View Full Version : Need a wee......

24th April 2007, 06:12 PM
.........well go to the toilet... :D


Are you desperate for a wii ?

Well, I have tried for the last 3 months to get one from a shop or from ebay for around the purchase price of £180. The cheapest I could find one was for about £210 from the UK. I had read on various forums that you could get them from anywhere in Europe and they would work ok.

So, I went ahead and ordered a wii (standard package with wii sports) from amazon.de on tues of last week. It said that it could take 2 months to be delivered, but I thought, well at least I will get one… It got dispatched on thurs of last week and arrived at my door at about 10:00hrs on Monday morning. FANTASTIC Service. :approve::approve::approve:

I plugged it in last night and it worked perfectly. The cherry on top is that I got it delivered to my door for less than you pay to buy it out of a shop in the UK (If you can find one..!). Came out at £174 (only charged £4 to deliver from Germany :eek:)

Happy Boy (and Jude is now hooked on beating the little buggers at Tennis – her words not mine..) :D:D

Mini Me
24th April 2007, 06:56 PM
deleat this thread, if mrs broon reads this im dead....:p
been trying to get her one since Feb.

Glad your enjoying tho...
(ha ha, i know where you live):eek::evil:

mind lock your door.....

24th April 2007, 07:27 PM
quote:Originally posted by Mini Me

deleat this thread, if mrs broon reads this im dead....:p
been trying to get her one since Feb.

Glad your enjoying tho...
(ha ha, i know where you live):eek::evil:

mind lock your door.....

you can come and have a shot of it.... ;):D

it's alarmed and I have regular checks made on the property by some "locals"... :approve::approve::approve: take yer chances baldy.. ;):blackeye::p:D

24th April 2007, 09:22 PM
I got one from Comet last week for £174.00 :cool: :cool:

Placed order with them 10 days before hand and it arrived as they promised...... 10 days later!

Paid by credit card when order but they only charged you when you pick up the item and you can cancel anytime you like!

Now, trying to beat the wife in bowling. :p :p :p

24th April 2007, 09:45 PM
yeah just spoke to my mother she work's in comet in falkirk she said they are avail for order come on mr brown you must not have been trying that hard

24th April 2007, 10:10 PM
The WII is great! Have you got your own funky MII's made up?:p

Ive got Wii Sports, Wii Play, Red Steel and Wario Smooth Moves. What you got Craig, if you and jude wanna swap any for a wee shot let me know!

24th April 2007, 10:12 PM
Oh forgot to ask are you a Pro at any of the Sports games yet?

Ive managed to get Pro at Bowling, Tennis and Golf.

AndyP & Lenore
25th April 2007, 12:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by Clare1

Oh forgot to ask are you a Pro at any of the Sports games yet?

Ive managed to get Pro at Bowling, Tennis and Golf.

Waaaaaaaaaay too much time on yer hands.:D

Had mine since Christmas day and can't seem to find the time to play it. It's great as a social game though. Lenore and I play Tennis when we have time. I usually let her win though.;)


Mon the fish
25th April 2007, 02:32 AM
I walked up to Game in Falkirk on 4th January and they had stock :D Not had any since then though...

I'm a pro bowler and golfer, boxing is next (damn I'm gonna be fit :p)

25th April 2007, 02:40 AM
Not fair, I want one and the missus won't let me as all our savings are going to the wedding fund!! Ah well, will just have to be on the wedding list!

25th April 2007, 02:56 AM
can't be bothered with it. Craig if you had only told me I would have sold Allans for much cheaper than that.

Don't know what he would say though:p

25th April 2007, 05:02 PM
its a good way of keeping fit, i usually play it for about an hour a night. :D Unless im here until late! :eek:

Its a good laugh when theres a few people playing though! Ive only had one ''accident'' when my mate James tried to hit the tennis ball so hard the strap snapped, and now ive a dent in the facing surround of the room door!! :eek::evil::D

25th April 2007, 05:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

can't be bothered with it. Craig if you had only told me I would have sold Allans for much cheaper than that.

Don't know what he would say though:p

If you do think about getting rid of it, let me know... ;):D