View Full Version : WooHoo I'm FINISHED

17th February 2007, 09:47 AM
http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/d040.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/k005.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/froehlich/b020.gif http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/musik/k025.gif

At long last I am finished working and living up here at Inverness.

Can't begin to tell you how I feel. Happy

but funny that I am leaving the company I have only ever worked for just short of 27 years.

It has been a long six months I was supposed to be up here for
but 6 years later almost 7 I am going home.

The last month has been up and down to say the least making plans then having to cancel them :( can't be helped that Allans mum took a tumble a broke her back still in hospital but on the mend I would say.

TBH I really have no idea what I want to do was offered a job this week but oh I don't know think I need to take time out and enjoy my Minis. Was just sitting thinking

Over the past 6 years we have travelled and this is a conservative figure some 100,200 miles just on the A9 and that is just using the 1 car more often than not we were in two. In the past 8 months we have travelled over 36,000 miles just on the A9.

Baised of two cars over six years
that works out about 3340 gallons per car or 15,184 litres at a average of say 91ppl works out about £13,817 x 2 cars = £27,634 just travelling the A9 all conservative figures as we usually use ultimate.:eek::eek::eek:

17th February 2007, 02:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

1) Hope to sell Allan's Mini but that's turning into a bit of a Joke

2) ...might have to get someone to give it wee runs while we are away if we can't get shot of it.;)

1) Awww poor Allan...:disapprove:

2) Me me me!!! I'd love that job but I live in Dundee so might be bit of a prob unless you want to drop it off with me on your way down for your hols... :D :p

17th February 2007, 04:35 PM
best of luck with your travels fi iam sure you will sell alans s

18th February 2007, 06:01 AM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

best of luck with your travels fi iam sure you will sell alans s

cheers the Mini is getting closer to being sold;) thanks to certain Mr someone;):D just needs to sharpen his pencil a wee bit more on Monday

AndyP & Lenore
18th February 2007, 06:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

best of luck with your travels fi iam sure you will sell alans s

cheers the Mini is getting closer to being sold;) thanks to certain Mr someone;):D just needs to sharpen his pencil a wee bit more on Monday

I bet I can guess who that is.....;)

18th February 2007, 06:21 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

best of luck with your travels fi iam sure you will sell alans s

cheers the Mini is getting closer to being sold;) thanks to certain Mr someone;):D just needs to sharpen his pencil a wee bit more on Monday

I bet I can guess who that is.....;)

I bet you can:D now Andy if you didn't need a auto.:D

18th February 2007, 08:19 PM
I wish you had said you were selling it before I ordered mine, I would have bought it.

Big Gordy
18th February 2007, 11:02 PM
If you don't sell it give me a shout Fi as I stay in Larbert (is that where its being kept..??) and could give it a run once a week to my work if you want :cool: :p:D:approve:

Mini Me
19th February 2007, 01:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

best of luck with your travels fi iam sure you will sell alans s

cheers the Mini is getting closer to being sold;) thanks to certain Mr someone;):D just needs to sharpen his pencil a wee bit more on Monday

Who , who :question::question::question:;):p

19th February 2007, 03:15 AM
I could keep it at my work...;)

AndyP & Lenore
20th February 2007, 07:41 AM
Fi, I was thinking about your impending lack of Internet access, and I was wondering if it would be worth your while going for one of these Laptop 3G Mobile phone card thingys. It is basically a PCMCIA card that slots into your laptop and allows you to surf at 3G (broadband) speeds on a mobile phone account - but with a decent bulk megabyte purchase it shouldn't be too expensive.:D

It's one way to stay connected.:approve:


20th February 2007, 07:47 AM
I have used the vodafone connect cards at my work. A breeze to install and if there is no 3G coverage, GPRS still works, so you are not left with no service....(albeit slightly slower )

not the cheapest to use, but well worth it if you don't want to be without internet access


20th February 2007, 07:50 AM
so where would I buy one of these cards things

20th February 2007, 07:52 AM
from a vodafone shop or from their website... can't remember the prices... sorry..:I:D

here's a wee link....


AndyP & Lenore
20th February 2007, 08:33 AM
And there's the Orange version....



AndyP & Lenore
20th February 2007, 08:35 AM
Something to bear in mind Fi is that these cards also work abroad so you'll still get internet access while roaming. It is more expensive abraod, but worthwhile for checking emails and so on.


27th March 2007, 07:41 PM
well thanks to my work they kept us online right up to the last. the only reason I will not be online after Thursday is because we have to literally take a hammer to our base units and break them up:eek::eek::eek:

my laptop has to go b though:(

Oh and good old BT still have not cancelled my broadband at home in Inverness.

Funny how when I asked to cancel the 30 odd lines at work wef 31.03.07 they cancelled them the next day BT total plonkers honestly.

30th March 2007, 05:00 AM
first post updated

AndyP & Lenore
30th March 2007, 05:13 AM
Have fun in your (temporary) retirement Fi.:D

Hope Allan's mum gets better soon, really sorry to hear about her fall.:(

Best of luck for the future.... Do you still have internet access at home in Larbert?


30th March 2007, 05:14 AM
Good to here Allan's mum is doing better...

just take some time off and chill :cool::cool:

Your still welcome on the Oxford trip if you can get the doggy sitter.. :approve::approve:

30th March 2007, 05:47 AM
i'm working on the oxford run just need to work on my mum;) wonder if the hotel takes dogs no not Allan;) hoping mum takes the 2 big dogs we will see.
I have a home hub in Larbert:approve: much faster than my router up here

being paying for 2 skys and 2 broadbands for the last few months will be glad when I am back to 1 house.

30th March 2007, 07:33 PM
when is the oxford run if its at the weekend im sure i could dog sit for you fi