View Full Version : Ooooooooooooh...

Big Gordy
1st May 2007, 04:12 PM
I sooooooooo want an Audi R8 :D It may have taken over from my all time must have 911...:I
Anybody see it and Tiff in Fifth Gear last night....sounds nice man :p:D:approve:

Neil and Lorna
1st May 2007, 04:24 PM
It certainly looked good.:cool:

Would love one as well but not practical for us and to mucho ££££££.

Audi seem to have produced a 4 wheel drive system that still keeps the rear wheel drive characteristics.:D:D


P.S The rest of the programme was pants.

1st May 2007, 04:57 PM
This has now entered my top ten (maybe even 5!!) must have cars!:D:D Actually have to admit to loving the new TT as well:I, despite not being very keen on the old one! Would still rather have a 911 turbo, or all time drool machine, a gallardo!!;):p:p:D

Big Gordy
1st May 2007, 06:34 PM
Yes Neil the rest of the show was VERY pants:mad:
Julz at least you were lucky enough to have had the 911 experience already unlike some of us:( I think the 911 is still my fav car of all time:approve: I've lusted after one for as long as I can remember:D
I'm on the first rung of Audi ownership ladder now though as I have my A4 1.9 TDi Sport to play with:D So only got the A6 to go before the R8:p.........aye right:blackeye:;) :p:D:approve:

Big Gordy
1st May 2007, 06:36 PM
quote:Actually have to admit to loving the new TT as well
Me too...:eek: Didn't like the old one at all:dead: :p:D:approve:

1st May 2007, 07:45 PM
Yup nice car, but what I will say is Fifth Gear is PANTS and yes I did watch it but that daft bint is sooooo annoying.

1st May 2007, 09:50 PM
Is Vickie still doing 5th Gear.......MMMMmmmmnnnnn Vickieeeeeeeee


1st May 2007, 11:34 PM
did anyone see tiff nearly bof james toesland off his bike at a corner on next weeks trailer at the end....ooooooh!

rest of the show was pants, but the R8 was sweet - i liked the way the cones were very tight to the line...little room for error.

2nd May 2007, 01:38 AM
Yeah, I thought the cones were very tight considering he had a whole track to work with.

It was rubbish though.

I'm still not convinced by the contrasting panel on the side, looked ok last night but if you had the car in any other colour it would be really obvious - don't like it!

2nd May 2007, 05:49 AM
Well I missed fifth gear but it doesnt sound like I missed much?

I've always wanted a 911 as well but like Julz I would also love to have a Gallardo. The R8 is nice but the porsche would still get my vote specially if its the 997 TURBO....:p:D:cool: (MAJOR DROOLING....):D

2nd May 2007, 05:51 AM
i think if i had the money and choice, i'd choose the full beef 911 turbo over the R8 anyday, although they are releasing the RS8 as well, think thats meant to have the v10 from the gallardo? R8 is a nice car won't deny that but theres just something about the top end porsches that ooze power and speed :p

2nd May 2007, 04:16 PM
I think the difference between an R8 and a 911 is that your unlikely to see many R8s, but you'll see a lot of 911s. Look at when Tiff took it down the strip in Vegas - everyone looked. Nobody would turn at a 911.

I think I'd probably kill muyself in a 911 turbo though! Would stick with the slow one ;)

Big Col
2nd May 2007, 06:01 PM
For those (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ro30yBUUjs) of you that missed Fifth Gear.

2nd May 2007, 06:44 PM
Damn..missed that, though program was soo pants I stopped recording it on SKY+... ended up watching way to much of it at "x30".

R8 looks lovely, though still would struggle to pick one over a 911. My brother is lucky enough to be on his 3rd Porsche and now and again I get a go. His last car was a 911 GT3...that was silly quick ! Ended up grinning from ear to ear when I got a go..