View Full Version : stoney's picnic run - 8th July

11th March 2007, 02:07 AM
well as lots of outher peeps have posted runs for the summer i have a brill run was talking 2 some peps about it @ mini meats 10

the date for this run is 8th of july

it is baced round leadhills got one part of run done all ready :p

will have 2 put a cap on numbers for parking reasons this will be 17 (at the moment) will have a better look soon

as u may have gessed bye the title you will need 2 bring a picnic/BBQ with u for food we will be in the middle of nowhere !!!! not even a phone signal :p

1 stoney and christine
2 sedgie and grumpy ;)
3 X30YES
4 sweeney
5 claire and rab NO SHOW :mad:
7 Mini William + 1
9 indigomatt NO SHOW:mad:
10 weefossy (mom + dad)
12 murphy2311 NO SHOW :mad:
13 BJN NO SHOW :mad:
14 Elfman (mr v power)
16 vintageb3 (mr no v power)
17 minimad (miss daisy;) IS NO MORE !!!!:D :D )

run full

down load run notes here !!!!!!!

11th March 2007, 02:11 AM
me & Gordon

Neil and Lorna
11th March 2007, 02:11 AM

Sounds good, but we might be going to the GB Grand Prix at Silverstone.:D:D

Neil and Lorna.:D:D

11th March 2007, 02:21 AM
quote:Originally posted by Neil and Lorna


Sounds good, but we might be going to the GB Grand Prix at Silverstone.:D:D

Neil and Lorna.:D:D

shall i put u down as a mabie ?

11th March 2007, 02:33 AM
sorry, we are on our hols that date.

Enjoy :approve:

AndyP & Lenore
11th March 2007, 02:41 AM
Sorry Rob, July is a crazy month for us. And this year even more so with [outrageous plug] Shrek 3, Harry Potter and Simpsons Movie[/outrageous plug]. So there's no way we will be able to make it.:(


11th March 2007, 04:53 AM
Put me down please stoney. Give me a shout if you need a hand with anythin with the run. Gettin ma keys on the 8th of june so i should be ok to help you. :D

11th March 2007, 03:54 PM
count me in rob :)

11th March 2007, 06:16 PM
Sorry but we will be in Spain for the first 2 weeks of July, we will have a picnic on the 8th with tapa's and red wine just for you . Pictures will be posted;)

11th March 2007, 07:13 PM
sorry 2 here that guys some brill roads nice and quite and nice and twisty :) its going 2 be good fun

12th March 2007, 12:52 AM
Oh sounds like fun, can me and Rab come too:)

Duncan Stewart
12th March 2007, 09:58 PM
Sounds Great - love the roads around Leadhills. Add Helen & I please :D

MINI William
14th March 2007, 05:14 AM
can i come please ???:D and a plus 1 thanks

14th March 2007, 08:29 AM
hi new to this but would very much like to come with the missus we have joined the woderfull world of minis(grey r56 s with jcw's body and jcw upgrade booked,well as soon as it is released name is down)

14th March 2007, 08:29 AM
sorry my name is grant and the missus is fiona

14th March 2007, 04:16 PM
Add me too, ta M

Can we go to Morton Castle while we're down that way...? good place to stretch the legs if it's sunny :D



16th March 2007, 03:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

Add me too, ta M

Can we go to Morton Castle while we're down that way...? good place to stretch the legs if it's sunny :D



will have a look in 2 it have not done all the the route yet so we prob will visit it after lunch :p

17th March 2007, 08:19 PM
Picnic, sound like a great idea.....Mom can bring the " loaves and fishes":D Can you add us please.

21st March 2007, 04:40 AM

Sorry I will be unable to make this as I am best man at my mates wedding the day before and I think we will be staying over at the hotel that night.

21st March 2007, 06:51 AM
sounds great...can you add me please :)

21st March 2007, 05:36 PM
Ill go add me +1 other

23rd March 2007, 07:06 PM
Can you put me down for this please, I'll bring the kids with me too. (If I'm not away on holiday) taa

23rd March 2007, 10:18 PM
Count me in too, Stoney.

Weefossies - “Loaves and Fishes”? Are you expecting a 'special guest'? (beard, sandals, big white shirt) I know it's a Sunday, but...........
THE BIG YIN!!!!!!???? Brrrrriiiillliant!

23rd March 2007, 10:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by ELFMAN

Count me in too, Stoney.

Weefossies - “Loaves and Fishes”? Are you expecting a 'special guest'? (beard, sandals, big white shirt) I know it's a Sunday, but...........
THE BIG YIN!!!!!!???? Brrrrriiiillliant!

What 'Billy Connelly'

24th March 2007, 12:29 AM
Well, JC is too busy saving souls etc to rustle up a picnic fr us - I reckon Billy tells funnier stories anyway....

25th March 2007, 10:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by weefossy

Picnic, sound like a great idea.....Mom can bring the " loaves and fishes":D Can you add us please.

dread 2 think hoe full ur minis going 2 be :eek: on this run mom and dads boot is norm full of goodies :D:D:approve:

31st March 2007, 06:55 AM
Was gonna stick our names down for this run...but I may be working at the Silverstone GP;)

Enjoy the run!


