View Full Version : Thistle Run...disgusted!

27th May 2007, 08:55 PM
Well...I won't be back on another Thistle Run!

"Why pray tell us?" do I hear you all ask...

I asked for a stewards enquiry into the rigged Show & Shine fiasco and was turned down.

Why am I so upset?...the man that is usually so calm, reserved and quiet?:eek:

I will tell you why!!!! I was on my knees longer than Mark Owen in a Take That dance routine cleaning my wheels and the rest of the car...and the Mini Clan hand the 1st prize on a platter to Mr Low/Mr Loud!!!!...who didn't even bother to take last nights chippy wrapper out of the back seat!

So that's it!

No more for Thistle Runs for me!


EDIT: I retract the above post as I have found out on what criteria the judges used in determining the winner in the 2000-2007 class. I have to now agree in full with the judges in their decision and can in no way argue why I didn't win this class. It turns out that 1st place was reserved for a new MINI owner that could still fit inside an classic Mini. Those of you who have met me know only to well that this would be impossible for me....without the use of a crow bar. It seems that the printers made errors in our run pack etc. The competition that we thought was called "Show & Shine"...should have in fact been called "Show Up ye Wee ****e fae Dundee and walk away with 1st prize ye Jammy wee toad!" I was bitter about this...but as you can now tell...I'm fine about it the whole thing:D

Well done Ewan!!!!

27th May 2007, 08:56 PM
Great seeing everyone today!

Enjoyed the run there and back with the the usual suspects;)

Hope to see you all again soon!


27th May 2007, 09:10 PM
so will you now be back

AndyP & Lenore
27th May 2007, 09:14 PM
I spent absolutely no time whatsoever washing and cleaning and waxing the car ready for the judges. I didn't bother cleaning all the dirt off the back of the car, the splattered bugs off the front or the splattered cow **** of the side picked up on one of the single track adventures. The wheels were filthy and we went one better than last nights chippy wrapper, leaving a half eaten Burger King including a Spider-man burger and a spilled bag of onion rings lying on the floor.

We didn't win diddly squat.:(

Obviously corrupt. It's not how your car looks it's who you know.;)


27th May 2007, 09:15 PM
LnL won did he. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a065.gif

well done.

never mind Jason you always have next year.

by the way how many cars did you entered.?:p ;)

27th May 2007, 09:19 PM
so will you now be back

Of course I will !!!

I'm going on a diet...and I'm gonna get in that bloody classic...or get my legs cut down so that I'm the same height as Ewan!:eek: :D

It was a good day out...I think all the Mini's/MINI's looked great...and as usual...all were very friendly...well apart for that we ****e fae Dundee:mad: :eek:

Where's the Tylenol?


27th May 2007, 09:40 PM
Why are you selling your car Mark, what you getting and can I have your wheels, go on I'll let you into the dark side that lets you know the force needed to win (or come second) show and shines:D

27th May 2007, 10:08 PM
I'm not selling my car Jason...decided against in the end.:D

I have decided to mod after September...and to hell with TLC. With the mileage I do...I don't think I will gain much from it TBH. If the dealer won't service my car...too bad...

So I have an ALTA CAI...and I want a Alta 15% reduction pulley and remap...then maybe an aerokit...then back to the original plan...keep it till its a classic.


28th May 2007, 01:28 AM
Question - How do you 'lose' 170 Minis? Answer - be the Elfman.

Politics aside, I didn't give a toss about the “Show & Shine”, as the car was too dusty etc to clean with the danger of scratching the fragile Indi Blue paint to bits.... (unless you have a mobile valet outfit in yer boot!!!!)

I much prefer the Run itself rather than the frantic rubbing in the car park. Although there is a time and a place for that..... Unfortunately I felt the day went a wee bit t*ts up as far as I was concerned. We stopped to wait for a few other NMS bods after Doune as there was only myself and Convertible Mark, with hardly ANYONE else in sight, and we got about 3 or 4 of 'our' crew, but I had mistakenly thought there were more of you BEHIND us - when you must have been in front. Consequently, we were later arriving at the NMS pre-arranged Green Welly stop, and we were half way through our munchies when half our group left (and most of the other Thistle Runners were still heading for Oban). So we ended up convoying just 5 MINIS from Tyndrum to Oban, in the process getting stuck behind a right tw@t in a mobile hoose on the single track section who took AGES to let us past, by which time the other 170 Minis/MINIS had well and truly bu**ered off. Well driven at the front on that stretch though Lenore. We were even too late to get 'ambushed' with our Thistle Run Mugs!

There had been mention at Blair Drummond of the NMS contingent parking in another car park in Oban due to excess numbers etc - but we didn't have details of the location so that was also a wee bit of a worry on the way up.... luckily we decided just to go straight for the 'proper' Thistle Run stop, where we finally caught up with everyone... Hmmmm.

