View Full Version : Morgue Joke

12th June 2007, 01:36 AM
OK...this is another true one...

My mates brother is policeman is Glasgow.

He tells me that when a new policeman joins the force...they play tricks on them.

When it comes to their first visit to the morgue...they get a copper to climb onto a tray...put a tag round his toe...and slide the tray into the freezer and shut the door.

When the young policeman has to identify the body...they open the door...slide out the tray....and the cooper under the white sheet rises and makes a "WEEOAOO" ghost noise.

BUT!...there was this young policeman that joined the force...and his brother had already joined a few years before....so he had heard all about the tricks that would be played on him.

The older guys on his shift couldn't catch him out with anything...he simply couldn't be caught out.

They told him he had to go to the the morgue and identify a body...and he simply turned round and said..."Oh yeah...the white sheet and the "WEEOAOO" one is it???

So his partner lost the head with him and said..."Look...you are just making yourself unpopular with all the guys...why don't you run with some of this banter...and they will eventually leave you alone!...its only a laugh after all!'

So the young copper felt kinda bad...so the next day he said to his partner "Look...I'm sorry...I want to fit in...I really do...so can I help with some of the tomfoolery on the next recruit?" And his partner said OK!...I will let you know when we have a newbie and you can get on the tray and under the sheet...the guys will respect you for this"

So a few days later...he gets a shout from his mates that a new guy was going to the morgue to identify a body at 10.00am. He was told to be at the morgue no later than 9.50am...and they would get him on a tray and under the white sheet...with a tag on his toe.

So he duly did this....he was helped onto a tray...white sheet was thrown over him...and he had the tag on his toe. They pushed him into the freezer and shut the door.

Five minutes later....through the deathly silence he heard a voice above him say "Its bloody cold in here isn't it!!!":D :D

The young guy totally freaked out and you could hear him punching and kicking at the door to get out.

I think you could say that they eventually caught him out!:D