4th April 2007, 05:31 AM

How come I always seem to end up at number 13!!


4th April 2007, 07:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by BJN


How come I always seem to end up at number 13!!


you just need 2 be a bit quicker 2 get ur name down ;)

and ur right paranoia !!!! :p

6th April 2007, 05:00 AM
Put me down for this one please Stoney:D

I have been up to Wanlockhead once before, the roads around that area are great;)

6th April 2007, 11:01 PM
Sorry have just found out now we have done our shift change for the year that i will not be home for the meet don't get back till the 10th was meant to be the week before really pissed of was so looking forward to coming out.Fiona & grant

7th April 2007, 01:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by CCM

Put me down for this one please Stoney:D

I have been up to Wanlockhead once before, the roads around that area are great;)

thats u on the list :)

7th April 2007, 01:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by gb.mini.s

Sorry have just found out now we have done our shift change for the year that i will not be home for the meet don't get back till the 10th was meant to be the week before really pissed of was so looking forward to coming out.Fiona & grant

no prob sorry 2 here that hope 2 see u on a run soon

stoney and christine

20th April 2007, 06:38 AM
the fiesta still welcome???


20th April 2007, 07:56 PM
yep u are more than welcome on any of my runs will put u down when got my lap top sorted out

22nd April 2007, 05:14 AM
danke schon will need to get my strutbrace sorted asap then (bloody things not even 6 months old and the powdercoat flaked off and it started rusting)

might have a passenger not sure yet.. (so much for weight saving... lol)

David Wynne
25th April 2007, 06:01 AM
Where are the Leadhills? :I

25th April 2007, 06:30 AM
quote:Originally posted by David Wynne

Where are the Leadhills? :I

South Lanarkshire:)

26th April 2007, 09:25 PM
“Where are the Leadhills?”

They're up the front, followed by the Midhills, and then the Backhills...... sorry.

Leadhills is a wee village, with others like Wanlockhead, all old Mining settlements, with lots of Social and Industrial history. Don't know if the Mining Museum in Wanlockhead is still open, it's a while since I was there. I also think the area had one of the first Public Libraries ('information is power' as they say), but I could be wrong... Oh no, I've turned into the 'Open University' (checks out snazzy new corduroy jacket with elbow patches).

The roads are also interesting....

28th April 2007, 06:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by ELFMAN

“Where are the Leadhills?”

They're up the front, followed by the Midhills, and then the Backhills...... sorry.

Leadhills is a wee village, with others like Wanlockhead, all old Mining settlements, with lots of Social and Industrial history. Don't know if the Mining Museum in Wanlockhead is still open, it's a while since I was there. I also think the area had one of the first Public Libraries ('information is power' as they say), but I could be wrong... Oh no, I've turned into the 'Open University' (checks out snazzy new corduroy jacket with elbow patches).

The roads are also interesting....

the Mining Museum in Wanlockhead is still open as was down those roads yesterday

leadhill is the highist village in scotland !!! the roads are brill nice and twisty

29th April 2007, 06:40 AM
in other words ye cooper boys had better be on ur toes... for there'll be a fiesta out for a mugging... :p

12th May 2007, 07:37 PM
Imposter :p bear in mind its a run i.e. *rally* not a race lol

13th May 2007, 09:07 AM
Imposter :p bear in mind its a run i.e. *rally* not a race lol

thats just cos u want 2 be a slow coach hee hee !!!:D :p

the run will be keped in the speed limits just some nice twisty roads 2 play on :D

13th May 2007, 09:09 AM
;) im getting there, still a bit iffy on bends and corners though :o

15th May 2007, 10:17 PM
well all going well my car won't be running like a bag of poo as i'm booked into pumaspeed to see if they can get my mil light to go out and my engine to stop overfuelling (massive pops and bangs even when the throttle is being held not just on the overrun) and my strutbrace is away for powdercoating 2moz so all going well.... which it probably won't...

oh and my new ebc green stuff pads an turbo groove discs are rattling like mad anyone else had this problem??? i know it's a ford but wondered if they all do that

15th May 2007, 10:20 PM
Overfuelling, thats not good :(

Checked to make sure the brakes etc are as tight and secure as can be? Could be the calipers?

16th May 2007, 11:49 PM
hehe when i get a chance it's always raining when i get home (yes i know i'm a big wuss) and they won't let me use the ramps at work :mad: just gonna strip them down regrease and rebuild them... heres hoping...

booked into the bodyshop in falkirk on the 22nd to get my rusty doors replaced ... then however long till they replace the tailgate too.... (currently considering buying a 51 plate 540i M sport leastways they don't rust so much :rolleyes: )

16th May 2007, 11:51 PM
whats insurance gonna be for that though? certainly more than the fiesta! lol

Big Gordy
17th May 2007, 09:00 AM
turbo groove discs are rattling like mad
Is it definately a rattling sound as the grooved discs do make a kind of 'whirring' sound ;) I had them on my 86 XR2 and Mundeo:D Great pads green stuff but their discs I found to be hit or miss quality wise to the point I wouldn't buy them again:(

