View Full Version : wheel refurb - where to go???

23rd May 2007, 10:11 PM
looking to get my alloys refurbed next week as i'm off work, bit short notice as usual, but anyone know of any firms that are good??

23rd May 2007, 10:47 PM
i know a few over this side west coast think there is a good one in falkirk tryin to remember there name thou past the advertising board everyday wen i used todrive over there 140 quid over here for a set of wheels unless you remove tyres then it 85 quid so not so bad

24th May 2007, 01:13 AM
try running a search for this, we've had the discussion a million times!

Powdertec in Glasgow do really good work ;);)

24th May 2007, 04:47 PM
Just noticed this thread..
And you're in Fife.. which isn't that far away from these guys... http://www.jp-coatech.com/coatech.htm
Coatech in Carnoustie. They're pretty good, they had a stall at last year's Arbroath Seafront Spectacular with some nice toys on it like a TVR and Ultima GTR...
Zimbo had his wheels refurbished after he <ahem> scraped ;) them... They made a good job too!

24th May 2007, 05:47 PM
having a wee problem, called a few companies (will try your suggestions in the morning) but they say cause my wheels are split rims they cant do it something to do with breaking the seal which may cause them to leak:confused:

Anyone got any ideas?