View Full Version : 60p from 2 coins.

4th April 2007, 05:27 AM
Using two coins that are in everyday use make 60p.

the only condishion is one of them can't be a 10p.

(took me 2 mins to work it out)

4th April 2007, 05:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by scottymc

Using two coins that are in everyday use make 60p.

the only condishion is one of them can't be a 10p.

(took me 2 mins to work it out)

I dunno...but if you lend me a tenner...I will give you that fiver I'm due you


4th April 2007, 05:40 AM
One is a 50p, the other is a 10p.

You said one of them can't be a 10p, but didnt mention the other. ;)

4th April 2007, 08:36 AM
Take 2X20p from a pound, or buy a lion bar using the pound;)