27th May 2007, 01:21 PM
hehe still haven't bothered my backside to sort them lol, car was in the bodyshop and they made a complete git of it again and now i have scratches on the rear bumper tailgate glass and n/s sill plus theres still rust on show :mad: sales manager has now been made to get involved, ****ers!!!! lol

insurance was £1150 fully comp which i was pretty happy about but i think the running costs for 18k miles a year would kill me... still want one though:p

5th June 2007, 08:13 PM
sorry stoney im gona have to pull outa this one:( . To much goin on with the house. Was really looking forward to it especially in this area. Ive got fast and mod the jst after it aswell. Have a gd day anyway and i will deff be on ur next run if im finished decorating! PS good private plate on christines car. :D

5th June 2007, 08:18 PM
aww your gonna be missed, youll miss some banter i tell ya that :p
mind get the b+q store card, save yourself a fortune

6th June 2007, 09:54 PM
aww your gonna be missed, youll miss some banter i tell ya that :p
mind get the b+q store card, save yourself a fortune
Ive got the homebase card still to get the b and q card. :D

6th June 2007, 10:12 PM
that'll do! :p

12th June 2007, 06:50 PM
hi gordon no prob

ok iv not been on for a while cos my lap top has given up the goos :mad:

the run is still on and the start point will be the same as last time will post it on fornt page run notes will be given out on the day !!!!!!;)

19th June 2007, 06:02 PM
Ive just checked ...I'm onshore that week !!! ....any chance of a free BBQ ?? :rolleyes: :cool: :p :D :) ...I take it the start is at Chatlerault

19th June 2007, 06:19 PM
Aye thats where it starts angus who knows where it will finish and what roads were going as the first recce was only 60/70 odd miles so a good wee bit more driving to be done :p

20th June 2007, 08:37 AM
Welcome back Angus! Long time no see.

20th June 2007, 01:04 PM
Welcome back Angus! Long time no see.
Most runs seem to have been when I'm offshore this year ...:cool:

20th June 2007, 02:56 PM
Ive just checked ...I'm onshore that week !!! ....any chance of a free BBQ ?? :rolleyes: :cool: :p :D :) ...I take it the start is at Chatlerault

yes it is will be doing a rece in the next few day after my dogy brakes get sorted !!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

20th June 2007, 02:57 PM
You had me out in that with my arse making buttons and you had dodgy brakes... :mad:

20th June 2007, 03:13 PM
well only a back caliper sticking so not 2 bad going in 2morow !!!!

20th June 2007, 03:18 PM
oh thats alright then :p

20th June 2007, 07:18 PM
yes it is will be doing a rece in the next few day after my dogy brakes get sorted !!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Brakes!!!!.................... what's all the noise about ;) :p

20th June 2007, 10:21 PM
don't work at mini anymore now...:mad: back doing pre delivery checks and approved used car checks at bmw so even less chance of getting my nvq:mad: BAH!!! nehow hope u got it sorted in the end and a lot cheaper than our parts dept quoted thieving gits were only going to give me 10%:eek:

20th June 2007, 10:54 PM
yep one of my back claipers has stuck so geting changed 2morow

21st June 2007, 10:19 AM
yep one of my back claipers has stuck so geting changed 2morow

Bloody Hell! Stuck CLAIPERS :eek: ....... that'll bring tears to yer eyes!!!! I've heard you can get ointment for it these days.:( :p :D

21st June 2007, 12:21 PM
well its all done it was a back one that had gome so got a new one on 2 day :D

22nd June 2007, 12:36 PM
That's the last time I try to be funny on THIS thread......... (I may be lying)

22nd June 2007, 07:26 PM
i believe your lying:D

neways all going well i may have something other than the fiesta to bring but knowing my luck it prob won't happen

22nd June 2007, 07:34 PM
Rent a mini ;) im sure they'd do you a deal? :o (haha aye even i laughed at that...)

22nd June 2007, 07:38 PM
lol yeah like £130 a weekend or sumthing so nah not 4 me possibly a 55 plate st with a 2.3 conversion :D though thats if it's tidy enough when i go to see it this weekend

22nd June 2007, 07:40 PM
You a ford loyal then eh? :p

23rd June 2007, 09:10 AM
nah i just don't want to lose all the money i spent on bits for my last 2 fiesta's so will be swapping my kw's, wheels, brakes, anti-roll bar, strut brace, induction kit, head unit, quaiffe diff (never fitted yet lol)

not really loyal just i've spent rather a lot of money to be ditching it all

26th June 2007, 12:11 AM
hi rob any chance of putting me down for this run please?I THANK YOU:)

26th June 2007, 12:31 AM
Is there a place for Kim and I left?

Was supposed to be working that day...but its been cancelled...



26th June 2007, 09:06 PM
Aye Mark - check out where the PETROL STATIONS are first!!!!!!
Says The V-Power Genie.

26th June 2007, 09:21 PM
Oh!...I knew i was going to pay for that!:(


27th June 2007, 02:57 PM
hi guys yes u can be put on the run as there is a bit more parking space than i thort there was

mind u dont know if it will be a picnic if this rain keeps up !!!!!

27th June 2007, 03:27 PM
thanks rob see u then;) :)

27th June 2007, 03:31 PM
just noticed the MISS DAISY comment rob:D your HAVING A LAUGH MATE:D :rolleyes: :p

28th June 2007, 01:40 PM
just noticed the MISS DAISY comment rob:D your HAVING A LAUGH MATE:D :rolleyes: :p

you know me tony could not resist ;) :D

28th June 2007, 03:09 PM
Come off it Stoney - Tony got up to 85mph on Ian's run..... mind you, I was towing him...... you could hear the screaming over the exhausts.....

Sorry Tony! No home-made pizza for me at the picnic, eh? By the way everybody - Tony's a WORLD CLASS PIZZA CHAMPION!!!!! Yer secret's out, big man!

1st July 2007, 03:39 PM
just noticed the MISS DAISY comment rob:D your HAVING A LAUGH MATE:D :rolleyes: :p
You bringing some Fish Tony :rolleyes:

1st July 2007, 07:36 PM
ok route is now done and it about 130 milies of some good fun roads:D :D

now if it happens 2 be raining dose any one object 2 eating ur lunch in the car as not many places 2 eat other wise :eek: and the way the weather is the now we will not know till the day as it can be difrent when in the hills ;)

1st July 2007, 07:38 PM
What about that wee pub we passed?

1st July 2007, 09:14 PM
What about that wee pub we passed?

the run has been changed from that u dont pass it till on ur way home !!!

1st July 2007, 09:23 PM
LOL...i will bring sat nav that finds the nearest pub!:p :p ;) :D :D

1st July 2007, 09:27 PM
Ah well better hope the weather holds out for you then rob! :rolleyes: :D

1st July 2007, 09:32 PM
130 miles:eek: furk thats nearly a whole tank of fuel at run speeds... ;)

bleeding salesman wasn't playing ball with the figures on that st so need to wait and see if he'll phone back with a better offer

1st July 2007, 09:59 PM
oc u lot stop moaning

2nd July 2007, 12:34 AM
looking forward to this run rob and no angus am no bringing nae haddies no!:o :) :D :D :p :eek:

MINI William
2nd July 2007, 07:50 PM
anyone leaving from either east lothain or midlothian ???

2nd July 2007, 10:41 PM
Pepperoni Tony? Gonny Tony?

3rd July 2007, 01:09 AM
:eek: :cool: :D

3rd July 2007, 01:07 PM
We'll be going from North Berwick. Edinburgh folks usually meet at Hermiston Gate. Anyone up for a convoy through to the "wild west":D
Don't worry about the rain, we're Scottish and will have a picnic despite the weather

3rd July 2007, 01:09 PM
Don't worry about the rain, we're Scottish and will have a picnic despite the weather

well done !!!! thats what i like 2 here :D :D

3rd July 2007, 01:10 PM
ok so run notes are on page 1

MINI William
3rd July 2007, 07:03 PM
im up for a convoy :D

4th July 2007, 09:40 PM
What about meeting at Hermi Gate with a view to leaving at 9.00am. That should give us plenty time to get to Chatelherault by 10.00am??

Who wants to start at HG?

5th July 2007, 08:27 AM
Rob, where are we forming up at Chatelherault? - to avoid the 'Grand Old Duke Of York' manoevering when we were 'moved on' from the top car park area/front of house by the Park Bloke before. We ended up in one of the lower car parks, is that the meeting point for this one? (I'm just trying to save my poor wee alloy which I scraped - my fault - when shifting around in front of 'The Big Hoose' last time). On Sunday I'm stopping in one place till the run starts! Looking forward to it though. When we go through Larkhall main street, there's a big church on the right hand side (just after the Pedestrian Crossing) - my dad and mum (wee bald chap - takes after me - and lady with short white hair) will be going there on Sunday, so I've told them to wait out front to see us going past - give them a wave!!!!

Malcolm - could you stick your 'Ecurie Ecosse' Badge on a disk for me? That would be much appreciated!

5th July 2007, 08:54 PM
Euan, You read my mind......probably took 30 secs:D I was thinking about the capabilities of your "steam driven" internet and decided a disk was easier. will bring it on Saturday

Mom's lining up a "party size" sticky toffee pudding:p :p :p for the picnic.

5th July 2007, 09:01 PM
“Mom's lining up a "party size" sticky toffee pudding for the picnic.”
Give that woman a hug somebody!!!!!!!!!!!

See you on sunday 'Diskman'!!!

5th July 2007, 09:08 PM
“will bring it on Saturday”

MALCOLM - Stoney's got the 8th on page one.
Have I got this all mixed up?????? Help me somebody!!!!!!

5th July 2007, 09:19 PM
Sorry Euan, me that's wrong, it is Sunday. That's the trouble with being up at 4.00am 3 times this week and suffering airport security 6 times.

Who's meeting at Hermi Gate?

5th July 2007, 11:49 PM
Had me worried though, I'm really bad with dates these days - ask any woman.

