View Full Version : ECU resetting/learning/exhaust changeover

1st September 2007, 09:41 PM
OK...I fitted a Playmini catback exhaust to my S today.(Thanks AndyP!!!)

Everything went OK....but the OBC is telling me that I have gone down to 18MPG from 32MPG.

I think I read somewhere that you should disconnect the battery whilst fitting the exhaust...and hopefully by the time you have changed the system...and reconnected the battery...the ECU will be in learn mode...and "learn" that the new exhaust has been fitted. I'm sure you may have to leave the battery disconnected overnight though.

Anyone give me some idea if this is correct?

Thanks in advance!


AndyP & Lenore
1st September 2007, 09:49 PM
Are you sure that drop in MPG isn't just down to you hammering the car now you have a lovely sporty exhaust sound from the back of your car?:D

Once the novelty wears off, you'll be back to your usual 32mpg. Maybe?:D


1st September 2007, 09:54 PM
Never heard of that Mark, but then again, I just might not have had that problem (that would be a first eh? a problem that I haven't had..:eek: ;) :) )

1st September 2007, 10:09 PM
Nope...Switched car off at 32MPG...and when I switched on again...you could see the MPG drop like a lead ballon. Was down to 7MPG...so I did a wee reset of the MPG doda...and it climbed to 17MPG...then 18MPG and has sat there all afternoon.

I did drive in my usual style (like a granny) for a wee while...and it made no difference to MPG

Read this Craig:http://www.mini2.com/forum/engine-drivetrain-tuning/100632-ecu-reset-how-much-difference-does-make.html

I think it need a reset


1st September 2007, 10:47 PM
i found this with my piper cross viper filter, mpg went from 38-42 down to 25-30, haven't bothered doing anything about it mind you lol

2nd September 2007, 12:13 AM
Here's another snip...this time from NAM:

The best way to reset the ECU is to disconnect the battery for about 5 min. This will restore the car to it's default settings; Time, Radio Presets and all.
I was having an issue a while back where I was advised to do this since it will reset any adjustments your car may make as a result of bad fuel, driving stlye. This is also a good idea if you have made any mods to your car since it will cause the computer to make adjustments due to more airflow, pressure, power.

You can also reset (not a full reset)...using the following:

1) With the key in the off position press and hold the speedo reset button, turn the key to position one and the screen will say test and a number.

2) Go through the list by pressing the reset button upto test 19 and then wait.

3) The display should then say"log i-off" then "log i-on" over and over again....when "log i- off" appears again press the reset button ....and now you are in the system software.

4) Scroll upto 21.0 Software reset. When reset appears press the button again and you will get a beep and you're speedo needle may vibrate a little (this is normal).

5) Turn ignition off then back on to position 2 for 10 secs then start your car and hey presto its done.

I think I will do this after I stick on the CAI tomorrow...or maybe disconect the battery overnight.


2nd September 2007, 10:53 AM
That sounds too complicated for me, Mark.

Can am nae just press the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys to re-set the thing? :) :D

2nd September 2007, 03:20 PM
Are you putting the boot down more lol

2nd September 2007, 05:21 PM
I think you have buggered your car:D :D

2nd September 2007, 07:36 PM
Well did a reset this morning and after about 5 -10 miles of driving...the MPG started to climb...so everything looks ok....and errr... not buggered Fi:D

I didn't do much driving today....but the MPG was up to 28MPG by the time I took her for a wash.


2nd September 2007, 07:55 PM
That sounds too complicated for me, Mark.

Can am nae just press the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys to re-set the thing? :) :D

The three finger salute works on most things I find :)


3rd September 2007, 11:13 AM
Apologise Mark, I forgot you're an Apple-Mac man! :D :D :D

3rd September 2007, 07:56 PM
I NEVER MENTIONED IT:eek: :eek: :eek: :D


4th September 2007, 12:08 AM
See? This is why I DON'T have an OBC - it just confuses things. Dead simple - I drive fast = I run out of petrol quicker. Even my fuel gauge is at it. It goes down fairly slowly till it gets to halfway, then it does the second half twice as quick.... Bet you dig the noise though, Mark!!!!

4th September 2007, 08:04 PM
The noise is great...but its good that I can still drive semi stealth:)
Looking foward to the next bit;)


4th September 2007, 09:41 PM
Mark are you selling the big shelf the exhaust was on lol