View Full Version : noisy fan on R56 cooper?

31st July 2007, 11:27 AM
Anyone else have a fan they can hear from inside their house with the doors and windows closed? Car parked outside, not in the front room, honest.


31st July 2007, 12:20 PM
the fault experts will be along shortly :rolleyes:

Normally with a turbo car, the fan stay on for 5mins to cool the turbo unit down but not sure if that is the case with the R56 :o

31st July 2007, 01:08 PM
On my first R56 I never heard the fan EVER :eek: , however on this car (Built Jun 07) I hear it most times I park up.. The fan is not to cool the turbo as it does it by some other means (I've read this somewhere before) so I take it, it is to cool the engine itself however you can hear the turbo cooling if you lift the bonnet.

The fan is quite noisy tho..

AndyP & Lenore
31st July 2007, 01:20 PM
Yeah, ours does this. About the time we open the doors after almost any journey we hear the fan come on, and it stays on for a good few mins.

Like Korky say's you can hear it behind a 2m think lead plated nuclear blast door.


31st July 2007, 10:46 PM
My fan comes on often, not for long though and it is not loud.