We would've liked to stay for the 'cavalcade' round the town, but had to set off so that Bill could pick up his wife in Edinburgh later on - if we'd stayed to the end it would have been too late to get her - bit we knew beforehand we'd be tight for time anyway. The run down the road to Tyndrum was a BLAST behind Mark in the convertible, Andy & Lenore and Neil & Lorna - not to mention the excellent wee 'Paul Smith' edition Mini which was going very well! We stopped for a P break at The Welly and Craig, Marky C, Jason etc arrived a while later, but after we all left, we lost them (not on purpose!) about a mile down the road..... these shiny R56's are a bit slow eh lads? You'd think with all that polish they'd be flying! Nice bit was the Porsche GT3 which 'did' the lot of us on a big straight after Callander - Glorious! I was going to blow him away, but then I remembered I couldn't.... The blast put a nice hole in my otherwise reasonable MPG.

Tony - hope you and your wee girl (and the cuddly toy) got home OK - I meant to find you before we went, but got confused and left before I remembered! Eejit.

So that was our day 'Thistling'. Fun in parts, but I must be honest (you'd expect no less) and say I felt as if I actually 'missed' a lot of the run. Respect to the Mini Clan as usual for organising such a big day successfully, but circumstances today meant I personally didn't get as much out of it as I usually do. Nobody's fault - just the way it panned out. That was my 4th Thistle Run, but unlike Mark, I don't reckon I'll be doing it next year. I'll stick to the NMS runs - at least you know where everybody is on them!

28th May 2007, 08:43 AM
thats no problem euan we went to visit one of my many uncles who stay in oban.:) regarding the run, i loved every minute of it apart from driving through glen orky behind a robin reliant of all things got to oban about 2.30ish,i too prefer the nms runs, if we do a run like the thistle again,on my opinion we should all make plans to meet somewhere specific do the run together and arrive together to show people what a great club this really is.

28th May 2007, 09:24 AM
we felt a wee bit like that also Ewan that we ddnt enjoy it as much as last year , it was still good but something was missing in parts.

Neil and Lorna
28th May 2007, 09:49 AM
Good to see everyone again yesterday. Thanks for the all the good company throughout the day.

I must admit I'm glad I didn't spend time giving the car a wash and shine at Oban for the same reason as Ewan.:confused: :confused:

Ewan the only reason why we were talking about another car park is because we didn't want to be stuck in until gone 5pm. We left our house at 7.30 am and didn't get home until after 8pm our wee doggy was behind the door looking very cross eyed and cross legged by that time. When we reached Oban it became clear that we wouldn't be blocked in if we used the official car park. Sorry for any confusion this caused.

Neil and Lorna. :D :D

28th May 2007, 10:22 AM
well, my tuppence is IF it was a show and shine, why did one of the judges say "it's not who has the cleanest car...":confused: so is it just a Show and....... I have tried to understand their thought process for the winners they chose.. It is obviously not how they were turned out, 'cos there were another few cars that were as well turned out if not better. If it was how modified they were, then the guy that came third should have won as his car must have had the best part of £10K spent on it..

I have no idea how they came about their results :confused: I will think long and had before going on another thistle run. Also for being ear-bashed by a miniclan member for stopping for some lunch and some of us travelling together... also for being press-ganged into leaving the green wellie before all of the group were ready (sorry Euan and the Pooles and Vintageb3)..

This is the first thistle run I have done, where I have not been working at it, and I was supposed to enjoy it, but I have to confess, I didn;t :(

did anyone else notice how many of the prizes went to mini clan commitee members :eek: ;) :D

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 11:24 AM
I've been thinking about this over night and being honest, I think this is why we didn't enjoy the run as much as we could have. I would have to agree with lots of what Ewan says. Especially, of course, my good lady's driving skills. On that note, I'm pretty sure that guy in the hoose-on-wheels stopped at one point in the middle of the road, to go in the back and make himself a coffee.:rolleyes: Arse.:mad:

Perhaps we should just have been more organised. Perhaps we should have discussed in more detail the plan for the day. The guy who made the drivers briefing made it clear the day was fairly open. All we had to do was make it into Oban by 2.30pm.

But to be completely honest, I'm disappointed our fellow NMS members decided we - and when I say "we" I don't just mean Lenore and I, I'm talking about Ewan, Mark (Vintage), Neil & Lorna and Hyperflick - weren't worth waiting on. A simple "Are you ready guys?" Would have been appreciated. Would five more minutes have made a difference to the outcome? Remember, because we (most of the above) waited for YOU we were late arriving at the Green Welly.:confused:

Here's a question though..... we arrived in Oban about 2.40pm - a bit late I'll grant you. But when we got there we found the "cow with the mugs" stuffing his face with a filled roll. He hardly waited for any stragglers did he?:rolleyes:

I'm not as vociferous as Ewan, I'm pretty sure we'll be on Thistle Run 2008. But I think we'll either make the decision at the start to bugger off and do our own thing, or make sure a plan is hatched and it's stuck to.;)

Now, I don't claim to be speaking on behalf of Ewan or Mark or Flick, or N & L, just expressing my opinion.:D


Edit: Ooops. Just noticed that Craig (at least) has apologised.;) ;) ;)

28th May 2007, 01:09 PM
I've helped out with all 8 Thistle Runs and helped out again yesterday, although was not involved much before the day.
Yesterday was organised basically the same as every other one has been and represents months of work, starting in mid-winter, from unpaid volunteers.

