View Full Version : 9/11 Conspiracy

13th February 2007, 07:37 AM
The BBC is screening a 9/11 docu next sunday @ 9pm instead of showing loose change the best one hers the link watch this you will never belive the usa govt story

13th February 2007, 08:19 AM
One of the survivors is giving a special talk in Aberdeen and Dundee about the conspiracy theory. I've also heard some seriously believable conspiracies about the Oklahoma bombing.

15th February 2007, 12:19 AM
Loose Change 2 is brilliant

Download and be amazed by the facts n figures. Some I believe can be counter-argued, but some need some simple answers.

If you need more info read the document on Operation Northwood found on the Loose Change website. Its simply incredible.

15th February 2007, 12:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

One of the survivors is giving a special talk in Aberdeen and Dundee about the conspiracy theory. I've also heard some seriously believable conspiracies about the Oklahoma bombing.
his name is willie rodregez the last man out alive from the twin towers he say he was in the basement when bomb were going off after the planes hit as for oklahoma mcvie supposed to park a truck bomb outside why is the blast out the way

The Dogfather
15th February 2007, 01:24 AM
Makes you think. If it is true and it ever gets proven, what happens then...... Now that's the real scary bit.........

15th February 2007, 01:43 AM
the truth is coming then the cyak will hit the fan

15th February 2007, 01:51 AM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Makes you think. If it is true and it ever gets proven, what happens then...... Now that's the real scary bit.........

Iy does that.. there are just too many coincidences aren't there? as I've mentioned before I was in Texas that day (not the DIY store!! :p) and the whole country went batshiat mental. The Media were out of control at the centre of the Hysteria.. If it ever does get proven, I hope the scaremongering media who thrive on awful sensationalism such as this get taken down with whoever else does!

The Dogfather
15th February 2007, 02:11 AM
The country would implode, no great loss

15th February 2007, 09:58 AM
If they can kill a President then they can pretty much do anything. As said in above posts, I can believe in some of the arguements (especially the Pentagon) but wholly sh*t please please tell me that awful day was indeed an act of terrorism.
I actually bought the Naudet bros DVD after seeing it on TV as the whole tradgedy of lost lives had a real impact on me (my cousin lost a close friend that day). If there is a conspiracy then god save us all :disapprove:

16th February 2007, 07:56 AM
They blew it up themselves to justify an increase in defense spending budgets. $200 billion... how else can you justify spending that much on defense if the threat is not visibile to the American public.

Ok so that's a bit sensationalistic but from the things i've read and heard it wouldn't surprise me if they had a helping hand in things. The terrorist act was real and they knew about it but perhaps they added a bit of salt to things.

16th February 2007, 08:26 AM
Hmm, I'm thinking hard about how to get into this topic. While I don't believe personally that the "government" set 9/11 portions in motion, I would believe outside influences within the US did (dare I say corporations). There is a whole lot of money to be gained by 9/11 at a global level...just look around. Also to set the record straight, no government in the world wants the US economy to fall on its @ss, if it did, the world would flow down the toilet with it. Just take a looks at how many foreign governments have huge, billions of dollars, tied in the US economy. (side note, take a look at the markets in the Middle East, some of the WORST markets in the world..I believe it was Saudi Arabia that just had their equivalent of Oct 29 1929)

16th February 2007, 08:36 AM
I don't think the US economy is as important as it used to be, the Asian economy is just as strong in my opinion if not stronger. America would like to think the rest of the world needs them but it's not necessarily true... if it was there would be more countries rushing to support the US in its war on Terror, right now I think there is around a dozen countries. Switzerland is a perfect example of a self sustaining country... and I think we can all learn something from them.

16th February 2007, 04:32 PM
the us needed a war on terror so it could get the oil pipe line throw afganistan as the tallban said no watch the first 10 mins of loose change & listen to the part on rebuilding americas defences .Anybody that want a dvd copy of loose change email me your name & address & i will post you it free. The swiss grew rich off of nazi gold plundered from the jews and every country they invaded during the ww2

17th February 2007, 04:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

the us needed a war on terror so it could get the oil pipe line throw afganistan as the tallban said no watch the first 10 mins of loose change & listen to the part on rebuilding americas defences .Anybody that want a dvd copy of loose change email me your name & address & i will post you it free. The swiss grew rich off of nazi gold plundered from the jews and every country they invaded during the ww2

America and the UK grew rich off slavery and plundering countries like India. I'm not sure what your point is.

17th February 2007, 04:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

the us needed a war on terror so it could get the oil pipe line throw afganistan as the tallban said no watch the first 10 mins of loose change & listen to the part on rebuilding americas defences .Anybody that want a dvd copy of loose change email me your name & address & i will post you it free. The swiss grew rich off of nazi gold plundered from the jews and every country they invaded during the ww2

America and the UK grew rich off slavery and plundering countries like India. I'm not sure what your point is.

