View Full Version : madeleine mccann

7th September 2007, 05:58 PM
:confused: :confused:

I just can't believe that the parents have done anything but if they have :eek: :eek:

7th September 2007, 06:45 PM
Hmmmm nobody suspected Ian Huntley when he was interviewed on TV when Holy and Jessica went missing:confused:

If it was someone i knew i would rather the Police explored every avenue

AndyP & Lenore
7th September 2007, 07:57 PM
It's certainly quite a turn of events.:eek: :(

7th September 2007, 08:11 PM
She has never shed a tear on TV , hang her for it

AndyP & Lenore
7th September 2007, 08:40 PM
She has never shed a tear on TV , hang her for it

TBH, that's a bit harsh at the moment. Innocent until proven guilty remember. And she has shed loads of tears on TV, especially in the early days, when to be honest, she was an absolute wreck.

However, you can't help but wonder, if her mother/father are charged with anything, and subsequently found guilty....... just exactly what are they gonna do with the £1M donated to the Find Maddie campaign funds?:(


7th September 2007, 09:02 PM
Hmmmm nobody suspected Ian Huntley when he was interviewed on TV when Holy and Jessica went missing:confused:

If it was someone i knew i would rather the Police explored every avenue

Actually they suspected Huntley before his first interview on TV...but at that point in time did not have enough evidence to question him. They knew for a few days prior to that interview that a mobile phone owned by the kids was switched off within a 30m radius of Huntleys home.

The Police have many tools at their disposal to catch a criminal. Depending on which tools are in use can often dictate the way the investigation is run. Protocol and point of law often steer the investigation also...and to you and I...it can seem as though the police are doing nothing...but in reality they are just waiting for pieces of the puzzle coming together.

From the start....when Madeline went missing...I thought it may have been the parents.

It just didn't add up to me...no sign of break in at the apartment....and it seemed crazy that an academic couple would leave their children unattended and go out. They should know better.

But...at that time...I did think my mind was just running too free.

Hope its not the parents...because this would almost certainly mean the kid is dead.

I was working for a doctor the other day....and he said "if Madeline has been abducted...I hope to God that she is dead....well...kids just don't get abducted to be treated well."

That makes sense in a way....


7th September 2007, 09:06 PM
who is getting the reward

7th September 2007, 09:33 PM
Who will play them in the film?

7th September 2007, 10:16 PM
Actually they suspected Huntley before his first interview on TV...but at that point in time did not have enough evidence to question him. They knew for a few days prior to that interview that a mobile phone owned by the kids was switched off within a 30m radius of Huntleys home.

The Police have many tools at their disposal to catch a criminal. Depending on which tools are in use can often dictate the way the investigation is run. Protocol and point of law often steer the investigation also...and to you and I...it can seem as though the police are doing nothing...but in reality they are just waiting for pieces of the puzzle coming together.

From the start....when Madeline went missing...I thought it may have been the parents.

It just didn't add up to me...no sign of break in at the apartment....and it seemed crazy that an academic couple would leave their children unattended and go out. They should know better.

But...at that time...I did think my mind was just running too free.

Hope its not the parents...because this would almost certainly mean the kid is dead.

I was working for a doctor the other day....and he said "if Madeline has been abducted...I hope to God that she is dead....well...kids just don't get abducted to be treated well."

That makes sense in a way....


well often when you hear about murders it is a family member. This one though I just don't think it is the case and I hope I am right. The system over there is very different from ours and they have to raised to suspect level before they can ask them certain questions etc etc.

Also as her sister was saying on the news tonight the trouble they went to able to have kids you wouldn't just kill one. would you.??

Often the academic type have no common sense.

AndyP & Lenore
7th September 2007, 10:39 PM
well often when you hear about murders it is a family member. This one though I just don't think it is the case and I hope I am right. The system over there is very different from ours and they have to raised to suspect level before they can ask them certain questions etc etc.

Also as her sister was saying on the news tonight the trouble they went to able to have kids you wouldn't just kill one. would you.??

Ofter the academic type have no common sense.

That is our experience in many ways also.

On the subject of the trouble they had to have kids then they wouldn't kill one etc. If they did do it, the news stories are leaning towards that it was accidental, some sort of tranquilizer overdose. not that that makes it ok, obviously.


8th September 2007, 06:14 AM
A very sad turn of events, i can understand that they would be considered as being involved somehow.

It would be an amazing story if they were guilty, to have kept up the impression of innocence for this long would be almost as stressful as being guilty.

I just hope that a conclusion is found sooner rather than later.

There is the instance of blood being found in the apartment after it was re-let and also in their car 25 days after the "kidnap"

Mini Ecosse
8th September 2007, 08:00 AM
Also as her sister was saying on the news tonight the trouble they went to able to have kids you wouldn't just kill one. would you.??

Often the academic type have no common sense.

