View Full Version : ITUNES

3rd March 2007, 06:44 AM

Any Itunes experts out there?

Can anyone tell me something; when I play tunes back via the PC, it does so in a very funky overlap, as if each tune was mixed with the next - sounds good.

But how do I get it to record onto a CD in this format - no matter what, it always gives me a couple of seconds gap, which is rubbish....


3rd March 2007, 07:09 AM
I don't think you can. You probably have checked the Crossfade playback option in iTune preferences and only 'overlap' the tunes when they are being playback within iTune.

3rd March 2007, 09:02 AM
You can't do it in itunes but Nero has an option to do it 8)

Mark R
3rd March 2007, 09:46 AM
You can hit preferences and then advanced and burning and set the gap to none to get rid of it but unfortunately there's no way to cross-fade in iTunes on CDs you burn through it.

3rd March 2007, 10:43 AM
Nero is the way to go ;)8)