View Full Version : Bodyshop nightmare!!!

27th March 2007, 04:54 AM
Don't know where to start.... unfortunatly at the end of 2005 some prat smashed into my car (when it was parked!!) Went through my insurers to have it fixed. There recommended bodyshop in Falkirk took at least 3 attempts to fix the car (including some mess caused by them!)

I was polishing the car a few weeks back and noticed some bubbles in the paintwork (not too chuffed to say the least) Got in touch with the "recommended" bodyshop they said they'd take in the car and sort it out.

Got the car back today, after a week in the bodyshop, panel was repaired BUT...there was overspray on my roof, rooftrim, sideskirt, mirror, cataloy finger marks on the chrome doorhandle, inside the door, a piece of trim was broken and large chips in the paintwork on the door edge as if it'd been bashed off a wall!!!:mad:

Blooming ragin to say the least!!:mad:

MINI William
27th March 2007, 05:02 AM
not so good i would be straight in there tomorrow morning some people just dont take any care with other peoples pride and joy.hope you get it all sorted out soon

27th March 2007, 05:12 AM
Sorry to hear about this, I've had less than great service in the past too from a "recommended" repairer.

Insurers cannot force you to use their repairer. You can insist the car is repaired wherever you want. They "may" insist on two quotes but do not accept their offer unless you know they are good.

27th March 2007, 06:24 AM
Claire, that is absolutely disgraceful.

I would be phoning their garage tomorrow and ask for the manager. Ask for answers as to why this has happened and also why it has been returned to you in such poor condition.

I would also ask that they come and pick the car up from you and provide you with a courtesy car until ALL the problems are resolved. It's just not good enough.:disapprove::disapprove:

Don't be soft on them. :evil::evil:

28th March 2007, 04:25 AM
I did speak to the manager when I collected the car but he wasn't helpful at all when I pointed out each of the problems. (oh add to my wee list of probs, they broke my lock on the petrol cap too, supposidly why it took as long to fix:mad:)

They did very quickly polish off the overspray from the roof (which he says "may" have been caused by them!!! MAY:mad:, they're the only people to have worked on the car!!)

He told me the were not obliged to fix the door as I can't proove the chips were caused by them:mad: Out of courtesy (chough, cough) he did offer to touch it up with a paint pen if I left the car for another few days!! NO WAY, as far as I'm concerned, speaking from past experience of them, they'd have fixed the door but damaged something else, its just not worth it!!

When I asked about the warenty for their paintwork he said it was 5yr from the initial job, fair enough. But when he found out i was no longer insured with the same company he said the they should have refused to do the rectification work on the car and that the waranty basically was void!!! Total rubbish, I spoke to my previous insurer and they were shocked to hear they are telling their customers this, and informed me any work done is under waranty for 5yr from initial repair date.

To be honest I'd rather keep the car as far away from them as possible, it's just not worth the bother.

Hopefully I'll not have any further problems but if I do I'm hoping the nice men at BMW will be able to help:)

28th March 2007, 05:14 AM
Claire that is absolutely shocking treatment :disapprove::disapprove: Can't believe that there are businesses out there who would make such a sh!t job and expect you to be happy with it and not say anything :mad::mad: Ridiculous indeed :disapprove::dead:

28th March 2007, 06:41 AM
It wasn't Peoples in Falkirk was it?


28th March 2007, 07:23 AM
Name and shame I say.

Big Gordy
28th March 2007, 04:07 PM
Yeh do tell....who was it:question: :p:D:approve:

28th March 2007, 05:02 PM
You must be going mad Claire!:evil:

I spoke to your Man a few days ago, i think he was going to speak to Alan in our Bodyshop about your car, did you get anything sorted out??

29th March 2007, 12:55 AM
Yeah I say name and shame, prevent anyone else putting their pride and joy through all this.

Specially since I'm thinking of maybe getting some paintwork done shortly and dont want to take it to where ever it is your car was (sorry).

I hope you get your car fixed to your satisfaction soon Claire.

29th March 2007, 04:22 AM
Thanks for your thoughts folks. I was gonna name and shame but wasn't sure if that was allowed on the site?? Don't wanna get chucked off:I:p

Anyone wants to know I have no problem telling you where to avoid, I'd hate this to happen to anyone!!