Just some thoughts -

The prizegiving - We've never judged on how clean the cars are. I remember this right back to the first event in 2000. And, the decision has to come down to the judges own opinion. Its completely impossible to make an exact accurate opinion based on fact. Judging these things is VERY hard work, and the judge basically loses the best bit of the day. I think it is probably even more difficult for the 2001-2007 class, because none of the cars are dented, rusty or worn out. The day has always been focussed on the fun/family aspect, rather than being too serious.

On the run itself - its not an NMS Run - its a Mini Clan run, open to all. Wouldn't it be better just to join in the mini-community for the day than be separate? We've always tried hard to make this a run for all Minis - 1959-2007 and to make no differentiation.

The 'muggers' waited until our nominated back-marker car came from Blair Drummond. They 'mugged' about 175 cars.

My photos of the day:-


AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 01:41 PM
The 'muggers' waited until our nominated back-marker car came from Blair Drummond. They 'mugged' about 175 cars.

Rob, I should have said that we did get our mug once we got to Oban;) . I accept that we must have passed the mug-spot after the last marker car came through. We must have arrived at Blair Drummond towards the end of the que and as such we were towards the back of the que when we headed off. As such, stopping for lunch then getting stuck behind a hotel on wheels must have made us a bit late in getting to the mug-stop.:o

As for the organising of the run - I should have said in a previous post; once again this was impeccably organised by the Clan. The route signage was first class and we always love the wee goody bag on arrival. As for parking in Corran Halls - there was a clear demonstration of skill by whoever parked everyone up. Quite how you managed to get 180/190 odd MINI's and Mini's in a car park made for about 70 vehicles is well beyond me. Well done that man - whoever you are.

As for it not being an NSM run. I accept that, and the last two Thistle Runs we've been on, no attempt was made by anyone to group together - to the best of my knowledge. But this time we did have a chat about it and thought it would be fun to do, and loose plans were put in place to try and group together those who wanted to. Not sure where the problem is in this, if it makes the run more enjoyable and that is what we want to do, can't we do that?


28th May 2007, 01:49 PM
hear hear andy:)

28th May 2007, 03:10 PM
I'd just like to make it clear, especially to our own beloved Craig (who, let's face it, wasn't having a good day, despite for once trying to just enjoy instead of organise), Rob/MiniClan (and anybody else) that I'm NOT having a go at anyone here, or instigating anyone else to do so. I'd put the confusion down to each of us trying to make the day a better one for everyone and getting wires crossed which unfortunately had the opposite effect - but the intentions weren't negative. It was MY decision to stop and wait for fellow NMS members, it was MY decision to stop and wait at the Green Welly, it was MY decision to stay clear of the 'Show & Shine' (although, let's face it I should've walked it on accoustics alone....) Maybe they should change it to “Go and Whine” next year!

However, I must take issue with Rob on his statement “Wouldn't it be better just to join in the mini-community for the day than be separate?” this is simply WRONG! Of course I/we wanted to be an intergral part of the Run, but what's wrong with wanting to do it with your mates? I saw at least one 'Sub Convoy' of Classics parked up in a layby before we even left the Safari Park, obviously doing exactly what we tried (and failed) to do at various points in the Run (this happened en-route on last year's Eyemouth Thistle Run. After the 'single-file, one at a time' bridge - my car pulled up behind a line of classics, thinking it was a regular 'gathering point' and were told to 'move on' in a somewhat brusque manner). So what's the difference? Is it OK to do that if you're all in Classic Minis, but 'separatist' if you're all in new MINIS? Rob's insinuation of an NMS predisposition to separation is misplaced. I would say that if there is any feeling of the new cars not being part of the “Mini Community”, it's arguably (and understandably) more likely to come from Classic owners. I'm sure I'd feel a bit like that if I still had my old Mini and turned my psyche back 20-odd years! I would probably be sporting a '100% BMW Free' sticker - as do quite a few Mini Clan cars - fair do's. With the odd exception, I've felt very welcome at the 4 Thistle Runs I've attended, from the folks greeting us at the start with our 'Goody Bags' to the Classic owners en-route and the Clan 'marshalls' everywhere. So please don't assume that because friends want to do the run together that there's anything more to it.

As for taking part in future Thistle Runs? On reflection, I think it's just too big for me - that's my personal opinion - I've never done crowds well! Maybe because yesterday didn't work out as we would've liked for some of us (in whatever respect), opinions have been coloured and feelings are running a wee bit high. Let's not let what are basically non-malicious 'glitches' get between us and our enjoyment of our good company and our cars. United we stand - divided we just drive a lonely road.......

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 03:19 PM
I'd just like to make it clear...... ......United we stand - divided we just drive a lonely road.......

Ewan, I agree with all the above and everything in between.:D


28th May 2007, 04:05 PM
Euan (ELF) - completely accept your post and thanks for the clarification. I still think your wheels are the coolest :)

Craig said
did anyone else notice how many of the prizes went to mini clan commitee membersI don't have the results here, but I make it 2 out of 25 prizes.