6th July 2007, 05:43 AM
Rob, where are we forming up at Chatelherault? - to avoid the 'Grand Old Duke Of York' manoevering when we were 'moved on' from the top car park area/front of house by the Park Bloke before. We ended up in one of the lower car parks, is that the meeting point for this one? (I'm just trying to save my poor wee alloy which I scraped - my fault - when shifting around in front of 'The Big Hoose' last time). On Sunday I'm stopping in one place till the run starts! Looking forward to it though. When we go through Larkhall main street, there's a big church on the right hand side (just after the Pedestrian Crossing) - my dad and mum (wee bald chap - takes after me - and lady with short white hair) will be going there on Sunday, so I've told them to wait out front to see us going past - give them a wave!!!!

Malcolm - could you stick your 'Ecurie Ecosse' Badge on a disk for me? That would be much appreciated!

yes we will be meeting in one of the bottom car parks agian :D and there will be no moving unless peps want a pic in font of the house but thats up 2 them :D

see u all sunday:D :p :p :p :D

6th July 2007, 11:27 AM
Whats wrong with the car park past the House and down the Hill ??

6th July 2007, 12:42 PM
Angus - We got shifted by the 'Parkie' last time, and all the shifting caused a bottleneck in front of the house - hence my question, which Rob has confirmed. Hope the weather's OK, but I'm bringing a brolly just in case!

6th July 2007, 04:01 PM
Angus - We got shifted by the 'Parkie' last time, and all the shifting caused a bottleneck in front of the house - hence my question, which Rob has confirmed. Hope the weather's OK, but I'm bringing a brolly just in case!
Ok I got it now, and will promise to read the whole post next time :o

MINI William
6th July 2007, 06:33 PM
wee foosy i will meet u at hemi gate
William :D

6th July 2007, 09:08 PM
looks like my mate is going 2 tag along with us on sunday as well

7th July 2007, 10:42 AM
i cant seem to download the run notes can someone tell me what time are we all meeting at?oh if someone can find it in there hearts to print me off a set of run notes it would be much appreciated;) :D

7th July 2007, 10:51 AM
i will bring u a set tony

7th July 2007, 10:52 AM
start time is meet for 10 leave at 10 30 at the latest

7th July 2007, 05:57 PM
William, see you at Hermi Gate. Anyone else meeting there?

7th July 2007, 06:24 PM
hi stoney.....sorry :( but im gonna have to pull out of tomorrow, i didnt want to wait so long in cancelling,....got family commitments i cant get out of...im gutted and hope you all have a great day ;)

MINI William
7th July 2007, 07:05 PM
no worries fossy what time you wanting to meet ??? 845 leaving for 9??? what ever suits you :D

7th July 2007, 08:23 PM
Sedgie? What time are you leaving?

Can Kim and I meet up with you?


7th July 2007, 08:45 PM
Err..Mr Stone...your run notes...8th June 2007?

You driving a Cooper S time machine mate?:eek: :D


7th July 2007, 09:30 PM
It's a lovely night over here in Larkhall.

I've just washed the motor.

It'll rain now. Sorry.

MINI William
7th July 2007, 09:36 PM
lovely night here in haddington to.got home from work watched the f1 then got set to work on the car just got the inside finished then the heavens opened :rolleyes: lucky for me hadent done the outside yet.all done now though

7th July 2007, 09:44 PM
Add all the other NMS MINI WASHING and it's definately a Monsoon then.....

See Y'all tomorrow. Remember you've to wave at my Mum & Dad outside the church in Larkhall Main Street!!!!!

7th July 2007, 09:51 PM
Sedgie? What time are you leaving?

Can Kim and I meet up with you?


Hi Mark we are leaving about 8.30!

And :eek: to all washing cars....mine is manky!:p ..been heavy showers here all day so i didnae bother:o

7th July 2007, 09:51 PM
William , 8.45 for 9.00am it is. see you all tomorrow

MINI William
7th July 2007, 10:03 PM
no probs fossy.see yous all tomorrow

7th July 2007, 10:26 PM
Err..Mr Stone...your run notes...8th June 2007?

You driving a Cooper S time machine mate?:eek: :D


must be:rolleyes: told u blame christine did u not read the last page :p

7th July 2007, 10:26 PM
Enjoy yourselves tomorrow guys/girls. I will be sorting our the caravan for going away on Monday:( ... Stay Off the M9/A720/A7 on Monday morning as there will be a caravan on it... ;)

See some of you at Fast and Modified.. :D

7th July 2007, 10:29 PM
thanx verry much u enjoy ur hols as well big man

7th July 2007, 10:31 PM
thanx verry much u enjoy ur hols as well big man

Will try to Rob, depends how the putting up of the awning goes... :mad: :eek: ;) :D

Might just go to the pub instead.. :D

AndyP & Lenore
7th July 2007, 11:44 PM
Will try to Rob, depends how the putting up of the awning goes... :mad: :eek: ;) :D

Might just go to the pub instead.. :D

Rob, sorry to hijack the thread.

