View Full Version : Jcw Alloys Fault

18th August 2007, 12:56 PM
My JCW Burnished/Polished finish alloys are deterioating quickly with white marks amd bubbling from behind the laquer. It is not due to any chipping or damage as the finish is still smooth... I got it looked at on Tuesday by Service Manager at Fairbairns and he couldn't believe the condition of the wheels after only a year especially when i look after the car so well. I have to take it back in next week when the Warranty guy from the Factory is visiting to show him the wheels and hopefully he will see the problem and hopefully i will get the 4 Alloys replaced under warranty.... I read something on MINI 2 that this is a known problem on these wheels and some owners are even on their 3rd set of Alloys.

Has anybody else on here encountered such problems with this variation of JCW Alloys???

18th August 2007, 01:06 PM
try and keep hold of the old ones and try selling them ;)

18th August 2007, 03:15 PM
Mines are ok so far ... but im dreading the marks appearing :(

18th August 2007, 04:42 PM
Yep i have that problem...mine are marked and are bubbling:mad:

19th August 2007, 10:50 PM
very common unfortunately :(

20th August 2007, 06:30 AM
Well at least you will get them replaced under warranty.

20th August 2007, 12:46 PM
Well here's hoping they get replaced....

20th August 2007, 10:22 PM
Isn't it just a joke that these alloys are doing this? BMW are taking the p*ss! I've had my wee Minilites for about three years and they're still looking not too bad (apart from my 'crap parking' dings....). These burnished/laquered finishes seem to cause problems - I had it once, but that was on a set of cheap-ish alloys on my Nova SR in 1936..... not what you'd expect from BMW/JCW.... or is it????? Another example of poor quality control... Who makes the wheels for BMW?

Big Gordy
20th August 2007, 10:30 PM
I think the 'S' lites are made in Hungary :eek: Don't know about the split rim ones tho:o

20th August 2007, 10:37 PM
well the wheels have to be made to a standard so they will be of good quality. So the wheels will be good but it's the finish we have the problem with I think who ever is finishing the wheels do not have a good quality control

21st August 2007, 10:11 AM
I had similar issues on my BMW 330Ci alloys... they corroded terribly and were replaced at 18 months old. Replacement set also went in another 18 months...and that was with washing every week by hand.

Just watch out...if you have any parking marks they may not replace them at all ! My car BMW was ~5 month old when I got it and one wheel had been refurbished by BMW prior to me getting the car. When I complained about the alloys corroding they replaced 3 wheels but would not replace the 4th as it was damaged. I ended up having to pay for the 4th wheel myself.

I would never go near polished alloys again... no matter how nice they look when new.

21st August 2007, 08:39 PM
Jason Nicol has had his standard 17' Crown Spokes replaced under warranty already as the lacquer was bubbling around the valve area and thats on a set of wheels washed, waxed and very well looked after :mad:

Not good to hear, especially on JCW wheels :mad: :mad: ;)

22nd August 2007, 01:18 PM
I will let you guys know tomorrow what happens re my wheels as taking it in to Dealership to have Factory Warranty guy look at them....

22nd August 2007, 01:30 PM
My split rim R90's were awful when I sold the car - it was 18 months old and like this all over.

My 8 year old Golf GTi alloys were in better nick when I sold them than the 18 month old BMW ones.

23rd August 2007, 02:49 PM
My JCW Burnished/Polished finish alloys are deterioating quickly with white marks amd bubbling from behind the laquer. It is not due to any chipping or damage as the finish is still smooth... I got it looked at on Tuesday by Service Manager at Fairbairns and he couldn't believe the condition of the wheels after only a year especially when i look after the car so well. I have to take it back in next week when the Warranty guy from the Factory is visiting to show him the wheels and hopefully he will see the problem and hopefully i will get the 4 Alloys replaced under warranty.... I read something on MINI 2 that this is a known problem on these wheels and some owners are even on their 3rd set of Alloys.

Has anybody else on here encountered such problems with this variation of JCW Alloys???

Well been into Dealership today and i am getting 4 New JCW Alloys replaced under warranty so i am pretty pleased.... Just now hoping that the new set do not get get like these ones........

24th August 2007, 02:26 PM
Well been into Dealership today and i am getting 4 New JCW Alloys replaced under warranty so i am pretty pleased.... Just now hoping that the new set do not get get like these ones........

Not worth trying to swap for another style ? Maybe R95's that are not polished ?

Wish I had swapped for standard sport rims on my 330 rather than getting another set of clubsport split polished rims..

Big Gordy
24th August 2007, 04:09 PM
Just now hoping that the new set do not get get like these ones........

Ohhh they will................2 days after your warranty runs oot;) :D

5th September 2007, 06:48 PM
I got my 4 new JCW Alloys fitted today all replaced under warranty, so i'm chuffed to bits........ So shiny!!!!!