My car's had a huge amount of time, money and effort spent on it in the past 6 months, and I was surprised and delighted to win 3rd place for my decade... especially since I was forced into classic ownership after losing my job and having to sell my lovely Dennis (54 plate) last year.
Kenneth has imported and is painstakingly restoring an Innocenti Cooper S (the only one there) to the tiniest detail. Judith isn't a committee member, and really enjoys entering tackiest accessory every year and was chuffed to get 2nd place.

The committee that keep the club going are allowed to enjoy the day too!

The TR volunteers do their best to be completely fair in the judging, under lots of pressure... I think its really unfair to accuse of anything other than trying to do their best.

28th May 2007, 04:09 PM
Well the short LOUD lanarkshire boy has hit the nail on the hied right there. HERE HERE ELFMAN! :D

I agree completely with your reply and think that all cars which show "100% BMW FREE" stickers should at least be banned from runs for not being inclusive and at worse, crushed. ;) :D

28th May 2007, 04:14 PM
Well.. for what it's worth, I've been on every Thistle run there's been to date, and the only one I've felt I didn't have a totally fantastic day was the day I tried to stay with a club within the run. I felt rushed that day (a few years back), trying to keep up with the little group, had no idea where we were going, and by the time we got to the stops, everyone else was leaving. So I learned from that. the Thislte run is a Mini day out, not a Club day in particular, since eveyone is actively encouraged to mix due to the format. Yes some people do stick together, fair enough, but I prefer that sort of thing for club or NMS runs.

I've spent 6 of the last 8 Thistle runs hurrying to find a spot, and polishing frantically, not winnig prizes, being disapponted when a total bucket (from my point of view) gets something and I don't. I've learned that that sort of thing really isn't what the Thistle run is about. It's a chance to get out there with hunners of other Mini enthusiasts, and mix with all sorts of cars and people. Sure, yesterday was a pleasant surprise, but it's also nice to see that someone appreciates what I've done. If I'd been judging, it would have been different winner for EVERY result announced. I'm sure everybody else would have their own list of winners.
This year, I was determined to enjoy the Run part of the day as much as possible, and that was achieved 100%.

If you're stopping off somewhere for lunch, and the majority of the convoy passes you, then that's life I'm afraid. Like I said.. been there, done that, and now I'd prefer to go with the flow on the day and enjoy the day out. There's plenty of NMS runs with organised stops.

As far as the apparent NMS lunch stop went, where and when was it?? I found out about it this morning, after reading Andy's post... Cheers.

If every run I'd been on had turned out perfectly the way I'd wanted it to, there'd be something wrong, and a lot of very annoyed other people around. That's life, get over it, have fun on the next run, that's what I try to do. 99% of the time, it works.

The Clan did a magnificent job organising 170 plus minis on a huge run, especially when runs this size have to include discussion with multiple local authorities, Police forces, The AA...etc..etc.. The directions, maps, Goody bags and Marshalls were impeccable. That's not something easy to get right. The fact that this year's Thistle Run was the biggest yet should tell you something.

The best Part of the day? My mate Dave asking me if I wanted a shot of his 1976 shelled Classic, the baby blue one with 7x13 Minilites and a 1293cc power. Of course I said yes. He's a bad man. I want yet another Classic again!! That was soooo much fun!
..oh.. and that GT3?? He 'hoored' past us before Crianlarich, and about 7 other cars in front of us! What a noise! I bet it didn't take him long to get down to you guys!

As for next year, all you 'Show 'n' (heh) Shine' runners up better get right back on yer crash-diets and anti-growth hormones ya fat lanky b*st*rds!
(what? It's funny when it's a height / hair joke directed at me, right?)

28th May 2007, 04:19 PM
Euan (ELF) - completely accept your post and thanks for the clarification. I still think your wheels are the coolest :)

Craig said I don't have the results here, but I make it 2 out of 25 prizes.

My car's had a huge amount of time, money and effort spent on it in the past 6 months, and I was surprised and delighted to win 3rd place for my decade... especially since I was forced into classic ownership after losing my job and having to sell my lovely Dennis (54 plate) last year.
Kenneth has imported and is painstakingly restoring an Innocenti Cooper S (the only one there) to the tiniest detail. Judith isn't a committee member, and really enjoys entering tackiest accessory every year and was chuffed to get 2nd place.

The committee that keep the club going are allowed to enjoy the day too!

The TR volunteers do their best to be completely fair in the judging, under lots of pressure... I think its really unfair to accuse of anything other than trying to do their best.

I think you answered it earlier in this thread rob in which there appears to be no particular "formula" for what cars will win at the Show and Shine, it is purely up to the person judging (as it is not done on what car is the best turned out, most modified, rustiest, oldest etc etc etc).

I don't think you can say that just because you have spent 6 months on your car makes it more deserving to win a prize than any other car, as I was always led to believe that it was a show and shine, not a "how many hours it took me to get my car looking this good" :confused:

Rob, I have judged before (at the Thistle Run) and a numerous Jaguar events and I have always judged on how good the car looks and what condition it is relative to the age... so I know how hard it is to judge and was not stating that it was corrupt in any way, mearly asking the question, thanks for clearing that up. :)

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 04:47 PM
Oh dear. Ewan, look what we've started.:o

Euan (LnL) it wasn't really an NMS organised lunch. It was more of an impromptu "shall we meet up at Green Welly and have lunch there - yeah, why not" decision. Sorry, I didn't even see you at the Safari Park. Maybe if you'd been wearing your stilts???;) It's not like we only invite the ones we like. If that was the case, we wouldn't have included Mr Nicol in the events.:eek: :eek: <runs for cover>;)

My chief complaint has been the way some of my mates deserted us at lunchtime. I guess this just goes to show you shouldn't wash your laundry in public, people don't like seeing your skid marks.;)

Forgot to mention this before: Speaking of skid marks - does anyone know who was driving/razzing the pale gold/silvery Rover 75 on the run? Whoever it is, I'm hope they are thoroughly ashamed of themselves for the way they were driving.


