View Full Version : Is Mini becoming a below standard car?

23rd February 2007, 10:40 PM
I've been reading MINI2 on and off since deciding to go for my R56 Cooper. While I know the same old age story of problems seem greater on forums blah blah blah.

I know some will say these cars get tested and what can you expect on 1st production cars.

Recently I've been thinking for a second generation car the R56 is starting to get a few serious faults. While my Cooper has no obvious faults at the moment are they just lying in waiting for me?.

I had the first generation Mini which went back after 8 months it took about 6 months before the problems arose. I also know that the last Mini's I had were pretty dam good.

If I knew then what I know now from reading Mini2 then perhaps I wouldn't have been just so quick to jump to the new model.

There is no doubt I would have eventually went into one but perhaps you guys that have held off or bought one of the last generation Mini's are the smart ones.:question:

The Dogfather
23rd February 2007, 10:57 PM
Most new cars have teething problems, our first A2, 2000 went back to the dealer 11 times. This one, a 54 plate, far has been trouble free, so far.

23rd February 2007, 10:57 PM
I personally would not be too concerned. There is far too much negative talk on car forums these days discussing the potential problems. All it does is scare off potential customers and make everyone get jittery and sell there pride and joy taking a massive loss. Well in my experience thats what has happened to me :)
Being a brand new car there is warranty or you could always reject the car if the faults do come to light. If not being a mini and an unusual colour I would imagine you could sell it on with little hassle. Your in the good position of being in there at the start while they are sought after.
If it's just problems your reading and they havn't actually happened yet I would just wait and see, try not to worry and enjoy your car.

23rd February 2007, 11:09 PM
Wise words Keith.

Some people are having issues, yes. Makers of all cars have problems. Look on any owners forums and you will see people reporting problems.

Even on the almost Toyota forum there are people reporting major problems with some cars. My mate with a Honda had numerous suspension issues which meant it ate tyres in 8k miles due to uneven wear.

The first gen MINI had, in my opinion a lot more early issues than the R56, I should I had one of the cr*p ones. my first VW Golf was rejected because of an obvious gearbox issue.

23rd February 2007, 11:51 PM
All the stuff on mini 2 is taking the gloss off my new car iam para its going to be a pig in a poke

23rd February 2007, 11:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

All the stuff on mini 2 is taking the gloss off my new car iam para its going to be a pig in a poke

yeh I know what you mean it is a good source of information but sometimes not the type you want to here.

Trouble with me is in days gone by if the car wasn't up to scratch I'd sell it and buy another can't do that anymore so it needs to last.

Also I want to store my car for a few months and not sure how best to go about that as I think it needs a run every week but who to trust.

24th February 2007, 12:28 AM
you know you could trust me fi.... just leave it in your garage and I could take it to my work every few days for a wee run.... :D:D

24th February 2007, 12:46 AM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

you know you could trust me fi.... just leave it in your garage and I could take it to my work every few days for a wee run.... :D:D

Your now nae use, has to go to a fellow Cooper owner ;):p:D

24th February 2007, 05:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

you know you could trust me fi.... just leave it in your garage and I could take it to my work every few days for a wee run.... :D:D

Your now nae use, has to go to a fellow Cooper owner ;):p:D

It's going tae none of the two of you :eek::eek: It has to be looked after by Uncle mark who knows how to care for a lovely yellow mowta :D:D:cool:;)

24th February 2007, 05:51 AM
quote:Originally posted by Keith

I personally would not be too concerned. There is far too much negative talk on car forums these days discussing the potential problems. All it does is scare off potential customers and make everyone get jittery and sell there pride and joy taking a massive loss. Well in my experience thats what has happened to me :)
Being a brand new car there is warranty or you could always reject the car if the faults do come to light. If not being a mini and an unusual colour I would imagine you could sell it on with little hassle. Your in the good position of being in there at the start while they are sought after.
If it's just problems your reading and they havn't actually happened yet I would just wait and see, try not to worry and enjoy your car.

Here here Keith would agree with you :approve:;)

24th February 2007, 06:12 AM
If you park the car in the garage with the hand brake off then there wont be any probs with it sitting for 2 months. Many of the cars in the showrooms will sit for 2 months or more sometimes without being started.

james f
24th February 2007, 07:05 AM
^^ hes right modern cars are fine to sit about my cooper sat in a lot at the dealers for 9 months and with only delivery miles on and has been fine ever since

24th February 2007, 07:33 AM
don't Mini have to be braked test once a week.