Need to call Menzies again Clare, hopefully they'll be able to help out. If not my dad will touch the door up, after all he has completely restored several VWs inc. campervan and a beach buggy:cool::D

29th March 2007, 04:47 PM
i bet i know the company 100% i can are the initals D.C

29th March 2007, 04:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bignorm

i bet i know the company 100% i can are the initals D.C

thats who I was thinking of.

29th March 2007, 08:15 PM
ah see fi i used to work there so i know what happens there thats why i only lasted 6 months with them

The Dogfather
29th March 2007, 08:39 PM
Come on spill the beans

29th March 2007, 10:40 PM
Claire, Mini lovers, boys and girls.

Be warn and this is from experience......

Please try not to name the company involved in the public domain which this site is. Although I’m fairly new here, I’m a biker and I participate in another forum website (bikes) and sometime ago one of the fellow biker named a company for bad service and basically warning us be aware. Next thing we know we were contacted by the company's solicitors and to sue us (the sponsor and moderator, I'm none of these) for damages for inflammatory remarks etc.

So if anyone want to know the name of the outfit involved please contact or pm Claire direct.

The Dogfather
29th March 2007, 10:49 PM
Did they sue? I think they would find it very difficult to, I've slagged off JC in Aberdeen after getting some shocking service, as have few others. So far no one been in touch with NMS. If its factual and/or someone opinion then how can they object?

29th March 2007, 11:01 PM
I don’t think they did in the end but the moderators did replied to the solicitors with some kind of ‘apologises’ and obviously the so call ‘offending’ post removed!

I suppose it all depends on what is 'inflammatory remarks'.

May be just that the garage you mentioned knew they were in the wrong in the first place... :p :p

29th March 2007, 11:27 PM
yeah im sure they could do something about slander i know just the person to ask fi fi are u there lol

29th March 2007, 11:40 PM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Did they sue? I think they would find it very difficult to, I've slagged off JC in Aberdeen after getting some shocking service, as have few others. So far no one been in touch with NMS. If its factual and/or someone opinion then how can they object?

That's my feelings too.

I may well be wrong but..

Slander: 1. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

If you're telling the truth, and their service is appalling and you're getting ripped off, it ain't slander.

And if it's written surely it should be Libel rather than slander?
In any case they both refer to False statements made, which in this case it seems the statements are true, and the garage basically is providing a below standard service.

forget that, after checking t'internet, apparently there is no such thing as Slander or Libel under Scots Law. It all comes under Defamation of character. Still. If a so called professional company has given you crappy service and are mucking you about, it's hardly a Defamation of their Character if you tell us about it.

30th March 2007, 12:22 AM
hey low i know where u are coming from but its trying to prove that they have gave u a crap service as well as everyone knows there is companys out there that will not admit liabilaty for anything id just watch what they say but who am i to say anything lol

30th March 2007, 12:46 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bignorm

hey low i know where u are coming from but its trying to prove that they have gave u a crap service as well as everyone knows there is companys out there that will not admit liabilaty for anything id just watch what they say but who am i to say anything lol

Yeah, too true. that ^ is just the black and white of it.. It's all down to proving what really happened.. :disapprove:

Garages Eh??? Just about as bad as lawyers... ;);):p:D

Claire, hope you get it all sorted out in YOUR favour. Just as well we can trust Mini Dealerships huh? ;):p:blackeye:

The Dogfather
30th March 2007, 12:51 AM
They have to prove that they didn't give you carppy service, innocent until proven guilty

30th March 2007, 12:59 AM
yeah but it works in both favours as both partys would be innocent until proven guilty :D:D

30th March 2007, 01:01 AM
is that the garage that tries to cram a lot of work in ? ;):D

30th March 2007, 01:08 AM

30th March 2007, 04:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

is that the garage that tries to cram a lot of work in ? ;):D

;) quite possibly!!

I seemed to have opened a very large can of worms here, oops!

30th March 2007, 06:00 PM
ITS COOL there is a few people on here who know who u are talking about and that does not say very much for that company