28th May 2007, 05:12 PM
Oh dear. Ewan, look what we've started.:o

Euan (LnL) it wasn't really an NMS organised lunch. It was more of an impromptu "shall we meet up at Green Welly and have lunch there - yeah, why not" decision. Sorry, I didn't even see you at the Safari Park. Maybe if you'd been wearing your stilts???;) It's not like we only invite the ones we like. If that was the case, we wouldn't have included Mr Nicol in the events.:eek: <runs for cover>

Ah well, if that's the case, no worries :D we sneaked in at the back :D
...Nobody else we spoke to mentioned it ;)

We didn't see that Rover, But there was a Silver Rover 25 who pulled out across the front of us while we were at full pelt near that 4x4 centre...:mad::mad:
farkin' tool! He didn't even look to his right before he started moving...

p.s... Andy.. I think you've got your smellings pixed up.. I'm the on with the 'w' ;)

28th May 2007, 05:13 PM
Ewan, I agree with all the above and everything in between.:D


And I too agree with the above...well put Ewan!!!

If I had a classic and a MINI or BINI and had decided to go on the run in my classic....as a member of New MINI Scotland, I would have preferred to travel with NMS members....simply because I know some of the folk...or getting to know them....i.e. friends travelling with friends.

I don't think in anyway that this distracts anything from the day. In fact...on a recent ScottishMini run...a few of us MINI's kept to the back of the pack....and I dunno...I thought it was a gesture of good will...a tip of the hat to the classic...or real Mini. I don't kid myself for one minute that my MINI is anything like a classic Mini. In some ways I'm glad of that TBH, but I do respect the classic Mini and if it wasn't for that little car and BMW...I would be driving what I like driving.

Ewan, I was in fact very happy driving in our little pack. I knew I was with people that loved their wee cars....could drive them...and wouldn't take silly risks endangering any of us. We drove briskly...but not crazily. The guy in the Paul Smith is called John...nice lad from Ireland living in Edinburgh. He takes great photographs!!!! I've had John behind me before he can handle that wee car...and it handles very well!!! He too isn't a nutter...and I laughed when he played a little with that jerk in the Audi. I like Ewan just let him go...he was a nutter...but John pulled a head a little to let him know that wee Mini's can be fast too! :D

Can I simply say....as the one that started this thread...my earlier posts were my poor attempts at a bit of humour between guys that know each other. I did not mean to insult anyone...and indeed I expect that my wee pal in Dundee will have a go back at me:D I in no way expected to win any prizes...and was just pulling Ewan's in fact maybe i should say Euan...as I've just relaised that I've been spelling your name wrong!...Sorry mate!

Everyone I spoke to at the run was very warm, but I was very surprised by the post by lightbody asking us to join in as part of the Mini community for the day.

I do have to say that I find the "100% BMW free" quite funny...and well done to those who wear it. But I'm wondering how my "100% Austin Rover free!" sticker will go down next year?:eek:

And lastly...Can I ask who the dicksquat was in the Rover 75 then?


28th May 2007, 05:22 PM
As for next year, all you 'Show 'n' (heh) Shine' runners up better get right back on yer crash-diets and anti-growth hormones ya fat lanky b*st*rds!
(what? It's funny when it's a height / hair joke directed at me, right?)

Oh...I'm insulted beyond belief...you didn't have to go that far!:eek:

You had to go for the easy target...the weight thing:mad:

Mind you...granted...it is a big target...



28th May 2007, 05:25 PM
Sorry, I didn't even see you at the Safari Park.

Yeah I noticed the grass needed cut too!:eek: :D

Oh all right then!!!!...I admit it...I'm the same height as you!!!

But I'm double the weight!:(

I'm not over weight though!!!...Oh no!!!!

I'm just undertall!


28th May 2007, 05:31 PM
You had to go for the easy target...

Yeah.. everybody always does huh? :rolleyes:
Well now I fight back :D:cool:

28th May 2007, 05:33 PM
Dam I wish I had come on the run now. It sounds like SO MUCH FUN:D :

Andy I would have waited for you. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/f010.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/n020.gif
and for all you that left him behind. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/boese/a037.gif

Now can you all just stop it I hate arguments. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/a020.gif


of course had I been their in my new Audi I would have won the show and shine. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/traurig/k035.gif

28th May 2007, 05:38 PM
Yeah.. everybody always does huh? :rolleyes:
Well now I fight back :D:cool:

Hey! Stop punching my ankles!!!!

