View Full Version : USA - Bagdad, AZ. MINI rally

25th February 2007, 11:03 AM

Hey all,

Just got done with our Annual Homer J. Simpson - 12 Miles of Terror MINI run. Lots of pics on my flikr site ( and more to come ). We had about 30 MINI's and 1 Mini. An all day event in a remote region of Arizona. We did lose a MINI - due to a drunk hunter no less - no one in the MINI hurt , but the hunter was taken to a local hospital, and it put a damper on an otherwise fun day.


25th February 2007, 06:15 PM
Hey BC...

12 miles in a day?...please explain further....cause I'm sitting here thinking that Lohen could make a fortune in the US:D

12 miles of what?


L8r duuuude


25th February 2007, 06:40 PM
Wow just look at the weather ......lucky guy John and thanx for the pics ...1st class as usual

26th February 2007, 12:30 AM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3

Hey BC...

12 miles in a day?...please explain further....cause I'm sitting here thinking that Lohen could make a fortune in the US:D

12 miles of what?


L8r duuuude


Actually the total run was over 250 miles - start to finish. The "best" section of the road - the one that claimed 1 mini this year , and 1 several years ago - is a very twisty piece about 12 miles long right outside Bagdad. AZ. It is an old mining road that was first used back in the 1800's - it was designed for slower times - lots of off camber up & down hill turns, almost all are blind corners. It is very exciting!! but you have to bee carefull!!.

Our first year at this location we lost a mini - with a professional driver I might add - due to some gravel on the road. This year we lost a mini to a drunk hunter crossing the road at the bottom of a blind downhill turn - the hunter driving a yamaha rhino ( small 4x4 ) - from those at the scene there was no way our mini could have avoided him. But all were ok and the mini will be repaired.

Other than that it was a great day -- mid to high 60F , clear skys, etc.... Visited lots of small towns - Wickenburg, Bagdad, Kirkland and Yarnel -- all old mining towns.

I wish we had more stuff from Lohen and the other UK tuners here - lots of members have stuff shipped in from Europe and the UK - things you can't get here.


26th February 2007, 05:39 AM
BC...sounds like you had a great day!

Sorry to hear about the loss of a MINI....but glad that no one was hurt!

I was joking about Lohen stuff of course...but I find it slightly amusing that you guys find it tough getting tuning stuff over there and have to ship from over here. I spend most of my time shipping Hammond, Leslie, Rhodes and Wurlitzer parts from the US that I can't get here!

Much easier since the interweb came along though!

Best Regards!


26th February 2007, 06:56 AM
No problem Mark :D:D

We can get lots of U.S. tuner stuff here - but we see alot of UK , Euro only stuff we just "have to have! " :D

When I first got my 04 MCS I wanted the BMW - MINI car seat system for my son... but it is not avail here in the USA. Nearest dealer that carried it is in Mexico - not on the border but in Mexico City. So after talking to dealers in the UK , Mexico and Canada -- I decided it was not feasable to get one -- unless I took a trip and brought one back with me. ($$$$$)

So.. as a club, we keep each other posted on any upcoming trips to Europe , the UK, or Japan. And we place orders with whoever is going - and they bring back as much stuff as possible.

Ohhh the things that our MINI's make us do!!:D:D

Thanks all:cool:

5th March 2007, 02:28 AM
Did you guys find any WMDs?lol Looks like a good day out apart from the drunk hunter , now thats unusual then a drunk hunter

5th March 2007, 07:26 AM
Hey mate, you dont mind if i add you to my flickr friends do you?

6th March 2007, 05:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

Hey mate, you dont mind if i add you to my flickr friends do you?

Not at all -- Go for it!!!:cool: