View Full Version : Paintball - Tuesday 24th July.

AndyP & Lenore
19th July 2007, 10:44 PM
My Nephew turns 16 on the 24th July and his dad (my other Brother, not Neil) has organised a paintball day for him, his mates and some other friends and family.

We've got the required 10 players, but it still leaves us a bit thin on the ground for targets to aim at.

So, with my brother's permission, I'm opening it up to NMS members. Looking for a "hand full" of interested parties. It's short notice and it's on a Tuesday when "normal" people work, so I doubt there will be a huge demand, but I would be delighted if 5 or 6 folk were free, and happy to join in.

Cost is £49 - and that includes all the kit and 300 pellets. It's a full day event starting at 9.30 ending approx 4pm.

It's at the Edinburgh Bedlam Paintball site (http://www.bedlampaintball.com/index.asp)

Anyone interested?


20th July 2007, 12:44 AM
boo, if only it had been the houston one :(

AndyP & Lenore
20th July 2007, 07:38 AM
boo, if only it had been the houston one :(

It's only a short drive surely.

Your probably closer to the Edinburgh site than I am.


21st July 2007, 10:21 AM
I had bought Paul the VIP passes for the Paintballing in Edin for his birthday last year, we forgot about them and they expired :mad: :eek:

Have a great time, it looks wicked! :D