View Full Version : 6 Days old & back to Mini

7th March 2007, 12:35 AM
Well is going in tomorrow to get my arm rest fixed as it wont open and my bank card is in there.And the HiFi is buzzing like a hive of orny bees. The joys

7th March 2007, 01:57 AM
sorry to hear that john, not good news....:(

I'm on day 15 in the garage and still no faults fixed yet...:(

seems to be a HUGE problem with getting spare parts... Seems to be plentiful supply on the production line mind..;)

hope you get it sorted ok. :D

7th March 2007, 03:41 AM
Craig, Did you get an agreement that the car would be fully fixed in x days?

7th March 2007, 04:01 AM
sorry Ken, but what has that got to do with the price of cheese ? ?

If there are 8 faults to be looked at and 6 days have passed, would it be unreasonable to expect one of those problems to be fixed ?

Is it also unreasonable to expect the dealer to call you to say "could you come and show us 2 of the faults as we can't recreate them", rather than do nothing ?

7th March 2007, 09:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

sorry Ken, but what has that got to do with the price of cheese ? ?

If there are 8 faults to be looked at and 6 days have passed, would it be unreasonable to expect one of those problems to be fixed ?

Is it also unreasonable to expect the dealer to call you to say "could you come and show us 2 of the faults as we can't recreate them", rather than do nothing ?

Not good :mad::disapprove:

7th March 2007, 04:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

sorry Ken, but what has that got to do with the price of cheese ? ?

If there are 8 faults to be looked at and 6 days have passed, would it be unreasonable to expect one of those problems to be fixed ?

Is it also unreasonable to expect the dealer to call you to say "could you come and show us 2 of the faults as we can't recreate them", rather than do nothing ?

Sorry, what I meant was have they agreed to fix the car in a length of time and if they can't give you a new car?

The longer it sits there, the higher your chance of getting a new car.

7th March 2007, 05:02 PM
they would not agree to a time limit as there were too many faults with HUGE delays in the parts...

We have agreed that I will only accept the car back all fixed and if this is not possible, just gie me a new car (or I might just not have one.. :eek:) I am THAT pi$$ed off...:disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:

I really can't believe that this is how MINI want to treat a loyal and enthusiastic MINI Owner who has given their company over £50K in the last 3 years...:disapprove::disapprove:

7th March 2007, 05:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude
I really can't believe that this is how MINI want to treat a loyal and enthusiastic MINI Owner who has given their company over £50K in the last 3 years...:disapprove::disapprove:Appreciate you are hacked off Craig, but, surely you got some trade in value when changing you're cars ;)
I'll get me coat

7th March 2007, 07:02 PM

we are currently working on your car at the moment and as you are aware there is a major supply problem with some of the components that are required to fix your car, so until we have them in our stock your faults cant be fixed. It is currently having the flywheel installed. I can only apologise for the lack of communication from my service department !!!!!!!!!!!!!


As for someone going that extra mile, i can assure you that all is being done to source the components for Mr Davies vehicle as quickly as possible. I think you will agree that there is a few members of different dealers who have bent over backwards to help you. Everyone knows the problems you have had in the past so i dont think there is any need to drag them up again.

7th March 2007, 07:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by BigSwanMiniMan


As for someone going that extra mile, i can assure you that all is being done to source the components for Mr Davies vehicle as quickly as possible. I think you will agree that there is a few members of different dealers who have bent over backwards to help you. Everyone knows the problems you have had in the past so i dont think there is any need to drag them up again.

what you digging at me for.???? what did I say.?? other than the truth.:approve: I do agree that different dealers have helped me because my suplying dealer was unable to.;)

7th March 2007, 07:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by BigSwanMiniMan


we are currently working on your car at the moment and as you are aware there is a major supply problem with some of the components that are required to fix your car, so until we have them in our stock your faults cant be fixed. It is currently having the flywheel installed. I can only apologise for the lack of communication from my service department !!!!!!!!!!!!!


As for someone going that extra mile, i can assure you that all is being done to source the components for Mr Davies vehicle as quickly as possible. I think you will agree that there is a few members of different dealers who have bent over backwards to help you. Everyone knows the problems you have had in the past so i dont think there is any need to drag them up again.

the flywheel was not due to be done til week 12, does that mean it's getting done ahead of schedule ? :eek::eek::eek: that will be a first..