Perhaps trying to cover up a trajic accident?:confused:

8th September 2007, 10:00 AM
It makes you wonder if the truth will ever be known. I did read the story of a similar kind of case where the father of the murdered child insisted that his wife was innocent and claimed the police in Portugal had framed her. I think she got a hefty prison sentence - may still be there - cant remember the full details.
I find it hard to believe they killed Maddie and then sought such an intensive high profile search to find her. If I'd killed my daughter I'd be wanting it off the front page asap.
Have to say though they are guilty of neglect because while you might not think of your kiddies being kidnapped from their beds you would certainly worry about ordinary things going wrong.
This is a very bizarre and tragic case.

8th September 2007, 10:08 AM
Have to say though they are guilty of neglect because while you might not think of your kiddies being kidnapped from their beds you would certainly worry about ordinary things going wrong.
This is a very bizarre and tragic case.

Without doubt the biggest thing going through their minds, if they are innocent of course, not doubting it.

I'm fed up reading on other forums that folks leave their kids alone exactly like the McCann's did, no way on earth would i ever contemplate that.

I'm not saying they got what they deserve, but, they will have to live with the decision for the rest of their lives...............:(

8th September 2007, 10:50 AM
Without doubt the biggest thing going through their minds, if they are innocent of course, not doubting it.

I'm fed up reading on other forums that folks leave their kids alone exactly like the McCann's did, no way on earth would i ever contemplate that.

I'm not saying they got what they deserve, but, they will have to live with the decision for the rest of their lives...............:(

Fully agree. It isnt ok to leave your kiddies alone. From what's been said in the press this was done regularly. If you or I did it social work would be banging on our doors and quite right too. Have to say though the outcome is a terrible price to pay for mindless/selfish parenting.

AndyP & Lenore
8th September 2007, 11:58 AM
Fully agree. It isnt ok to leave your kiddies alone. From what's been said in the press this was done regularly. If you or I did it social work would be banging on our doors and quite right too. Have to say though the outcome is a terrible price to pay for mindless/selfish parenting.

I think that is the only reason so far they haven't been charged with the Portuguese equivalent of child abandonment, or neglect. However, if they can't make the homicide story/charges stick I guess they still have that as a fall back.


Mini Martyn
11th September 2007, 03:10 PM
I think they know exactly what they are doing, and if they have done it, they should be put infront of the public and we could all shout abuse at them for all the press and attention they have had!! :eek:

11th September 2007, 03:33 PM
I think they know exactly what they are doing, and if they have done it, they should be put infront of the public and we could all shout abuse at them for all the press and attention they have had!! :eek:

don't forget about the Money Martyn...! people have donated a lot to help find Madeleine and fly her parents around the world to promote her story..

Mini Martyn
11th September 2007, 03:38 PM
True that, plus they got to meet the Pope, the lenght some people will go to to meet him!! lol

11th September 2007, 07:13 PM
Just heard the news at 7.00pm...the prosecutor thinks there's enough evidence for the case of the McCann's to go to the next stage.



11th September 2007, 08:10 PM
well I will be shockecd if they are responsible for her murder.
However I do think they are responsible of neglect. They were not truthful to the police about how often they checked on the kids and are now full of guilt. He is arrogant that Gerry McCann but he's a Surgeon and they tend to be a bit like that. Very sad full of with "if only"

The Dogfather
11th September 2007, 08:34 PM
The fact that DNA has been found in the hire car doesn't mean anything unless its an exact match. The DNA from their other kids would be pretty close to that of Madeline. However and exact match could only come from the missing child but the Police are denying a 100% match.

11th September 2007, 09:50 PM
I DO think they are responsible for neglect! no one would leave their kids alone!<well not ones in the right mind!> And i do think it all a bit "suss" ...they now come up with all the dna!!??....i do hope it is all wrong!:confused:
Cos i'll be one bitch that donated money...that will ask for it back! :@

AndyP & Lenore
11th September 2007, 11:51 PM
Apparantly the trustees of the fund are having a meeting to discuss if it would be appropriate to allow the use of the fund to pay for their defence. :eek: :eek:

I dont like to swear on public forums but..... I DONT F*****G THINK SO!:eek:

12th September 2007, 03:11 AM
How quickly the fall from grace.
Sky news just can't wait to turn it around for a bigger better more sensationalistic story.
Their constant references to exact match DNA when they openly report that they have received it as 4th hand news and quote it at 88 per cent match.

What i want to know, how do they know what Madeline's exact DNA is anyway, what have they got to compare it against??

As for using the donations for their court case, erm, nope, sorry, use your own

12th September 2007, 09:50 AM
I'm not sure why, if people think the parents were not involved in the child's death, they would be so dead set against ensuring that they had the best possible defence and the means to pay for it, especially in light of some of the allegations that have been made against the Portugese judiciary in recent similar cases. I'm sure you have all already read these so I won't bother going into details here.

