View Full Version : What I am about to tell you is worthless without pics but

25th September 2007, 10:20 PM
which is what I told Allan be could have used his camera on the phone however

Allan was travelling down the M6 today roughly between junction 22 to 21 southbound.

On the hard shoulder was a car transporter the hydraulics of the top ramp had failed on the top ramp was three LWB defenders and on the bottom was what used to be Range Rovers.:eek: :( now though the roofs were all squashed and the windows all burst etc etc.

Can you imagine the dealers having to tell the customer sorry about your order of the Range Rover but it got squashed on the back of the transporter on route to us.:D

25th September 2007, 11:01 PM
Well I guess I shouldn't laugh at someone else's misfortune but (and there's always a but) I think I would have found that hysterically funny (sicko) :D

25th September 2007, 11:01 PM

25th September 2007, 11:26 PM
These things happen more than you think.

I don't like passing those transporters to be honest...never think they are all that safe.

We refit vans for one of our customers. He had a new Transit van on order...so we set time aside to fit it out.

Day before we had it booked in my customer calls us:" Wee problem with the van...it was used to break open the secure gates at the storage yard and has been totally written off!" He didn't believe it until the guy from the leasing company forwarded on the pics Ford took

Some other vans were stolen as well...and Ford were at a loss on how it could happen!

So much for the security of these vehicles eh?

How could this have happened in Liverpool???...such a quiet town too:rolleyes:


26th September 2007, 03:54 PM
My old boy had a new VW transporter van on order and the week he was to pick it up was told that the large transporter his van was on was in an accident and as a result his van was badly damaged and they would not be able to sell him it. He was a little dissapointed but the VW dealer gave him a top spec one from the showroom instead so it was a result in the end.

26th September 2007, 04:46 PM
Horrid thing to happen - but can you imagine being the car behind when it went? You'd brick yourself!!!

26th September 2007, 06:23 PM
Scary stuff indeed if you saw that falling down in front of you. Just like when I saw a guy fall asleep at the wheel on Monday on the A9, bounce of the kerb and keep going........ :eek:

27th September 2007, 07:30 PM
LOL... I think I've got a pic somewhere of a transporter that toppled over onto its side and it had a full cargo of... (wait for it)

......Porsche 911s. that must have been a REALLY sore one!!! :eek: Imagine telling your boss you've rolled the transporter and then all the dealers having to tell the customers there beauty has been written off so they will now have to wait an eternity for a replacement...