View Full Version : Sky vs Virgin - not a happy camper!

1st March 2007, 06:13 PM
Well if you've been following the debacle over the last few days re Virgin Media and Sky falling out you'll know that last night was the deadline!

And this morning - checked sky one on my cable - GONE! and sky news etc too!!

Having been loyal to cable for over 6 years and liking the fact of not having a dish on the side of the house - i'm now left with no option but to defect to Sky - aint missing the rest of Lost having stuck with it till now!!

Cost wise they are both the same - but it's the hassle and dish that bugs me!


More Info Here (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/digitaltv/a43319/sky-one-sky-news-pulled-from-virgin.html)

1st March 2007, 06:46 PM
Really? Bugger. I'd heard about that.. didn't check the telly this morning tho :(

We'll be moving soon, and out of range of proper Telewest cable apparently, so we were thinking about going over to Sky anyway, probably that 3 for £26 thing they're doing now. I'll miss the unlimited Broadband, but I suppose Sky's 40 Gig a month limit *should* be enough..
On the plus side, defecting to Sky will give you loads more channels with the above package ;):D, but I'll definitely miss Virgin/ Telewest's 'Teleport Replays' and the big library of films to 'rent' when you want.
I'll have to get my mitts on a Sky Plus box as well tho..

(I think the new place still has it's dish from previous owners.. so that could be a bonus! :cool:

The joys of moving to the middle of nowhere! :D:D:D

The Dogfather
1st March 2007, 07:27 PM
I looked at Sky Broadband, but their customer service record the delays in getting connected put me off. I've decided to go with Freeview and a DVD subscription to iLovefilm.com as most sky channels get on my nerves with the number and length of advert breaks.

1st March 2007, 08:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

The joys of moving to the middle of nowhere! :D:D:D

Its not just the middle of no-where where Cable doesn't go.
The top of my lane has Cable, as does the bottom.
As for the bit in the middle where I am - nope!
Not bad for the middle of Dundee.

Oh, and i'm still waiting for Telewest to get back to me as to why I can't get Cable. That was 6 months ago. :mad:

1st March 2007, 10:41 PM
Update: Called Virgin and they are now offering the basic TV package to exisitng customers for free so long as they keep the phone/ braodband - this means I can gey Sky and keep my Cable box for the same amount.

2nd March 2007, 12:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by Wul

Update: Called Virgin and they are now offering the basic TV package to exisitng customers for free so long as they keep the phone/ braodband - this means I can gey Sky and keep my Cable box for the same amount.

Still suckage tho.. I have no escape from Hollyoaks now! :(
How can they possibly call that entertainment? Half an hour of people shouting at each other.. should be against the Geneva convention!

Looks like the sooner we move the better then! Anyone here tried the Sky See Speak and Surf package yet? (This One (http://packages.sky.com/)) Is it all cable / phoneline fed? or do you still need the dish to recieve the TV side?

2nd March 2007, 02:49 AM
:mad: G** DAMMIT just got home from work switched on the telly and put it onto channel 120 went to do something else quickly in the house, came back into lounge and there was no SKY ONE!!! WTF... Im with you Wul, im not a happy bunny!!! :mad:

2nd March 2007, 03:22 AM
Yeah this sucks, will they be getting it back ?

2nd March 2007, 03:36 AM
Brian - from what i've read it doesn't look like it! Been on hold 4 times for 10mins at a time to get through to Sky and it aint happening! they must be rubbing their hands with glee! :(

2nd March 2007, 04:10 AM
hmmmm might reduce my tv package down to the free one from virgin then, not got a lot of time to watch tv just now anyway.
Plus ive been downloading lost from the usa

2nd March 2007, 08:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by macblob

hmmmm might reduce my tv package down to the free one from virgin then, not got a lot of time to watch tv just now anyway.
Plus ive been downloading lost from the usa

:eek::eek::eek: No 10 on the way ;)

3rd March 2007, 07:37 PM
well it looks like virgin may be geting sky back from the nes any way i hope the do as i am on virgin as well might just go for the free pack the now tho it worht a think !!!

4th March 2007, 02:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by stone

well it looks like virgin may be geting sky back from the nes any way i hope the do as i am on virgin as well might just go for the free pack the now tho it worht a think !!!

Why do you never use the full stop? it makes your comments easier to read.

Anyway, as far as i know there is still no settlement with both sides refusing to change their demands. We're on Telewest for the broadband and Sky for the TV but that might change to one or the other. Probably go with Sky all the way... not sure of the bandwidth limit though, that sucks.