12th September 2007, 10:23 AM
I'm not sure why, if people think the parents were not involved in the child's death
A fair point Gaj, i'm not certain either way, but still, if they were really innocent then they wouldn't have to shell out any money for their defence and if they are guilty it won't matter cause they won't be able to pay for it anyway ;)

AndyP & Lenore
12th September 2007, 11:21 AM
I'm not sure why, if people think the parents were not involved in the child's death, they would be so dead set against ensuring that they had the best possible defence and the means to pay for it, especially in light of some of the allegations that have been made against the Portugese judiciary in recent similar cases. I'm sure you have all already read these so I won't bother going into details here.

Your assuming she's dead?

to be honest i havent read anything about the portugese judiciary. But they do seem to have a strange system. There's no doubt in my mind it would sit more comfortable with me if this had happened in the uk and it was the uk police doing the investigating.

but at the end of the day my thoughts are that that money was donated to find maddie. Not to fund the defence of those accused of her murder, regardless of who they are. If it was robert murat under this spotlight using that fund for his defence wouldnt even be a consideration.

i'm not saying they are guilty, like most people i believe in the whole innocent until proven otherwise right.

i agree wit alan big time on one thing, you can almost see the sky news presenters drooling at the anticipation of them being charged.

be interesting to see what turns up if the police get their permission to obtain this "special permission" to get more evidence.


12th September 2007, 12:40 PM
If I was being accused of something I would want the best lawyers possible however they should not use the funds raised.

I am waiting on absolute conslusive proof that they have done something bad.

If they have done something bad then it has got to be the best lie for the past 100 years.

12th September 2007, 08:41 PM
By law...I don't think they can use the funds for anything else but the search for Madeline.

Remember all the millions upon millions given for the tsunami victims?

It seem to remember reading somewhere that most of the money is frozen and can't be used because of a point of law.

Or was it the case that when Katrina hit the US...money couldn't be diverted from the tsunami fund to help...even though the tsunami fund had more than enough money to deal with all the issuies? Maybe that was it...

Anyone else read that?...can they then help with the reason why?

I'm sure it was a point of law like:money raised by a charity for a specific appeal...can't be used for any other because most people gave anonymously...so therefore can't be traced to be asked if they would object to their donation being used for another cause...no matter how good it may be.

My memory is going...maybe this is all mince:(


12th September 2007, 09:38 PM
if they werent 2 doctors they would have the twins taken into care.It stinks to high heaven

12th September 2007, 09:56 PM
Did? Did not? Somebody somewhere is sure as hell trying to finger thier collars.

A brief but scary story which came from a colleague of mine.
A friend of a friend once ,twice removed, was on a self-catering holdiay in Spain. In the supermarket with her two year old daughter she bent down to pick something from a lower shelf, toddler at her side. Stood up and no sign of the bairn. Couldnt see her along the aisle so rushed to the security desk. Their response was to lock the store and undertake a search. Within ten mins of having vanished from the side of her mother the little girl was found in the toilets with two Eastern European men, had been sedated, changed into boys clothes and was in the proccess of having her head shaved. The child had been stolen to order.
This happened since little Madeleine vanished. The media coverage of this tragedy probably saved this little girl from heaven alone knows what fate.

12th September 2007, 09:58 PM
sadly the fact is that there is alot of cases of kids gone missing no media coverage at all.

12th September 2007, 10:01 PM
Apologise for hi-jacking this thread.........

New in Portugal
A new hire car available
You can use it to take your kids out but they wont come back
It's called the new
Renault McCann

12th September 2007, 10:19 PM
if they werent 2 doctors they would have the twins taken into care.It stinks to high heaven

They might struggle to hang onto their kids. It isnt an emergency that demands instant action but you can bet your boots there will be some very hard questions put to the parents and if they cant prove that they can ensure the safety of the twins they would be placed with foster carers or other family members. Being doctors will not prevent social work having the children accommodated if that is considered to be the safest option for them. Thing is the McCanns have people staying with them 24/7 or damned near enough and that would be cosidered sufficient to ensure no further neglect took place. They may also face criminal charges as a result of the neglect. When it comes to child protection no one and I really mean no one is given exemption from scrutiny. For all we know they might be known to social services already. It isnt just the poor in rundown council estates that make up the client lists. There's a lot of prejudice and misconceptions on that point.

13th September 2007, 08:31 AM
I am waiting on absolute conslusive proof that they have done something bad.

dose laveing u child in a room them selfs in a strange country not just the start of some thing bad ?????

any way i belive they have got some thing to do with it i have siad this from the start tho i just dont under stand why some one would leave kids allown at any time yet allown go out for dinner !!!!

if they did not kill her i think they still had some thing to do with it

if she is not dead and has been kidnaped IMO she would be better off dead cos she will have prob been taken for the sex trade

its a real shame but i think it is in the mida so much cos they are docs

if it was just a normal person in no high profie job then it would have dissaperd from the news and papers it certanley would not bee in as much as it is

well thats me said what i think ;)