Craig, I've told you... If you need any sort of help with the awning, DONT CALL ME!;) :D


8th July 2007, 09:36 AM
well the sun is shining here yeppie !!!! see u all shortly

8th July 2007, 04:16 PM
well a big thanx 2 all that turned up 2 day

had a brill day big thanx 2 mom and dad for the lovley grub as per the norm ;) :D :D

and for all u that did not show that had ur names down u missed a nice sunny days of good driving

hope u all had as good a day as me :D


8th July 2007, 06:00 PM
Great run Rob!....well done!


8th July 2007, 06:37 PM
Thank you Rob for a great day out:D Great roads, Great company!:D :D

And thank you Mom for all the lovely grub....Gordon says a big thank you for the best sticky toffee pudding he has tasted!;) :D :D

8th July 2007, 06:41 PM
Yet another fantastic NMS day out - Thanks Rob, it was a cracker - let's try and get the speeds up a bit the next time..... (I am SO kidding!!!!).

The picnic was a great idea, tons of thanks to Sioban and Malcolm for going to all the trouble with the munchies (warm toffee sauce, sun dried tomatoes - IMPRESSIVE). Days like today are why we have these cars - but the cars without the good company, banter and being able to share the experience (and the Sticky Toffee Pudding) wouldn't be half as much FUN.

My Mum and Dad came out with a bunch of folks from the church in Larkhall to wave to us at 10.45......... we went past at 10.37...... Well it was a nice thought. They send you all a friendly wave by proxy. Which is another thing you can get ointment for. FAB day everybody - see you on Craig & Jude's run on August 12th.

8th July 2007, 06:54 PM
Rob, fantastic run, another super day out with some great roads. The picnic was a great idea....Mom was in her element feeding the gang. How can there be any starvation in the world when Mom's about. Somebody needs to take her to Africa!!

Few photos of the day.

Arriving at Scotland's highest village. What a lovely place it looked in the sunshine

Pinic 1



And finally as Jason, Ruby Wax and Auto Jym were missing today, Euan as a blue car owner, went over to the "bright side". Was he really using "Mr Muscle"
Thanks again Rob for a great day

8th July 2007, 06:57 PM
What a great day ...and the roads were even better ..Thank's rob ,also a big thanks the M&S for supplying the food ...Malcolm & Sioban:rolleyes: ...well Malcom did say he was at it all day yesterday .A few pics from the days run are below

8th July 2007, 07:20 PM
Here's a pano shot I took today:



8th July 2007, 07:26 PM
A few more...:cool:..The lorry is 47yo !!

MINI William
8th July 2007, 07:40 PM
had a really good day out was good to put names to faces.thanks to you all for waiting on me while i ghad some car issues not a peep on the way home so hopefully the stone is out of the caliper.thanks to mum and dad for letting me follow to and from the run with them and of course the sticky toffee pudding :D

8th July 2007, 07:44 PM
It was nice to meet you William...now that you have been on a run...is it "Big Wullie" now?:eek: :D

Good to meet Sweeney too...and to learn about your love life from everyone on the run:eek:

Are there no secrets?:eek:


8th July 2007, 07:47 PM
What love life:confused: I missed all that:o

8th July 2007, 07:48 PM
"Big Wullie" ...:eek: <coughs >...." love Life " <shakes head> what a boy :rolleyes: ......must say Marc it was a betler of a story :p

8th July 2007, 07:54 PM
What love life:confused: I missed all that:o

You didn't miss I thing...or did you???

OK Sedgie...go for it!

Poor Sweeney:(


8th July 2007, 07:55 PM
"Big Wullie" ...:eek: <coughs >...." love Life " <shakes head> what a boy :rolleyes: ......must say Marc it was a betler of a story :p

Well..."Mini William" becomes "Big Wullie"...No???

OK....No it is then :(


MINI William
8th July 2007, 08:05 PM
ohhh the names up to us lol.i never heared about the love life bit

8th July 2007, 08:06 PM
All came out when the Edinburgh Posse left.


MINI William
8th July 2007, 08:12 PM
:rolleyes: .how did the rest if the run go anyway mark?you going to f&m??

8th July 2007, 08:16 PM
Rest of the run?...well it kinda finished where you left it mate...we all headed home...as good a place as any we all agreed.

F&M...I don't really think I would enjoy it...not really into cars all that much.

Love my Mini though!:D


8th July 2007, 08:17 PM
Lol i'll say nooooo more aboot the poor wee laddies love life....<coughs> fetishes:eek: ;) :rolleyes: ....i'll leave the rest tae him!:p :D

MINI William
8th July 2007, 08:26 PM
yeh good place to finish it.dont no but for some funny reason i thought you were going mate

8th July 2007, 08:37 PM
we where but :rolleyes: we just chosie 2 go for a coffie / tea and a chat in the end glad ur mini is ok good 2 see u on ur fist run

and malcom can u email the pic as i carnt see them :(

8th July 2007, 08:48 PM
I didn't realise there was a problem with your car?

What happened?