Like I said to customer services yesterday, just a bit of communication is all that is needed (email, landline, mobile etc etc)

I await with intrigue what happens over the next few days... :(

7th March 2007, 07:25 PM

<runs for cover>

7th March 2007, 07:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bignorm


<runs for cover>

not at all Norman, I am being very careful to only state fact. :D

The truth sometimes hurts.. :(

7th March 2007, 11:09 PM
Update when i started it up this morning i thaught i was driving mini diesel iam not a happy chap

7th March 2007, 11:59 PM
just keep an eye on that John, I had it once, but never had it again... :(

sorry you appear to be having problems also, looks like they haven't sorted their build quality issues yet...

8th March 2007, 12:14 AM
Thats an understatement Craig iam waiting on the phone call to pick it up or iam stuck in glasgow NOT

AndyP & Lenore
8th March 2007, 12:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

The problems with your car surely has to be putting potential new owners from purchasing the brand and from that dealer.

I would have thought it would have been in their interest to deal with you quickly and efficiently to get the job done.

Not wanting to get involved in the debate to much, but as someone who has ordered a MINI from the same dealer, I am watching with keen interest to see how this situation pans out.:blackeye:;)


8th March 2007, 12:46 AM
Henry Bros Glasgow

8th March 2007, 01:00 AM
Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

8th March 2007, 01:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

as I stated in my previous post on this thread news like this will deter potential new owners.

As always though you have to take into account how many new Mini's are on the road against how many have problems or more likely how many owners have reported the problems.

AndyP & Lenore
8th March 2007, 02:11 AM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

Henry Bros Glasgow

Ah. No. Sorry.:I I was talking about Craig's problems/dealer. Sorry John, Craig has is own "problems" thread and I got lost between his and yours.:clown::I

Hope Henry Bros sort things out for you soon.;)


AndyP & Lenore
8th March 2007, 02:13 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

as I stated in my previous post on this thread news like this will deter potential new owners.

As always though you have to take into account how many new Mini's are on the road against how many have problems or more likely how many owners have reported the problems.

Your spot on Fi, and it's worth remembering that the voice of the "upset-my-car's-gone-t!ts-up" far outweighs the voice of the "delighted-my-car-has-no-problems". That's what I'm relying on anyway.:I;)


8th March 2007, 03:52 AM
Well they are replacing the arm rest. As for the HiFi they say its fine with there test cd. Well if the setting they left has anything to do with it they no wonder.The base was @ -4 treble + 5 no speaker in the world will buzz. T he engine noise they didnt hear so if its back tomorrow they will have it all nite for themselfs. So the saga continues .

8th March 2007, 03:56 AM
Good they are fixing your armrest, but it depends if it is in stock, you could have a LONG wait for the part - they seem to be having BIG problems with availability of parts..

really sucks about the speaker problem, I have the same issue at the moment, Menzies say there is no problem with mine either..

Hope you get it sorted soon. :approve:

8th March 2007, 04:04 AM
Well funny you should say that the arm rest you guessed it none in the uk oh the joys

8th March 2007, 04:11 AM
I am sorry that you guys are having problems but my S seems fine so far and im absolutely delighted with it, and with my dealer.

8th March 2007, 04:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I feel really sorry for people having problems, but I think this hysteria is getting out of hand! There are no statistics to suggest there is a problem with MINIs in general.

You are as likely to have probs with an 06 MINI or any Audi. VW group cars and dealers in general do not have that great a reputation either. My first VW Golf had to be rejected and on any VW forum their dealers are roundly slagged off. I don't think Audi dealers or the quality if their cars are not much better in customer satisfaction surveys.

Yes, some people on firums are reporting problems but that is the same on EVERY car forum, even the Toyota Aygo forum, a simple car from one of the best manufacturers can produce cars with major problems.

8th March 2007, 04:27 AM
I still love the car big time just want the HiFi sorted & iam desperate to start the mods but i cant face the fact that the £320 hifi is pish iam so want the brake upgrade strut brace works kit .

8th March 2007, 04:37 AM
quote:Originally posted by KenL

quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I feel really sorry for people having problems, but I think this hysteria is getting out of hand! There are no statistics to suggest there is a problem with MINIs in general.

