View Full Version : attn : Mac users

6th March 2007, 06:38 PM


6th March 2007, 07:29 PM
Heh, class.

6th March 2007, 09:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit



:D Yeah...but in short...they still just work...Never hear PC users say that



6th March 2007, 10:33 PM
How's this one -


6th March 2007, 10:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3
:D Yeah...but in short...they still just work...Never hear PC users say that

Think you're missing the point. :dead:

6th March 2007, 11:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

How's this one -


You're still not believing these ads are you? Haven't they all been debunked already? BTW i'm typing this on a mac. Anyway its a bit of banter.

6th March 2007, 11:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3

quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit



:D Yeah...but in short...they still just work...Never hear PC users say that



Mac user jumping right in on cue ;) Nicely done.

7th March 2007, 05:35 AM
I know its banter:D

As far as I'm concerned use what you like...the real joke you will see when you move over to Mac from PC...and realise how Microsoft have programmed you into thinking about the whole PC thing. "Oh! Oh!...new PC....better go and get all my virus stuff up to date...and my adware stuff!!!" I got sick of the whole thing...that's why I switched.

I know this just plays to the point of the thread. I was the biggest Mac basher of them all....to the point where I had no time for Mac users....worse than Sh@z :D

I made all my own PC's...was never away from Silicon Group in Edinburgh.

I'm actually typing this on a brand new Mini Mac that I switched on for the first time exactly 7 minutes ago. Bought it for my Dad....so just setting it up for him.

Try that with a PC!

When you switch...you too will all feel they way we all do

They just work!



7th March 2007, 05:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3
When you switch...you too will all feel they way we all do

What? Smug, or a feeling you've paid far to much for a computer that "looks nice"?

Mark R
7th March 2007, 08:17 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

quote:Originally posted by vintageb3
When you switch...you too will all feel they way we all do

What? Smug, or a feeling you've paid far to much for a computer that "looks nice"?

Well you could say both but also great about the fact you can use your computer connected to the net without getting a viruses or spyware.:p

7th March 2007, 08:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

quote:Originally posted by vintageb3
When you switch...you too will all feel they way we all do

What? Smug, or a feeling you've paid far to much for a computer that "looks nice"?

Smug if you like...and you get what you pay for really.

I opted out of the virus and malware upgrade though...really couldn't afford that expensive option.

Mr MacSmug

7th March 2007, 08:34 AM
ok, im a fairly advanced pc user - have been since 3.11 and DOS.

Convince me to change to a mac?

Will it do (at home not work) and if it does, does it do it better?

Web browsing (yes obv)
MS office docs
MP3's (not Itune crap)
WIFI networking with my existing gear

think thats about it! not much when u list it!!

7th March 2007, 09:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by CooperTrooper

ok, im a fairly advanced pc user - have been since 3.11 and DOS.

Convince me to change to a mac?

Will it do (at home not work) and if it does, does it do it better?

Web browsing (yes obv)
MS office docs
MP3's (not Itune crap)
WIFI networking with my existing gear

think thats about it! not much when u list it!!

Will it do (at home not work) and if it does, does it do it better?

I'll answer this...Why?...because I'm a Smug Bas^&rd it seems...

Yep I was right there with you on 3.1...and DOS commands were the norm.

I'm not against anyone owning a PC...I'm just against me ever having to use one for anything that is important in my life.

I still have PC's 3 of them in fact...all doing different jobs...one runs a CCTV system. Its been left on for years...works a treat...but only has a few programs running on it and never goes online. I've got ITX installed in the dash of my van running a 7" touch screen for GPS...can even check my mail if I get close enough to Starbucks (was a wee project a few years ago)

I use my Macbook Pro at work...get home and plug into my Apple cinema display, desktop keyboard and mouse. External drives, printer etc are all plugged in to the cinema display.

Web browsing (yes obv) (Web browsing yes whole load of choices...)
Autocad (I use Archicad)
MS office docs (Yes...Office for Mac is due an upgrade soon...but just works the same)
Torrents (Yes I use Azereus at the mo)
MP3's (not Itune crap) (Well...I have tried to use itunes on a PC...it is indeed crap...so can understand if you hate it...but on OS X...I've never had one problem...so I've never looked for anything else)
Photoshop (I run Photshop CS 2)
WIFI networking with my existing gear (I've always found it easier to get a Mac to work with a router etc. If you can't get online...I've found its because the WEP Key has been set up with a slightly different setting to the 'norm'..be it 128 or HEX...and these settings are easy to change.

I just bought a Mac Mini for my Dad...why?..because I'm sick and tired of having to "fix" PC's. I really thought I had left all that behind.

If someone doesn't want to buy a Mac...its usually because they haven't spent time using a Mac...or a gamer...

Here's one for you: I got home last night..and got a call from a gig in Glasgow. I had supplied guitar amp valves to a band about two years ago. This promoters rep had managed to get a hold of these valves from that band..and asked me how much he should charge a touring band to replace a matched pair of 6L6GC output valves. I couldn't remember. Using a feature called Spotlight...i pumped in "6L6"...and before I could pump in "GC"..up popped all the items relating to 6L6 on my Mac drives. I opened the invoice for that sale and gave a guideline price. 6L6GC...was not the title of the invoice...it was merely used within that document. This is not the same a search on XP...which takes quite a while to..errr....."search" Again...Spotlight blew me away...simple but effective

As I have always said...if yer happy with yer PC...I'm delighted!

Mr MacSmug

7th March 2007, 09:23 AM
and i'll add one more thing:

A friend of mine had a XP PC. I used to get calls day and night asking how to do this how to sort that. It was really over the top...but he was a friend.

He called me telling me he was going to buy a new computer...motherboard had packed in...which can happen to any PC....or Mac;)

I sugested he bought a Macbook...and about 6 months ago...he bought one. I had to call him last week to find out he if was still alive.

He actually said something to me that he hated me saying, and all Mac users say without meaning to get anyones back up...

"It just works"


7th March 2007, 09:24 AM
and another thing!!!!

only joking:D


7th March 2007, 10:33 AM
.... just as the website said.... :p

Now wheres the door. hehe

(google desktop, and windows vista's new search does the exact same thing vintage, been using google desktop for a while and its very useful ;))

7th March 2007, 10:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by sh@z

.... just as the website said.... :p

Now wheres the door. hehe

(google desktop, and windows vista's new search does the exact same thing vintage, been using google desktop for a while and its very useful ;))

Good stuff...nice to hear PC is catching up;)

And the webpage is wrong...I'm fat:D



7th March 2007, 11:23 PM
Fat, but i bet you are wearing some cool clothes eh!!! ;)

8th March 2007, 12:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by sh@z

Fat, but i bet you are wearing some cool clothes eh!!! ;)

Err...no..can't afford clothes...I bought a Mac...DOH!!!!!

Played right into the trap!:D
