View Full Version : Meeting starting in Dundee up to Glensee

20th April 2007, 08:36 PM
Scottish mini web site have organised a Mini Meet on teh 29th April and I thought I would Spread the invite around alittle.


Anyone welcome mini or no mini everyone welcome for a fun day out..


23rd April 2007, 05:06 AM
what time are you heading down at.... might come :p:D

24th April 2007, 05:45 PM

I can't believeI just noticed this thread!!! :mad::mad:

Ah well.. bloody typical.. but I *might* make it...

27th April 2007, 06:07 PM
Leaving Shephards Rest Pub,
Westhill at 10am.... Meeting at 9:30-10 though....

or if your near Dundee then meeting at Camperdown McDonalds at the same times.....

Or glenshee for 11:30 if your From the North...

More the merrier But don't look like there is much support here.

27th April 2007, 06:10 PM
I'll be there if I can get up! :D:D

27th April 2007, 06:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

I'll be there if I can get up! :D:D

you still need a lader to get into the mini Ewan?? sure someone will give you a footie...

hee hee

Only Yoking...... see you Sunday.....

anymore for anymore??

27th April 2007, 07:27 PM
Shephards rest is that in westhill? or should i go to Mcd in Dundee :p:p

28th April 2007, 06:14 PM
i think i will take the run from the D. hope its a nice day like today

29th April 2007, 06:50 AM
Kim and may pop along in the morning if we get up in time

I take it the Camperdown McD's is on the Kingsway?


30th April 2007, 03:18 AM
Well...it was a great day out!

Up Glenshee...and around that area...

Saw some familiar faces...and met some new folks including GPG from on here..top bloke! (nice GP...glad to see the red bits off...I never liked the red bits on thre GP:eek:)

The folks from Scottish Mini were real nice folks...can't remember too many names...but nice folks...

All the Mini were great...but I fell in love with a wee black one...but I don't think I could fit that in my garage as well:(

We will be back along to one of their runs in the future for sure!


30th April 2007, 05:43 AM
had a great dy and a great run..

good to meet everyone and hope there s another one soon, i cant sell the car now it was running so well today

30th April 2007, 04:32 PM
Glad you lot had a good day next time I'll take my new mini and be able to keep up with you all. Pick up wasn't really up to the power of the GP but least I gave it a go then admitted defeat and pulled over ( Unlike sunday drivers).......

and for the record it wasn't me that covered you in Black Oily Keeh..... Honest...........

1st May 2007, 02:04 AM
lol i think it was the white mini with on a mini mission on the back that did it

1st May 2007, 04:04 AM
The oil washed off mine easily...but left a Paul Smith LE logo in its place

hmmm...I wonder?