After some consideration I feel it is only right to leave the looking after to Markyc.:D:D with some guidance from Craig.;)

24th February 2007, 07:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

don't Mini have to be braked test once a week.

Never heard that before, just dont leave the hand brake on and there will be no probs at all.

24th February 2007, 08:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by ianking

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

don't Mini have to be brake test once a week.

Never heard that before, just dont leave the hand brake on and there will be no probs at all.

think they do either that it's claire fav excuse in not taking my call.:eek:

24th February 2007, 08:30 AM
if it's in a garage for 2 months then should be ok just set the tyre pressures to the fullly loaded pressures recommended then when you come back check and adjust the pressures start the car and leave at idle till it has warmed up short of leaving a light on and flattening the battery you should be fine though once it's warmed up take it out and clear out the cobwebs (imaginary lol :P ) you might get wheel vibration for a while due to the tyres being sat in one position for a long time but they should be ok other than that put chocks under it and leave the handbrake off (don't know if your garage is damp etc)

AndyP & Lenore
24th February 2007, 09:07 AM
Bringing the thread back on-topic....;)

I don't think MINI's are going below standard Fi. I think the new R56 is a cracking quality car. It seems well built and fairly well engineered. However, I would agree their seems to be some teething problems, more so with the gearbox as much as anything. The biggest worry has been how MINI deal with these problems. Legally the contract is between the purchaser, the dealer and the finance co (if any), but the way the dealership network is set up in the UK, the dealers won't do anything without MINI's say-so, and the finance co tend to sit back and wait for the dealer, the manufacturer and the purchaser to sort out the problems. MINI initially appeared to be a little indifferent to the gearbox problem, perhaps even in denial there could possibly be anything wrong. However, on looking at MINI2.com it looks like they are starting to accept their may be problems with some of the cars and are starting to accept rejections. Common sense seems to be prevailing.

I would agree with the others who have noted that these are just teething problems. At the end of the day, I know they test cars to destruction before they are launched, but you can't beat 50,000 cars out on "test". What's important is how any problems are dealt with.

Personally, I'm just glad we've ordered an Auto box. Different gear box altogether.;)


25th February 2007, 05:49 AM
ok fair enough saying that's it's a new car you have to expect teething problems but why should we.???? when you think about it really there shouldn't be any problems and as mentioned they do test these cars for thousands of miles. Ok nothing is prefect but still.?

for little cars their not cheap.

I read on Mini2 that Mini have got a fix for the gearbox problem a new flywheel so what does a flywheel do.??

AndyP & Lenore
25th February 2007, 06:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

ok fair enough saying that's it's a new car you have to expect teething problems but why should we.???? when you think about it really there shouldn't be any problems and as mentioned they do test these cars for thousands of miles. Ok nothing is prefect but still.?

for little cars their not cheap.

I read on Mini2 that Mini have got a fix for the gearbox problem a new flywheel so what does a flywheel do.??

The flywheel is connected to the transponster.:eek:;)

I'm one of those folk who presses the gas pedal and the car goes. If it doesn't go, the last thing I'd do is open the bonnet and see whats broken.

But they fitted a fly wheel to Popey's car and it didn't fix it.:eek::eek::eek:


25th February 2007, 06:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

ok fair enough saying that's it's a new car you have to expect teething problems but why should we.???? when you think about it really there shouldn't be any problems and as mentioned they do test these cars for thousands of miles. Ok nothing is prefect but still.?

for little cars their not cheap.

I read on Mini2 that Mini have got a fix for the gearbox problem a new flywheel so what does a flywheel do.??

The flywheel is connected to the transponster.:eek:;)

I'm one of those folk who presses the gas pedal and the car goes. If it doesn't go, the last thing I'd do is open the bonnet and see whats broken.

But they fitted a fly wheel to Popey's car and it didn't fix it.:eek::eek::eek:


well your no use then are you.;) seems there is a new type flywheel being manufactured for 07 plates onwards.

so anyone whats a flywheel???? is it something a belt goes on to.?

25th February 2007, 06:21 AM
Try a Google search, its a good source of information.