I'll get a stool for you shortarse:eek:



AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 05:47 PM
Andy I would have waited for you. http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/f010.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/n020.gif

Now the last time we used a kissy smilie (x5drivers) that alone started an argument about man-love. Just as well your a woman.;)


AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 05:48 PM
p.s... Andy.. I think you've got your smellings pixed up.. I'm the on with the 'w' ;)

Jings, this is worse than the Allan, Alan situation.:eek:

I cannae keep up.;)


28th May 2007, 07:33 PM
I know this thread has calmed down now but after reading everyones posts during the day im actually shocked and disappointed at what has been said (i realise some may have been in jest). Not just the things that have been said but the reasons being so petty... For a site like this who is constantly on the lookout for more people to join and add to the community, i doubt this thread would encourage ANYONE, probably scare them off infact!

I know i didn't attend the run so please be sure i am well aware of that :p but having attended last years thistle run i feel i have a valid opinion... yes its a big run, yes theres lots of segregation within the group but hey, thats what its all about... Catch up with friends, make new ones, enjoy a good fun day out etc rather than bicker over why whos car got what awards for whatever reasons. People get left behind, people get lost, no point in being uptight about it all, its a good day out to drive and socialise anything else is an added bonus!

Wouldnt you agree that this thread has some really petty remarks and reasons and doesn't quite say much for us all? Or to put it as bluntly as i can, get a grip of yourselves :rolleyes:

ok i've said my piece, thanks for listening ;)

28th May 2007, 08:33 PM
Well said Sweeney, couldn't have put it better myself.

We all had a great day out, if we offended anyone sorry, was not intentional as we said yesterday. it was a group decision to go after lunch NOT mine as this is what Im reading into previous comments (am I getting the blame or not here), me and lesley would have left then anyway as we would have wanted to get to Oban for 2:30 to buff the car up and let Kerr look round we have him to think about first. I am thinking hard about going to next years run now, but I will probably go as Kerr enjoys it so much. One thing is for sure I wont be bringing my cleaning kit.

One last thing - Chill out:D

28th May 2007, 08:38 PM
The Stranglers “(Get a) Grip (on yourself)” plays in the background....

Sweeney - that's what these threads are for! People can air their opinions, and others can either agree or disagree, or agree to differ. I personally didn't put anything I considered 'petty' in my posts (it could be argued that in the great scheme of 'Life, the Universe and Everything', running around in a line of cars is fundamentally unimportant anyway - none of it's life and death - unless you hit something at 100mph). What's 'petty' to someone might be important to someone else - it's all relative. Life's full of petty stuff as well as the more important, and that's reflected here. I'd rather folks had their say than bottling it up anyway - we can be grown up and discuss any topic, get over it and move on - hopefully in harmony. If discussing things and having a few disagreements “scares” anyone off joining the gang, well that's their lookout - we don't want to get to the stage where we hire a Website Spin Doctor to put a gloss on things, it's a real site for real people with all their little foibles - although I've heard you can get ointment for that these days.

I also don't get this “Community” thing anyway - we're not a cult or a social experiment, we're a bunch of diverse individuals who really dig our cars and get on with each other very well most of the time - even friends and families have off days don't they? I think NMS is THE best car 'Club' (for want of a better word) I've been a part of - and a few wee niggles here and there won't put a scratch on it, if it does, we'll get Marky C to whip out his T-Cut and get rid of it!

By the way, I tracked down the Rover 75 driver and had him boiled in 'Castrol R'. Very tasty. I would like to point out to anyone reading this thread that NMS neither condones or practises Canabilism. Well not often...... Don't want to scare anybody off...... (tongue firmly in cheek Sweeney!)

28th May 2007, 08:40 PM
:D was anticipating another of your posts and i do agree to some of what you said but i still stand by what i said though :p

28th May 2007, 08:43 PM
well said jason i just think there was a tad of comuniction breakdown yesterday at the lunch stop,if driving off offended anybody i sincerly appoligise for. :o :)

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 08:44 PM
The Stranglers “(Get a) Grip (on yourself)” plays in the background....

Sweeney - that's what these threads are for! People can air their opinions, and others can either agree or disagree, or agree to differ. I personally didn't put anything I considered 'petty' in my posts (it could be argued that in the great scheme of 'Life, the Universe and Everything', running around in a line of cars is fundamentally unimportant anyway - none of it's life and death - unless you hit something at 100mph). What's 'petty' to someone might be important to someone else - it's all relative. Life's full of petty stuff as well as the more important, and that's reflected here. I'd rather folks had their say than bottling it up anyway - we can be grown up and discuss any topic, get over it and move on - hopefully in harmony. If discussing things and having a few disagreements “scares” anyone off joining the gang, well that's their lookout - we don't want to get to the stage where we hire a Website Spin Doctor to put a gloss on things, it's a real site for real people with all their little foibles - although I've heard you can get ointment for that these days.

I also don't get this “Community” thing anyway - we're not a cult or a social experiment, we're a bunch of diverse individuals who really dig our cars and get on with each other very well most of the time - even friends and families have off days don't they? I think NMS is THE best car 'Club' (for want of a better word) I've been a part of - and a few wee niggles here and there won't put a scratch on it, if it does, we'll get Marky C to whip out his T-Cut and get rid of it!