You are as likely to have probs with an 06 MINI or any Audi. VW group cars and dealers in general do not have that great a reputation either. My first VW Golf had to be rejected and on any VW forum their dealers are roundly slagged off. I don't think Audi dealers or the quality if their cars are not much better in customer satisfaction surveys.

Yes, some people on firums are reporting problems but that is the same on EVERY car forum, even the Toyota Aygo forum, a simple car from one of the best manufacturers can produce cars with major problems.

I think the only person reading hysteria into this may be yourself Ken. Nobody who has had a problem with their R56 (myself included) has said "DO NOT BUY A NEW MINI"...

People are reading the information that is being given to them and making their own mind up. Zimbo is just stating, that for him, there are too many issues being reported by people for him personally to take a chance.. at the end of the day everyone pays their money and takes their chances, because as you say every manufacturer WILL have problems with new models.

I think the issue with the R56 is how MINI and their dealers are dealing with problems... They are causing the bad press themselves, all I can see is people given their experiences with the new car..

Your one of the many thousands of "lucky" MINI owners with no problems..;)

8th March 2007, 04:56 AM
I'm not hysterical, honest :)

8th March 2007, 07:14 AM

as I stated in my previous post in this thread.:p it's not so much the problems or the car

it is the way these are dealt with by the dealers more time than not that is where the system breaks down.

There is another way to look at threads like this one.

I often think threads like this help potential new owners make a informed decision about buying a Mini. aferall that's what it is all about;):p:D

8th March 2007, 06:18 PM
Well no diesel sound this morning thank feck

8th March 2007, 07:58 PM
Both our cars are great and there are no problems so far. (touch wood)
You tend to hear on threads about people with problems and not from the people that don't have them.
If anyone is thinking about buying a new R56 don't be put off, they are great little cars. It's just unfortunate that some people are experiencing some problems which I hope get sorted quickly and to the satisfaction of the owner.

9th March 2007, 01:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

Sod it - I don't think I will bother either. I will stick with the Lexus just now and maybe try to get a late 2006 Cooper S. I can't be bothered with poor customer service.

10th March 2007, 12:24 AM
quote:Originally posted by Alfie

quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

Sod it - I don't think I will bother either. I will stick with the Lexus just now and maybe try to get a late 2006 Cooper S. I can't be bothered with poor customer service.

Such a pity you have been put off:disapprove:, we love our new R56 so much so I woulnt go back to my old R53, there will be problems with some cars its like everything that is made, I sell Dewalt , Hitachi goods and you will always get some back. lets get a bit more upbeat and :D:D

10th March 2007, 01:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

quote:Originally posted by Alfie

quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Sorry to hear about all you guys problems with the R56s' but I now think I've made my mind up and I definately will not be getting one, think if and when the time comes I might try and get one of the last of the 2006 'S's or wait and see what this new Audi A1 is like.

I hope you guys get all your problems resolved asap. :disapprove:

Sod it - I don't think I will bother either. I will stick with the Lexus just now and maybe try to get a late 2006 Cooper S. I can't be bothered with poor customer service.

Such a pity you have been put off:disapprove:, we love our new R56 so much so I woulnt go back to my old R53, there will be problems with some cars its like everything that is made, I sell Dewalt , Hitachi goods and you will always get some back. lets get a bit more upbeat and :D:D

sorry Jason, but I can't get that upbeat.... just been told that my car will most likely be in the garage with no front end on it til at least the end of the month.. still waiting on parts.. :disapprove:

not much of a mini adventure.. :disapprove::disapprove::disapprove:

Seems that MINI have thousands of parts available for the production line, but none to fix problems with customers cars that are already on the road. MINI's stand on this is disgusting and absolutely unbelievable. :mad::mad:

Gies a shot of yer motor tonight tho' and I'll see if my mood improves.. ;)

10th March 2007, 01:55 AM
Whit you want a shot of a sh***y Volvo, Les has the MINI she is working till 8

10th March 2007, 02:48 AM
£10 per head for a wee go in mine. Cash only though please as its for the ofshore account....

14th March 2007, 07:44 PM
Well just got a call from Parks they will be fitting my new arm rest tomorrow & i will be there when they test my HiFi ,ill keep you informed .

15th March 2007, 05:28 PM
Well iam getting my tweeters changed & they are looking into the speaker not being able to handle the base .