View Full Version : Booked into Lohen

15th September 2007, 08:56 PM
Booked my car into Lohen on 28 September for a wee bit of work.

15% reduction pulley mostly...can't wait!


15th September 2007, 09:33 PM
oh Yes...! :D :D

be good to see how much oomph you feel afterwards.. :)

AndyP & Lenore
15th September 2007, 10:05 PM
oh Yes...! :D :D

be good to see how much oomph you feel afterwards.. :)

Oh yes. Especially with the wee bit of kit i hold him a couple of months ago. ;)

15th September 2007, 10:37 PM
Hoping for a wee bit of a difference Craig...and I'm thinking that this will be enough...and I'm going to stop at that. I was going to get Dastek in Dalgety Bay to do this work and dyno the Unichip to my car that I bought from AndyP.

I may not even bother with any tuning. I have read that a ECU remap isn't necessary. The main reasons for tuning are to give a little more fuel when utilizing the extra "oomph" given by the pulley...and I hoped that tuning would decrease fuel consumption for my usual "drive like a granny style" I may get Dastek to dyno the unicip to my car at a later stage...but I'm going to see if I need that first.

Dastek have a very poor record when it comes to returning phone calls. They are even worse at answering questions. It takes days to get answers from them and that's after calling them three times. Some of their answers contradict what it says on their own site and the Unichip site. Dastek can only give vague estimates for any work proposed.

So...I had to sit back and wonder if i really wanted them to do any engine work on my car. I wondered if anything went wrong...and I had to phone them...would they ever get back to me? I really wanted to use the Alta pulley as well...I don't know why....the Alta stuff just draws me to it.

I called Lohen and spoke to Andrey...he answered every question there and then...told me EXACTLY how long the work would take and EXACTLY how much the work would cost. They gave a quotation and if it takes longer...its not the customers fault so won't be charged on. OK..they are miles away if i have any problems...but I doubt that I will have a problem with their work.

Andrey even gave me some good advice on tuning (but that's top secret);)

The fact that Lohen are Mini specialists, cheaper than Dastek, and I have work an hour from them on 28 September...it was a no brainer really.

Looking forward to seeing whats done down there....but not looking forward to the drive down!:eek: I hate driving in straight lines:rolleyes:


15th September 2007, 10:38 PM
Andy...sorry...may not use the chip after all....may even sell it on:( :eek:

But thanks anyway;)


16th September 2007, 02:38 AM
Another useful mod is a lightended crankshaft pulley, allows the engine to spin up more easily, allegedly ;)

16th September 2007, 01:17 PM
Booked my car into Lohen on 28 September for a wee bit of work.

15% reduction pulley mostly...can't wait!


Lohen are brilliant..... These guys know what they are talking about. Andrey, Tom and Nick are so helpful with advice and run a prompt mail order service....

They fitted my KW Coilovers back in February. Good luck with the drive i did a return trip all in one day..... I was completely knackered but enjoyed my run home in my slammed MINI. The journey got a bit scarey at times when it started to snow heavily 5 miles from the Lohen premises but everything was ok and i got back on the road...... I left Bridge of Weir at 4am, got to Lohen at 9am and was back on the road at 2pm after my Coilovers were fitted and was home for 6.30pm.

Andrey even took me out for a 6 mile run in the car after the Coilovers were fitted to make sure i was completley happy with the ride quality and the ride height... Now where do you get service like that??????

Keep up the good work Lohen....

16th September 2007, 01:24 PM
Don't go to Dastek, I've had a nightmare from them and also many others who are in the same boat and their levels of service are appaling... and they are bloody expensive

16th September 2007, 04:03 PM
the warranty must be out now Mark, drive it like you stole it now

18th September 2007, 05:21 PM
Don't go to Dastek, I've had a nightmare from them and also many others who are in the same boat and their levels of service are appaling... and they are bloody expensive

Sh@z ...would you like to expand on this?

I really want to try and avoid them if at all possible...but I do have a Unichip to put on...and they seem like the only option in Scotland when it coems to dyno'ing the car with the chip.

I've been told the chip is one of the better options available for the Cooper S...and Andy P was way happy with it when it was on his car;)

Anyway...tell us your nightmare :eek: :D

Cheers mate!


18th September 2007, 05:23 PM
the warranty must be out now Mark, drive it like you stole it now

The warrenty is indeed gone...:D ...or maybe that should be:(

Toying with more work getting done when I'm at Lohen;)

Anyway...it should overtake nicely after the wee trip down there;) :D


18th September 2007, 05:25 PM
Lohen are brilliant..... These guys know what they are talking about. Andrey, Tom and Nick are so helpful with advice and run a prompt mail order service....

Now where do you get service like that??????

Keep up the good work Lohen....

This is what I read from anyone that has dealt with them...

Thanks...this helps my confidence!



AndyP & Lenore
18th September 2007, 07:12 PM
There's a fair bit of dastek bashing going on, so i feel i should step in in their defence. We did indeed have a unichip installed on one of our cars. Along with a 18% pulley. All installed by dastek in dalgetty bay.

when deciding what to do with our cooper s we spoke to paul (no longer there) at dastek and roland at gtt. I dont know why we didnt speak to lohen tbh. Paul and roland were both informative and very helpful. Both offered very similar products and at the time customer service (returning phone calls etc) seemed to be absolutely fine. Purely on the basis of distance we went with dastek. The work did take them longer than they expected but there was no extra charge to us. After the install we had absolutely no problems whatsoever. any questions we did have were answered promptly and to our satisfation.

i'm not daft enough to think circumstances dont change, but at the time we used dastek we were very happy with their service. Would have no problem recommending them. However, mark is dead on right to be looking at all options.

aside from anything else, lohen is a site sponsor. Gotta support the sponsors. ;)

18th September 2007, 10:21 PM
Mark go to GTT there is never any bad reports on Rollands work