View Full Version : Never Trust Sat Nav

1st October 2007, 10:28 AM
Don't trust the Sat Nav 100%. Always have a good old fashion road map for reference!

:D :D :D

1st October 2007, 11:04 AM
Muppets to not look at the road signs ! We have a wee bridge near my work in East Kilbride...single track bridge with concrete barriers to stop anything larger than a transit getting over... and I have lost count of the number of times I've seen lorries get it it and then realise they can't get over it. It is well sign posted that it is for light / narrow loads only.

What is even more ineteresting is that there is not easy way to turn, they have to reverse backward a few hundred meters up a steep hill.

And all down to SATNAV that they follow without engaging their brains.

1st October 2007, 11:59 AM
:d :d :d :d

3rd October 2007, 11:16 AM
Totally agree. My Garmin satnav has brilliant mapping, but I wouldn't trust its directions: it thinks the fastest route from London to Perth is NOT to use the M6 toll; for Western France to London, it wants to go via the Cherbourg ferry; for a route last week from The Hague to Rotterdam, it decided it would be fun to go straight through the city and catch a small car ferry.

Maxxed Ross
3rd October 2007, 06:15 PM
I've been over that bridge many a time... and it's scary enough in a car!

Had to sit for 30 mins one night watching 4 police cars try to escort a low loader into that feild so it could turn round... muppets!