MINI William
8th July 2007, 08:57 PM
sounds good i like tea lol.got a stone trapped inbetween my pad and caliper got it out though:D with help from malcome and stones mate

8th July 2007, 09:06 PM
Great run Rob, nice fast flowing roads. Good to see a few folk I haven't met before. Weather was cracking. :cool:
Thanks to Sioban and Malcolm for the picnic food, the (2 helpings of) sticky toffee pudding was great. :D Thanks to Tony and his exhaust, great sounds, like someone firing a machine gun at you. :cool: :eek: :D
See you at the next run...

8th July 2007, 09:11 PM
Was just looking at the pics. Who put the grass on Robs windscreen. :confused: :D :D

8th July 2007, 09:14 PM
Was just looking at the pics. Who put the grass on Robs windscreen. :confused: :D :D

try angus (del boy):eek:

MINI William
8th July 2007, 09:25 PM
forgot to ask can someone send me the pics as i cant see them.CCM TWO helpings what sort of person would have two:rolleyes: :p .thought the car done really well to day keeping up with you cooper s boys and girls:D

8th July 2007, 09:26 PM
Was just looking at the pics. Who put the grass on Robs windscreen. :confused: :D :D
Did you not see Rob do the "off roading" bit!?.....i will post pics!:p ;) :D

8th July 2007, 09:35 PM
CCM TWO helpings what sort of person would have two:rolleyes: :p .

Oh I don't know someone that goes by the name of WILLIAM. Yes you had 2 as well the truth is out. :p ;) :D Well it would have been bad manners to refuse, wouldn't it.

8th July 2007, 09:37 PM
Did you not see Rob do the "off roading" bit!?.....i will post pics!:p ;) :D

Was that when he was trying to avoid the BMW on the bridge. :D :rolleyes:

8th July 2007, 09:38 PM
Don't go there!!!!

I was hiding from all black BMW's on the way home:eek:


8th July 2007, 09:42 PM
sorry i couldn't come after all was looking 4ward to it (did an engine flush and oil and filter change the week before too... Bought my St finally so need to go visit a breakers yard in coatbridge for an exhaust, front hubs a bit of the dash and a breather pipe which i promptly lost the moment i got home :confused: :mad:

nehow spent the day removing as much of my mods from the zs as i can... now all i need to do is swap the new hubs and callipers on along with put the standard suspension back on and retrieve my kw's for use on the st....

it's bloody hard work this going back to standard rubbish lol

will hopefully get to see you all on another run with my rather fettled (2.3)st sometime:D

8th July 2007, 09:45 PM
Was a good run today, struggled to keep up with rob and angus but done better than most others! :D

I'll ignore the love life comments and anything else associated with it :rolleyes: as i said "WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES :p"

8th July 2007, 09:48 PM
Sounds like you all had a good day. sorry i missed it. Will deff be up for it if you do the same run again. BTW stone did you get your car cleaned up nice in the dark? I saw you in the larky jet wash last nite but i was goin to fast to stop!! :D

Duncan Stewart
8th July 2007, 09:59 PM
Sounds like a great run :D Sorry we missed it :( Hopefully be at Arbroath next weekend :cool:

9th July 2007, 06:34 AM
try angus (del boy):eek:.....nope ,not guilty :rolleyes:.the tin can on the exhaust ,,,,yes

9th July 2007, 12:41 PM
Forgot to say - well done to William for keeping up with the 200bhp+ mentalists on his first run (and Sweeney too - but he knows the score). William - The runs are usually a wee bit more leisurely, so if you managed OK on Stoney's, you'll find the rest a doddle!

Extra Sticky Toffee Pudding? Ask Colin, or as he's now known, “Fatboy Slim”.

9th July 2007, 01:20 PM
What am I doing wrong with the pictures? :confused: I can see them on my home computer but can't see them at work. All I get is a little red X in a white box!!:confused: :confused:
Is it something to do with hosting them on photobucket or is it a "permissions" thing with different computers? Can a Techi type person give any suggestions.......clean please.

9th July 2007, 02:10 PM
Sit down, relax, and have a 6 Pack of Duff, Homer. Soon, it'll all seem clear. Or not. I can't see them at work either. Or at home. Maybe you imagined the whole thing. I know I did. Mmmmmmmmm............ Sticky Toffee........ these dreams are almost real.

9th July 2007, 06:17 PM
Forgot to say - well done to William for keeping up with the 200bhp+ mentalists on his first run (and Sweeney too - but he knows the score). William - The runs are usually a wee bit more leisurely, so if you managed OK on Stoney's, you'll find the rest a doddle!

Extra Sticky Toffee Pudding? Ask Colin, or as he's now known, “Fatboy Slim”.

yes my runs are prob a bit faster paced than some:rolleyes:

but we still stay safe !!!!! at all times :D ;)

i just like fast twisty roads i cant help it :D

9th July 2007, 06:18 PM
I'd love to know what your definition of Safe is rob :D

MINI William
9th July 2007, 06:32 PM
i thought i done well lol.i like how cloin gets picked up for having to bits where as i dont lol:D.when i seen all the MCS turn up i thought i was going to be left for dead but had no troubles at all :D

9th July 2007, 09:03 PM
I'd love to know what your definition of Safe is rob :D

safe is driving 2 your owan abilital and what u are happy with i dont make any one go fast !!!!