Heavy wheel in an engine that helps keep it running and smooths its motion. The crankshaft in a petrol engine has a flywheel at one end, which keeps the crankshaft turning in between the intermittent power strokes of the pistons. It also comes into contact with the clutch, serving as the connection between the engine and the car's transmission system.

AndyP & Lenore
25th February 2007, 06:33 AM
Aw fer crikies sake!! I should have known that. Our 35mm projectors have a flywheel attached to the soundrum, which makes sure the film is kept steady and constant while the analoge audio track is read by the laser.


Give me a projector over a car any day.:approve:


25th February 2007, 06:37 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

Try a Google search, its a good source of information.


Heavy wheel in an engine that helps keep it running and smooths its motion. The crankshaft in a petrol engine has a flywheel at one end, which keeps the crankshaft turning in between the intermittent power strokes of the pistons. It also comes into contact with the clutch, serving as the connection between the engine and the car's transmission system.

e'mm so give me that in woman speak.? so does this mean that a diesel won't have one.?

25th February 2007, 06:40 AM
Babelfish dosent do Woman translations yet :(;)

AndyP & Lenore
25th February 2007, 06:48 AM
I would have thought a deisel engine will still have a flywheel. But then, I'm not the best one to ask. Clearly.:approve:


25th February 2007, 09:11 PM
Fiona yes ALL cars have a flywheel.

It is is fitted to the end of the engine then the clutch is fitted to that, then the gearbox is connected to the engine covering the flywheel and clutch. Hope this clears things up for you :D

The Dogfather
26th February 2007, 01:45 AM
Fi, the R56 seems to be a lot better built than my old Coop, I would say it was as good as an Audi, which is the best I've ever come across

26th February 2007, 02:13 AM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Fi, the R56 seems to be a lot better built than my old Coop, I would say it was as good as an Audi, which is the best I've ever come across

I am very impressed with the quality of my R56 inside.

I don't think I would go as far as your suggestion. My mate has a new A6 (remember not much more expensive than a loaded S) and it is absolutely fantastic and faultess inside.

The Dogfather
26th February 2007, 02:22 AM
I was comparing it to my 2 year old A2, perhaps not as well built as an A6

26th February 2007, 05:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Fi, the R56 seems to be a lot better built than my old Coop, I would say it was as good as an Audi, which is the best I've ever come across
Why did you not buy one then Dafty !!!:p:D:D:D

26th February 2007, 10:28 PM
Hear Hear Angus!!! Sorry Vidal.

On inspecting the 'new New MINI', I wasn't of the opinion (and said so at the time) that it was any better built than my '03 S, or my '01 COOPER, as many folks seem to been convinced it was. Having sat in an '07 COOPER, then getting straight into my S, I reckoned mine was just as good. Remember that while the R56 LOOKS like the previous model (though obviously not as handsome... heh heh), it's almost a completely new car, and therefore WILL have glitches and faults just like the first MINIs in 2001. No, it isn't right, and despite the manufacturers banging on about vigorours testing for 10 billion miles, I feel that owners of new cars are still being used as unpaid product testers to some extent. Fiona - don't worry about what MIGHT happen, just take action IF it happens - that's what your New Car Warranty's for. If folks are worried, wait a year till all the wee (or big) problems have been sorted. Being first sometimes has its drawbacks.

27th February 2007, 06:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

don't Mini have to be braked test once a week.

After some consideration I feel it is only right to leave the looking after to Markyc.:D:D with some guidance from Craig.;)

Quality stuff :approve::approve::);) How often could you go on your holibags and come back to a car that has more wax on it than when you left :eek::eek::eek::cool:;)

27th February 2007, 06:48 AM
at least I will be able to have a shot of a sorted R56...

27th February 2007, 07:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

at least I will be able to have a shot of a sorted R56...

you never know it could turn in to be a diesel.;) I figure the current models both cooper and the S sound like a diesel so why not chuck the towel in and buy a Mini Diesel.:D:p

james f
27th February 2007, 07:30 AM
minis quality has always been a bit miss match imo end of the day its built to a price but it seems that you can pay 100l plus for a car and still have more problems, imo cars will never be 100% but there shouldnt be prolems to the ammount that craig has endured but i would never buy a mass produced car in its 1st year of production bound to be a few issues

27th February 2007, 08:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

at least I will be able to have a shot of a sorted R56...

you never know it could turn in to be a diesel.;) I figure the current models both cooper and the S sound like a diesel so why not chuck the towel in and buy a Mini Diesel.:D:p

Mine doesn't sound like a diesel at all.

