View Full Version : R56 Update..

3rd October 2007, 07:13 PM
Steven Knowles should work for the Government…! All will become clear why as you read on…

After a 6 week wait for him to come to Scotland, he finally saw my car today. As Menzies had arranged for him to see my car at 10:30hrs today (after my drive to work and down to the garage), the engine was not warm and so the 2 faults he was there to listen to, were not evident, however he did take the time to listen to the symptoms I gave him..

Fault 1 – when started from Cold, the engine makes a very loud clattering like you would get from a mid 80’s diesel engine.

His response to this was that it was normal and will be louder on colder mornings. He stated this was down to the vehicle being direct injection and the need for the car to move the oil around the engine after it had been sitting for a while.. When asked why a couple of weeks ago (when I had this noise) there would be white and grey smoke coming out of the exhaust, he stated this was due to condensation of the exhaust gases.. I also asked him as to why some dealers were fixing this problem, but Menzies refused to fix it. He stated that some of the earlier cars were much worse and required the hydraulic lifters and the cam chain tensioner changed, however my car was not affected by this due to its build date. This says to me that there was a problem with the earlier cars and they put a fix in place, but he still refused to admit that there had been a problem.

Left that problem to one side and went onto Fault 2.

The infamous “Sound of rushing water”….

He stated that this was also normal and that it was the water system moving the water around the system. It did this as there is more than one reservoir for the water to stay in, however was more prevalent in auto air-con cars. I asked him if the system was a pressurised system (knowing it already was) and he said yes, therefore asked again why I could hear the noise and he said, because of the system he had already explained…? My thoughts are if it is a pressurised system and you can hear the water moving round, that is because of an air in the system – am I wrong?

He also stated that Oxford were aware of this noise and if they work out what is causing it, they will let dealers know…. So if it is normal, then why would Oxford need to work out what is causing the noise…

Lastly I asked him why 2 weeks ago (when on the Manky Thrash) was it that I got a burning smell coming through the air vents under hard acceleration, to which he replied, yes it’s because your car is new, I get a warm smell coming through my car also…!!

Needless to say, his responses had more wholes in it than Swiss cheese! I have asked him to confirm this all in writing so that I have some proof later on down the line..

I have even less faith in MINI now at fixing faults and I do still consider these 2 noises to be a fault.

Come back Knottie 1 - all is forgiven... :eek: :rolleyes: ;) :D

3rd October 2007, 07:19 PM
Should change his name to Steve Knowlesfu**all:D
get it sortted MINI or you wont be getting another car from lots of us.

3rd October 2007, 07:21 PM
Ooo dear...

The rushing sound of water has disappeared on mine, and I've done nothing..hopefully same might happen to yours.

3rd October 2007, 07:42 PM
Fault 1 – when started from Cold, the engine makes a very loud clattering like you would get from a mid 80’s diesel engine.His response to this was that it was normal and will be louder on colder mornings. He stated this was down to the vehicle being direct injection and the need for the car to move the oil around the engine after it had been sitting for a while..

Is direct injection not to do with the fuel going in to the combustion chamber.?? The above sounds like he is talking about the oil going up and lubricating the engine parts.??? what has that got to do with direct injection

Lastly I asked him why 2 weeks ago (when on the Manky Thrash) was it that I got a burning smell coming through the air vents under hard acceleration, to which he replied, yes it’s because your car is new, I get a warm smell coming through my car also…!!

Have you had this sympton since.??? Was this run not about a week after you got the new exhaust fitted. Could it not have been a simple case of a smell from the new exhaust with constant hard possible fast driving.???

3rd October 2007, 09:45 PM
Fault 1 – when started from Cold, the engine makes a very loud clattering like you would get from a mid 80’s diesel engine.His response to this was that it was normal and will be louder on colder mornings. He stated this was down to the vehicle being direct injection and the need for the car to move the oil around the engine after it had been sitting for a while..

Is direct injection not to do with the fuel going in to the combustion chamber.?? The above sounds like he is talking about the oil going up and lubricating the engine parts.??? what has that got to do with direct injection

Lastly I asked him why 2 weeks ago (when on the Manky Thrash) was it that I got a burning smell coming through the air vents under hard acceleration, to which he replied, yes it’s because your car is new, I get a warm smell coming through my car also…!!

Have you had this sympton since.??? Was this run not about a week after you got the new exhaust fitted. Could it not have been a simple case of a smell from the new exhaust with constant hard possible fast driving.???

The smell was not of hot exhaust, it was very much like burning clutch and only happened when I was "giving it the beans".. it didn't happen all day, just when I was trying to keep up with BS and his "National Speed Limits".. ;)

3rd October 2007, 10:52 PM
Get a CTR Craig

3rd October 2007, 10:59 PM
Get a CTR Craig

it is not as easy as that deerslayer.

When you've had a MINI since launch been a member of the site enjoyed the runs and the banter etc etc. It is a BIG decision selling you MINI, well it was for me you got to think about all the other things you will miss. However as much as I LOVE MINIS:D the time was right for me to move away from them.

3rd October 2007, 11:02 PM
as fiona says John, it's not that easy.... looks like I will be stuck with my car for some time yet, til this "betterment" that the Sales Manager at Menzies told me I woud have works out and I can get shot of it.

If not, then I'll just have to keep paying for it, despite it not being right and MINI/Menzies not wanting to fix it.. (as they say there is nothing wrong with it..:( )

3rd October 2007, 11:06 PM
Hmm, well, at least you have 3 years of warranty, the problems do not affect the performance etc, so, if you can somehow ignore the water sound then just drive it as normal.
Did the guy mention any special driving procedures when you get the diesel sound??

3rd October 2007, 11:11 PM
Hmm, well, at least you have 3 years of warranty, the problems do not affect the performance etc, so, if you can somehow ignore the water sound then just drive it as normal.
Did the guy mention any special driving procedures when you get the diesel sound??

I am just going to drive it like John and see what happens.. :eek: ;) :D

no, he said there was nothing special to do as it wasn't a problem and is normal with ALL direct injection cars.. :confused: I can't see how that noise is normal and not doing damage.... but he is the expert...

3rd October 2007, 11:14 PM
I am just going to drive it like John and see what happens.. :eek: ;) :D
Good man, that's what i would do, one thing though, it would worry me if it was my car and i wanted to do any engine mods.
I appreciate the warranty would go on the parts, but, trying to convince them that the mods did not cause the fault etc

So, i think you'd best stick to the stock engine

3rd October 2007, 11:20 PM
yeah, think after putting an air filter on that will be my lot.. and to be honest, the car is quick enough anyway... :D

AndyP & Lenore
4th October 2007, 12:08 AM
yeah, think after putting an air filter on that will be my lot.. and to be honest, the car is quick enough anyway... :D

you could always stick a JCW kit on and not worry about the warranty


4th October 2007, 10:45 AM
I have noticed that the M5 & M6 sound awful on start up too

4th October 2007, 05:17 PM
I have noticed that the M5 & M6 sound awful on start up too
better sticking to the M74 or M8 then;)

4th October 2007, 07:12 PM
My Golf, which was also a direct injection petrol sounded right dieselly at tickover until it had about 5k miles on it.

My Cooper does sound a wee bit dieselly as well, but I got used to this noise with the Golf.

If it is not really clattering and failing to pull away/drive smoothly I would not worry about it.