By the way, I tracked down the Rover 75 driver and had him boiled in 'Castrol R'. Very tasty. I would like to point out to anyone reading this thread that NMS neither condones or practises Cannibalism. Well not often...... Don't want to scare anybody off...... (tongue firmly in cheek Sweeney!)

ELFMAN, ELFMAN, ELFMAN! (I've given up trying to spell your name).... I am offended, upset and absolutely shocked to the bone about your post above. I am considering never posting here again, such is my disgust at your post.;) ;) ;)

The very suggestion that Marky C would use anything remotely as abrasive as T-Cut on a car's bodywork is bordering on cannibalistic in itself.:eek: :eek: :eek: :D ;)

A.:D :D

28th May 2007, 08:46 PM
If thats aimed at me andy i didn't say or imply i'd never post here again or continue being here :p just voiced my opinion on things, like everyone else has rightly done so :o

28th May 2007, 08:48 PM
Reding Jason's post, I would just like to add that I reckon (and hope) we're all cool now about the 'Lunch Thing'. I mean, I didn't go over and check with the guys to see what was happening - and I probably should've. I actually said that to Bill at the Green Welly when we got back to the car with the food, but then started stuffing my face 'cos I was starving. If it teaches us anything it should be

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 08:49 PM
If thats aimed at me andy i didn't say or imply i'd never post here again or continue being here :p just voiced my opinion on things, like everyone else has rightly done so :o

Aw fer fecks sake Sweeney:rolleyes: . use your own words here. GET A GRIP.:eek: :eek: It wasn't aimed at anyone.:D I'm just trying to lighten the mood a bit.:D Which we had managed to do until you came in an hour ago and got everyone shouting at each other again.:D :D


28th May 2007, 08:49 PM
Right who's for lunch then:eek: :)

28th May 2007, 08:50 PM
Ive got a grip, a firm one at that! :o :p
I didn't intend to put a damper on things, if i have im sorry but hey, such is life :rolleyes:

28th May 2007, 09:06 PM
I'm for lunch Jason, but only if I can have it before everybody and half an hour later than myself and I can leave before I finish and have a fresh tin of foibles with lashings of pettiness and a garnish of irrelevance. As Shakespeare never said “You, by God Sirrah, shall get the lunch, and verrily, I shall hold the cloaks - Fight! Fight!”

You gotta laugh, eh? Right, who's next in with the stirrer? I'm away to get my 'Magimix' ready for the next thread! Andy, your second last thread had me worried, until I realised it was you taking the p*ss - as usual. And stop winding Sweeney up - he's not clockwork! You carry on Sweeney, it all adds to the wondrous kaleidoscope of wit and sheer diversity that is the world of NMS. By the way - I wouldn't boast about the 'Firm Grip' - you'll end up on your own 'special' thread........

By the way, ELFMAN'S correct spelling is E-U-A-N!

28th May 2007, 09:08 PM
Im fully aware of what im saying and how it'll be interpreted by others :o Hey, all in good fun at the end of the day! :D

28th May 2007, 09:17 PM
Must say that NMS has been a bit pish lately not like the good old days with threads that ranted and raved, oh how the clocks have turned, this has made it actually worth logging on again for:D

28th May 2007, 09:20 PM
Just been too many R56 sorrows i think jason ;), come back over to the dark side :o you know you wanna :p

28th May 2007, 09:24 PM
No no I don't wanna. I love my Cooper S:D :D

I have the biggest smile you could ever see every time I step in.

28th May 2007, 09:26 PM
Ah well, preaching to the converted am i? :( ;) :D

28th May 2007, 09:35 PM
I hope we have all made our points and lets put this all to bed before it gets anymore out of hand, Never NEVER mention to me lunch again as it has been wiped from my memory bank which now stand at .5 of a gig full.
Again I will say though if no-one wanted to leave with me and Les then they should have said and anyway i thought thats what we were all doing.
OOPs Im off again. Nicol shut it . Baxters lentil soup and carmel wafers overload, show and shine show and shine show and shine must resist from cleaning car steel wool it :D .
Im saying nothing else on the matter Im still talking to everone and I hope no-one treats us differently , it was all a complete **** up , Im no leader! I mean look at John Barns he was sh**e as the manager of Celtic.

28th May 2007, 09:36 PM
Jings !!!!! :confused: :p

28th May 2007, 09:42 PM
Sweeney my wee boy.:eek: I'm surprised you have posted on the thread so quickly. I would have thought you would have at least needed a couple of days to make your mind up whether you were actually going to post on the thread and then another couple of days to decide on what you were going to say. Then afterall that change your mind and loose your way.:D

28th May 2007, 09:44 PM
Was also anticipating the wee dig from you fiona :D Nah i was sure of what i was *trying* to say and put across ;):p

28th May 2007, 09:44 PM
Was also anticipating the wee dig from you fiona :D Nah i was sure of what i was *trying* to say and put across ;):p

are you sure your sure.:p :p

28th May 2007, 09:45 PM
Next year I think I will judge the show and shine:D

being a non Mini owner I can play fair.