9th July 2007, 09:08 PM
Realised I had said yesterday...it was nice meeting William and Sweeney....

I forgot about Angus!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :(

I think we had met before...but never got a chance for a blether:D

I think we made up for it yesterday!:D

Good to meet you Sir!!!


9th July 2007, 09:12 PM
Aye was nice to put a face to the name :p

9th July 2007, 09:39 PM

and stoney...bloody ell did u need to off road!?;)

9th July 2007, 09:42 PM

9th July 2007, 10:16 PM
Good pics Lesley!


9th July 2007, 11:08 PM
Nice photos everybody - looking forward to seeing Malcolm's efforts...eventually. I forgot my camera... :o DOH! Malcolm - the 'Ecurie Ecosse' shield looks fine. I'll get Tony to put me in touch with Carlo to get some made up ASAP. Ta.

William - Does that mean we can go above 5,500 rpm next time??? :D The last part of the run (before Abington) was FAST :eek: - the 'Four Musketeers' (Stoney, Sedgie, me and Mark) at the front were definately on a mission (ask that BMW driver at the humpback bridge :D .....).

Definition of a “Safe Run” Rob? Nae SKID MARKS!!!!! :cool: :D

9th July 2007, 11:18 PM
Euan, photos should now be visable again:rolleyes:

10th July 2007, 08:58 AM
Nice ones Malcolm! So we really were there!

I must point out that I was merely cleaning the BUGS off my windscreen with Holts 'Screenies', there was no 'Loreal' (even though 'I'm worth it'), no Automotive 'Oil of Olay' and no polishing involved (if you don't count polishing off a Sticky Toffee masterpiece). Therefore I don't qualify as part of the “BBB” (Blue Buffin' Brigade). Anyway, it's classic Indi Blue, none of yer 'New Kidz on the Block' Laser Blue stuff. I rest my case.

10th July 2007, 04:02 PM
the date for this run is 8th of july

9 indigomatt NO SHOW:mad:

:( I'm sorry, should have e-mail'd...

it had been a very busy on-call week, so much so that I had not been in the office all week to see ma diary and had slept in the car for a couple of nites...I ended up catching up on sleep all weekend :)


MINI William
10th July 2007, 07:53 PM
sure thing elfman i neva went above 5500 rpm and still with yous maybe you should have got a ONE :p lol

10th July 2007, 09:48 PM
Must be your 'Sport Button' William! Just goes to show - power isn't everything, a good handling car is worth lots of horsepower on the right roads. Welcome to 'MINIworld' - ENJOY!

If you think the ONE's good (and it is) - try a tuned 'S' - it's addictive! I loved my COOPER, which I had from Oct 2001 to Dec 2003, but this 'S' is the best thing I've ever driven. It's taken me nearly 28 years of driving to get there - so you've got a head start!

MINI William
10th July 2007, 10:28 PM
i love my car i no its not the quickest thing in the world but as you say it handles very well never had any problems withthe handling on sunday stuck like glue.thanks for the welcome.still wanting tuning to the ONE though even though ill only keep it for around the 2 yr mark

10th July 2007, 10:38 PM
William your car looks the "bees knees" and you should be really proud of it. A "One" is a perfect balance for insurance purposes and fun at your age.

Euan, I'll let you off. Never thought you would get "high" on coconut scented polish like that other "fluffy mit" brigade.

10th July 2007, 11:49 PM
bah humbug i really wish i'd gone now... spent 2nite after work removing the rears of my kw's from the car... it's not a fun job i tell ye lol

put the standard stuff on then went for a drive... it's nice and smooth... but it's like sitting on jelly and with the kw's on the front it's doing a comically excessive nosedive stance .. only the front struts, front hubs, front callipers, exhaust manifold, and exhaust to go...:rolleyes: :( then i've got to fit it all except the manifold and exhaust to the new car :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :( :( will post pics of the new car when it arrives if ne1's interested

will hopefully see you guys on another run soon

11th July 2007, 08:20 AM
“A "One" is a perfect balance for insurance purposes and fun at your age.”

Good point Malcolm - if worryingly sensible......did you forget to take your tablets again? :p Remember, Werthers Originals :) are no substitute for your 'medicine'. :D

11th July 2007, 05:50 PM
try a tuned 'S' - it's addictive! I loved my COOPER, which I had from Oct 2001 to Dec 2003, but this 'S' is the best thing I've ever driven. It's taken me nearly 28 years of driving to get there - so you've got a head start!

toaly agere with that i had a cooper as well and loved it but my s is just o my god i just love the power and sound of the charger / manafold

11th July 2007, 05:55 PM
The way i see it is the cooper has enough power etc to get you into trouble but not enough to get you out of it; but the S does

12th July 2007, 08:14 AM
Wise words Sweeney. BUT - the 'S' gets you into trouble a whole lot quicker!!! As I said last Sunday, when you've built up a good speed through a series of, say, four bends, it's always the unexpectedley tightening fifth one you have to watch for....... Drive safe everybody! Roads are as greasy as a greasy thing this morning over my way. Right that's us wandered well off-topic now.