

single downward facing exhaust tip 318 or 320D. well driven and it'll have no problems with a cooper s

2 outward facing exhausts 320-323-325-328 or 330i all will show up a cooper or one though not sure where the cooper s would be beaten

2 downward facing exhausts 330D... basically just don't bother unless your cooper s has the equivalent of a rocket up it's ***

this is assuming it's standard of course

16th October 2007, 05:08 PM

It came back on this morning. ah well, time for a visit to the nearest dealer. Shame it's flippin' 20 miles away now :mad::rolleyes:
..and they are NOT getting to wash it this time :rolleyes:

16th October 2007, 05:10 PM
e46 engine identification guide (for use at crail etc)

single outward facing exhaust tip 316 or 318i (hopelessly slow)

single downward facing exhaust tip 318 or 320D. well driven and it'll have no problems with a cooper s

2 outward facing exhausts 320-323-325-328 or 330i all will show up a cooper or one though not sure where the cooper s would be beaten

2 downward facing exhausts 330D... basically just don't bother unless your cooper s has the equivalent of a rocket up it's ***

this is assuming it's standard of course

yip.. single tip, faing out. I guessed it must have been a 316 cos it was de-badged.. He couldn't have the laydees thinking he had a crap Beemer could he ;);):D

Anything else and I wouldn't have bothered... the One just doesn't have the grunt for it :D:D

18th October 2007, 02:33 PM
Even more weird...

I filled up last night with some Super Unleaded from Sainsburys, and as soon as I started the car, the light went out! :confused::confused:

Could it have been some dodgy petrol the last time I filled up? Would that affect any of the engine / exhaust sensors?