Markyc M&S caramel logs are my fav.:D

28th May 2007, 09:49 PM
are you sure your sure.:p :p
yup :rolleyes: :cool:

AndyP & Lenore
28th May 2007, 10:14 PM
..... Baxters lentil soup ........

You got Lentil? We got some nasty Tomato and brown lentil stuff.:D Yuck.:p


29th May 2007, 08:27 AM
My post which ended abruptly should have finished with “its good to talk” and that to say to Jason that everything's cool! I'll treat you exactly the same as usual - so sorry about that in advance! (the 'Quick Reply' keep leaving out half my stuff!!!!! - Rats this has taken me three goes.......)

Fiona - a Non-MINI owner?? Jeez, there goes BMW's profit margin..... the factory'll shut next year....

Big Col
29th May 2007, 11:17 AM
what a load of saddos! :rolleyes: :)

29th May 2007, 11:25 AM
what a load of saddos! :rolleyes: :)

says the man who no longer has a MINI and has been on about 1 run... :rolleyes: ;) :D

Big Col
29th May 2007, 11:35 AM
says the man who no longer has a MINI and has been on about 1 run... :rolleyes: ;) :D

That's 'cos I aint a saddo. :D

Big Gordy
29th May 2007, 11:36 AM
That my son is a matter of opinion ;) :p :D

29th May 2007, 11:51 AM
That's 'cos I aint a saddo. :D

you sure about that.:p :p

I would rate this thread as highly entertaining tbh. infact it's been one of the best for a while.


I've got to say you men are worse than women you really are. Throwing you dummies oot the cot and all that sutff. You NEVER see any of us women members having a fall out now do you.


I think you have all made up again so that's the main thing. :D

29th May 2007, 01:41 PM
None of us have “Fallen Out” Fi! Well not since we got that delivery of NMS Underwear from the 'special' catalogue....

As for 'Big Col'...... Nae MINI, Nae Runs - now THAT'S SAD!!

29th May 2007, 09:43 PM
gee whiz guys, bit shocked to read some of the last posts, to be honest myself and rab had a fab day, was great to meet up and have a wee banter with you all again, good to put names to faces too.

got lots of good advice re our car (ordered playmini exhaust today:D )

we'll defo be on the next run and hope to see you all there too:)

hope everyone is not too down hearted - just remember we're all crazy about our minis, old or new, clean or dirty and just wanna have fun and show them off with like-minded owners.

lets just enjoy it:) :)

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 10:21 PM
Ach, we're all cool now claire.;) We all sat down around the camp fire, drank some Bud, told some jokes and everyone is speaking to each other again. By then end we were all signing Kum Bay Ya together.:eek: ;)


29th May 2007, 10:23 PM
By then end we were all signing Kum Bay Ya together.:eek: ;)


more like ging gang goolie:D

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 10:25 PM
Pmsl :D :D :D :D

29th May 2007, 11:17 PM
Ach, we're all cool now claire.;)

By then end we were all signing Kum Bay Ya together.:eek: ;)


Who's Bum were Ya signing?:D

Jeez!...I miss all the good bits!


29th May 2007, 11:31 PM
got lots of good advice re our car (ordered playmini exhaust today:D )

Woohoo, another PlayMini member :cool:

AndyP & Lenore
29th May 2007, 11:52 PM
got lots of good advice re our car (ordered playmini exhaust today:D )

Welcome. It's an exclusive club you know.;) ;) :D


30th May 2007, 08:54 AM
Now wait just a minute.... Campfires? Kum Ba.... what? Goolies? I fear yet another dangerous breakaway group has formed within our ranks........ I wasn't even invited..... and who's 'Bud'? Hope you singed 'em on the fire!

Playmini...... BBBRRRRRRRUUUUUMMM! Gurgle! POP! BRRRRRRUUUUUUMMMMM!!! You know it makes sense.

4th June 2007, 09:29 AM
Ohhhhhhhhh Kaaaaayyyyyyyyyy.......

I won't volunteer to judge next year... :(

For anyone who's interested, my reasons for choosing the cars that I did are clearly written on the judging sheet. Contact the Clan if you want to know EXACTLY what I said. I expected Andy G to read out the reasons at the prize giving, but he didn't.

I wasn't looking for the cleanest car, or the car with the most money spent on it, as I don't think either of those ways of choosing is fair.

I chose cars which caught my eye, who had something unusual, eye-catching, or original. The silver "S" looked gorgeous, and I liked the grills in the aero kit with the cut out "S". Jason's stripes which change colour going over the roof I liked. And the look of LnL's car just WORKS, the colour, the dark wheels, and the silver bonnet stripes.

Sincerest apologies if anyone felt that I hadn't judged fairly. ALL the cars looked gorgeous, and it was incredibly difficult to pick just 3, especially as I know so many of you very well. Sorry if I caused any offence, it certainly wasn't meant.

I hope you will all come on the Thistle Run next year. Yes, the Clan puts in a HUGE effort to pull it all together, and everyone who goes loves the mix of cars and the mix of clubs. It's just meant to be a fun day out, not too serious.
Promise I won't judge anything next year ;)

4th June 2007, 04:56 PM
ta for the sport sripes comment Smurph, oh buy the way you've not been to a Mini Meats for age's get your name down;)