AndyP & Lenore
27th February 2007, 08:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by KenL

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

at least I will be able to have a shot of a sorted R56...

you never know it could turn in to be a diesel.;) I figure the current models both cooper and the S sound like a diesel so why not chuck the towel in and buy a Mini Diesel.:D:p

Mine doesn't sound like a diesel at all.

But Ken, you must admit that guy on MINI2 who's posted a wee movie of the sound of his engine sounds like a deisel with a major problem.:approve:


27th February 2007, 05:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by KenL

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude

at least I will be able to have a shot of a sorted R56...

you never know it could turn in to be a diesel.;) I figure the current models both cooper and the S sound like a diesel so why not chuck the towel in and buy a Mini Diesel.:D:p

Mine doesn't sound like a diesel at all.

Well Kenl yours must be only one for all the Minis I have heard are very rough sounding IMHO.

27th February 2007, 06:03 PM
Sarahs car sounds fine now. It was a bit tickety at the start but its got 1000miles on it now and its perfect. No noises or rattles from inside either, hope mine is as good as hers. Ive got Sarahs car at work today and its going so well that I may just let her have the new S and I will use the Cooper.

27th February 2007, 06:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by ianking

Sarahs car sounds fine now. It was a bit tickety at the start but its got 1000miles on it now and its perfect. No noises or rattles from inside either, hope mine is as good as hers. Ive got Sarahs car at work today and its going so well that I may just let her have the new S and I will use the Cooper.

That's cause your inside driving the motor you can't hear the engine and it sounds lovely and smooth often I have to rev it a wee bit to make sure the engine is on if I am at a standhill BUT if you step out the car and listen to the engine at idle then it sounds very tickety and if your standing outside the car when some ones starts the car up from cold:eek::eek:

27th February 2007, 06:22 PM
Thats what Sarahs car used to sound like when outside it but now its fine. It just took a bit of running in.

27th February 2007, 06:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by ianking

Thats what Sarahs car used to sound like when outside it but now its fine. It just took a bit of running in.

e'mm fair enough My Cooper still sounds the same and it's covered over 2000 miles.

27th February 2007, 07:13 PM
I was a bit concerened when we first got the car and I had a mini tech look at it and he said it would go away in time. Also got my dad who has been a mechanic since he left the school, he is now 50, to take a look at it and again the other day he looked at it as well as a tech from the eastern and they all said it was fine. The noise is now away anyway.

27th February 2007, 09:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by ianking

Sarahs car sounds fine now. It was a bit tickety at the start but its got 1000miles on it now and its perfect. No noises or rattles from inside either, hope mine is as good as hers. Ive got Sarahs car at work today and its going so well that I may just let her have the new S and I will use the Cooper.

I don't think so, it is mine! :p

Fi - Have you taken your car back to the garage to get the noise checked out?
Mine was really noisy to begin with and still has a slight ticking noisy but nothing like it was. The garage said it is normal.
No harm in getting yours checked over.

27th February 2007, 11:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by SarahMunro

quote:Originally posted by ianking

Sarahs car sounds fine now. It was a bit tickety at the start but its got 1000miles on it now and its perfect. No noises or rattles from inside either, hope mine is as good as hers. Ive got Sarahs car at work today and its going so well that I may just let her have the new S and I will use the Cooper.

I don't think so, it is mine! :p

Fi - Have you taken your car back to the garage to get the noise checked out?
Mine was really noisy to begin with and still has a slight ticking noisy but nothing like it was. The garage said it is normal.
No harm in getting yours checked over.

yeh I may take it to Grassicks and get them to give it the once over. just not got time the now between ending my job and moving house.

27th February 2007, 11:22 PM
I can't hear a bloody thing over the exhaust - SORTED!!!

AndyP & Lenore
27th February 2007, 11:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by ELFMAN

I can't hear a bloody thing over the exhaust - SORTED!!!

LOL. :approve::D

28th February 2007, 05:34 PM
But I DO have a wee intermittent vibration from the rear passenger side (small wonder on these crappy roads), AND my emission light's back on.....again. Still, could be worse - it could be a 3 year old Alfa Romeo, then it would rattle more and be worth a lot less!