View Full Version : BT Hom Hub done a speed test

2nd August 2007, 11:59 PM
and this is the result.

paintProgressAndMessageOnBar(100,"The test has successfully completed");Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: http://speedtester.bt.com/images/help.jpg -provides background information.
IP profile for your line is - 6000 kbps
DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM) 7488 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 5048 kbps

So is this good bad or what.?????

AndyP & Lenore
3rd August 2007, 12:12 AM
Doesn't look to shabby to me.;)

Unless I'm reading those figs wrong, you're paying for 6mbps, getting a downstream of 7.4mbps and your router is allowing about 5mbps through.

Anyone else with more technical knowledge know more?

Where's Mr Davies just when you need him?:D


3rd August 2007, 12:34 AM
he will be in his bed no doubt. Will wait and see what he says in the morning. I have no idea what that stuff all means.

All I know that for my hom hub and my phone calls (which are many) it costs me £48.50 for Broadband + Calls per month.

Think I have to wait a year before I can change to another provider as I am thinking I am paying to much.

AndyP & Lenore
3rd August 2007, 12:39 AM
I've not really been looking at the home BB market much these days, but it seems to me £48.50 for 6mb broadband is outrageous! And your calls are on top of that?:eek:


3rd August 2007, 01:07 AM
£35 a month gets me 20mbit from Virgin ;)

3rd August 2007, 08:37 AM
I've not really been looking at the home BB market much these days, but it seems to me £48.50 for 6mb broadband is outrageous! And your calls are on top of that?:eek:


no that's for everything broadband, calls, service, vat

3rd August 2007, 09:21 AM
Your line test speed is VERY good for 6MB broadband.:D I have 8MB broadband and I don't get anywhere near the upstream that you do. Half a Meg upstream is very good, albeit as you say your router is throttling back the speed a bit, but it's still very good.

I would think that as you say you are paying a bit too much as I am £17.99 for BB and £12 for line rental per month. I don't use my home phone much so I am probably about £34 per month all in.

3rd August 2007, 09:45 AM
Im with AOL and its driving me nuts! We are paying for the top package, yet dont even get a download speed of 1 meg.

Whwn I complained, (several times) they blamed BT and said that the line could not cope with Faster Broadband.? :mad: :eek:

3rd August 2007, 10:03 AM
The IP Profile is the speed that your ISP has mapped you to synch at, in other words it's the fastest speed that they reckon your line can maintain a stable connection at. Remember, a product advertised as up to 8 meg may provide considerably lower speeds depending on stuff like the condition and age of your line and your distance from the exchange. That equates pretty well with your actual measured speed. DSL Connection speed is (I think) the speeds you get direct to your ISP which will always be higher than your actual real world speeds.

3rd August 2007, 10:42 AM
Im with AOL and its driving me nuts! We are paying for the top package, yet dont even get a download speed of 1 meg.

Whwn I complained, (several times) they blamed BT and said that the line could not cope with Faster Broadband.? :mad: :eek:

that's probably correct Clare, all depends on your exchange (age, distance from exchange and quality of the cable between you and exchange and also in your house).

I can spit to my exchange and my street wiring and house wiring are all new and I don't get top performance.. ;)

3rd August 2007, 09:27 PM
Im with AOL and its driving me nuts! We are paying for the top package, yet dont even get a download speed of 1 meg.

Whwn I complained, (several times) they blamed BT and said that the line could not cope with Faster Broadband.? :mad: :eek:

Isn't it hellish?:eek: ...what's a customer to do?:eek:

You think the company would listen to you...


OK..I promise now I will leave you alone :)


6th August 2007, 09:48 AM

Seems most people don't get what they pay for.