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29th May 2007, 08:30 PM
Just wondering who used what company for their tints? Looking to get full set of dark tints to complete the look, preferably someone who'll do mobile installs or is local to bothwell... How much would i be looking at?

29th May 2007, 08:35 PM
I used Carlo I think his guys are mobile cause I'm sure once they were up Aberdeen way doing tints.

but please Sweeney don't go down this route of doing the fronts and pimping your ride.

29th May 2007, 08:37 PM
I hae mine done....i could give you a number;) :D

29th May 2007, 08:37 PM
I like the look of it, not exactly pimping my ride lol just think it completes the look :cool:

29th May 2007, 08:44 PM
I like the look of it, not exactly pimping my ride lol just think it completes the look :cool:

but Sweeney your a young lad and they are not legal the front tints do you want to draw attention to yourself from the Police and get points fines etc etc not help your insurance now will it.

29th May 2007, 08:47 PM
Yeah i know they aren't legal, i get attention from them as it is, if i see them id just put windows down anyway. Just a fine you don't get any points so insurance wouldn't know ;)

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 08:53 PM
<<<<< Shakes head.

Is there any point in trying to talk you out of the front windows?

Like Fi says... your a young man. Much to young to go to jail for manslaughter because you didn't see the girl on the bike coming towards you. She didn't have lights on and you genuinely didn't see her, but the judge won't care about that.

But then, if it "completes the look", go for it.


29th May 2007, 08:56 PM
She should have her lights on, if they aren't working she shouldnt be on the road... Ill drive with windows down at night, if i drive at night at all :rolleyes:

Doubt i'd get the jail either, as sweet and innocent a face as mine? They'd have to take sympathy on my side of the story! :p

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 09:00 PM
Didn't think there was much point in trying, but I like you too much to sit and do nothing.

Here's a question for you..... what are you gonna do at night when it's raining?:eek:


29th May 2007, 09:03 PM
where a shower cap and safety goggles... nick them from a local school chemistry lab or something... if need be cut three holes in a bin bag and wear that over my clothes, 100% waterproofed!

Or get something along the lines of this guys setup

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 09:19 PM
I have to admit, I like the laser blue colour lining on that guys plane.;)


29th May 2007, 09:20 PM
Makes it go faster! :p

30th May 2007, 07:39 AM
Best of luck Sweeney....:D

I wonder how long it will take before you get a prohibition slapped on yer car... :rolleyes: If you already get attention, this isn't going to make them go away... Although, if they weren't illegal, I would have them also.. ;)

30th May 2007, 08:08 AM
"Im sorry officer i was unaware, it came from bmw like this" ;)

30th May 2007, 08:05 PM
Sweeney next time ur on msn and im on ask me abt ur tints. I use a guy up the express way. Really gd job he does.

31st May 2007, 11:17 PM

AndyP & Lenore
31st May 2007, 11:32 PM
From the BBC News article:

"Forces cite the fall-out from a serious accident involving a motorcycle and a car with heavily tinted windows, as the impetus for this current crackdown."

Very similar to the example I gave above.


31st May 2007, 11:34 PM
Ignorance is bliss. :o

2nd June 2007, 12:13 AM
did you decide on the tints then Sweeney.;) ;)

got our Audi done last week but left the front windows.

2nd June 2007, 12:20 AM
She should have her lights on, if they aren't working she shouldnt be on the road... Ill drive with windows down at night, if i drive at night at all :rolleyes:

Doubt i'd get the jail either, as sweet and innocent a face as mine? They'd have to take sympathy on my side of the story! :p

They'll take sympathy alright, in the communal showers if you know what i mean.

2nd June 2007, 12:50 AM
Aye, heard its quite an experience to be had! ;)

2nd June 2007, 02:38 PM
One o my mates had it done and got stopped last night. His tints were quite dark tho. He got 3 points and 60 pounds fine on the spot and had to remove the tints.

3rd June 2007, 07:10 AM
Tinthaus did my last S...........get Kyle @ PoH to give you the number of the guy that does them locally for them ,I think he worked for Tinthaus and is now working on his own !!

3rd June 2007, 03:20 PM
One o my mates had it done and got stopped last night. His tints were quite dark tho. He got 3 points and 60 pounds fine on the spot and had to remove the tints.

Sounds about right, I think it constitutes dangerous driving or something along those lines.

3rd June 2007, 05:45 PM
Sounds about right, I think it constitutes dangerous driving or something along those lines.

there is actually specific legislation in relation to window tints which is what they use... ;) :)

3rd June 2007, 09:13 PM
<will keep gob shut> aboot them!;) :cool: :D :D ~sniggers~

5th June 2007, 08:05 PM
Go for it sweeney. Think about the amount of times ive sat down at mfi and never had anythin said to me about them. And u know how many traffics are down there. All the seem to do the now is do folk for dodgy number plates. I think there is a certian % percentage you are allowed on the front but im not 100% sure ( i sure someone will shed some light on this). I can still see out no problem at night. My last car was tinted the same as this one and ive never had any probs. Just dont get it to dark as it will spoil the look of your car, you wont have good visionat night and it will make you look even more dodgy than you are!!! lol.:D :D :D

5th June 2007, 08:13 PM
I got a can of black spray paint and sprayed them, looks real good now, plus can't do me for having tints too dark as no sign of tints what so ever... Three cheers for loopholes in the law! :D

6th June 2007, 10:03 PM
I got a can of black spray paint and sprayed them, looks real good now, plus can't do me for having tints too dark as no sign of tints what so ever... Three cheers for loopholes in the law! :D
Trust you to find a way round it. I thought ur car looked dark the other night. Did you use hamerite? Its really thick and should give you a good coat!! MON THE TINTS!!! heeehehe :D :D :D

6th June 2007, 10:12 PM
Nah just a spray can from local mountain bike shop, looks the baws eh :D

6th June 2007, 11:40 PM
One o my mates had it done and got stopped last night. His tints were quite dark tho. He got 3 points and 60 pounds fine on the spot and had to remove the tints.

Good, they are illegal for a reason :eek:

Companies applying tints to front windows should also be gettng heat!