<puts on UN tin hat>


james f
17th February 2007, 05:27 AM
im sorry ive held back but loose change is the biggest pile of tripe ive seen in a while this goes along way to show just how much bULL they spout on it http://www.lolloosechange.co.nr/

17th February 2007, 05:35 AM
everybody has an opinon

james f
17th February 2007, 05:55 AM
opionion is not fact i mean the ammount of stuff on lose change that is plain wrong is enough to discredit the whole thing threoys are nowt with out proof and i see no proof in loose change

17th February 2007, 06:05 AM
research it yourself jason bermas i very thurough in his research why wont the us govt answere the question that the 9/11 familes are asking thhere have only been 3 steel framed buildings ever that have fallen down due to fire they all fell on 9/11 not since or before the truth is louder than words iam off to ground zero 9/11 this year as apart of 9/11 truth movement

james f
17th February 2007, 06:35 AM
so that would be why he got so much of it wrong; identifed the wrong engines used on the 757 contacted the wrong engine plants to identify the parts, confused the fact that a criuse missile could zig zag and pull up the lamp pots and move the genrator when it would have missed them all, took press sources form neo natzi holloacosut deniers news papers, i could go on ... and i will the owner of the twin towers has not gained billions in insrance payouts but lost near 3 billion in the re building procsse and subuqent rent on the land the planes couldnt have been intercepted as the us atlantic defence wall had been taken down since the end of the cold war, the mayor who was advised not to fly .... still got on his plane, no demaltion expert in the world has said it was anything but the planes and subsuqnet fire that caused the collapse of the twin towers as 1 no exlpions or flashes as showin in any other free fall controlled demolotin were there also no sizemic readings either confined the fact that the impact of the planes caused it he quotes numerous people on his film (who are they what is their feild of experies ?) the owner of the fligh school and confined that yes he wasnt the best piolt but there was no dout he could have pulled of the manover as it was not conducted well, also there are many document cases of steel frames buldings collapsing the twin towers were only steel skined allwoing for an open plan enviorment in the offices and therefore not as stong as many steel skined buildings becuse of the nature of the skin the incat of the plane caused the whole structaral effect to fail why did noe of the other buildings he menton collapse ? maybee beacuse there were not hit buy a 100 tonne aircarft moving at 500mph the truth of 11th 9th a sad day were many lost their lives as a result of alqeda not a us govermet plot

17th February 2007, 06:54 AM
Too many arguments on this site revolve around people not doing their research but believing what other people tell them.

The Dogfather
17th February 2007, 07:14 AM
Too few paragraph as well :p

17th February 2007, 08:05 AM
19 guys with box cutter managed to get norad to stand down all controlled from a cave in afganistan you couldnt right it

17th February 2007, 08:27 AM
I was in the US...Portland Oregon in fact...on the 9th of September 01. In actual fact, as the crow flies...the UK was nearer than Portland Oregon to NYC.

I remember the US TV coverage. I remember certain things being reported once....and only once very early on in the day. One thing I do remember is someone reporting that the second plane wasn't a commercial plane. That one thing has stayed with me....and long before any of the sites on the net started talk of conspiracy.

As its been said here before, the USA went crazy that day. We were doing a gig in a club and hovering above us was a sky scraper...it was an FBI building. Some of the military and Men in Black stuff we saw that day was, upon reflection, comical and hilarious. I'm not for one minute taking anything away from what happened that day...but at that point in time the military and Men in Black didn't have clue what to do. They just seemed to be running about doing nothing.

I can remember a delivery guy coming into the club....and it looked as though he was on auto pilot. I found out later that both his parents worked high in the WTC. At that time it was assumed that he had lost both of them. Our bus driver had a son that worked there....it took until 5.00pm that day for him to find out that his son was OK. One of our US P.A. guys (from NYC) had just the week before...fallen out with his boss...so his boss had stuck him on our tour, instead of the nice cushy close to home P.A. job high up in one of the towers. He had a close escape....but the good news was that the guy that took his place had slept in...and was on his way to the WTC when the planes hit.

We had to load in and do our jobs...we couldn't get a line to call home. I managed to to use a internet text to mobile service to text Kim and ask her to call my folks just say I was OK. They didn't know where I was in the US. The band decided to go on stage that night and ask the audience if they should go ahead and play the gig. They had previously had to cancel a gig in Portland...didn't what to cancel...but at the same time, didn't want to appear insensitive to what had happened earlier that day. We had a minutes silence then did the gig. It was a weird gig...but the crowd i spoke to were glad that we had played. If nothing else we all escaped for a while from the reality of that day.

I flew to Chicago Midway through Minneapolis on the day that the planes started flying again. I missed my connection. I was going to Chicago after the tour to see a friend. Security was joke. After 4 days in Chicago I flew home from O'Hare...and again...security was a joke. When I checked in...and told the check in staff that I had some weird and wonderful bits of kit in my suitcase. They were not interested.

I had forgotten to post some postcards after going through into departure. I asked a Police officer if i could go back out onto the concourse again...she wasn't even interested. and just pointed towards an unlocked door!!!! When I came back through security...one of the security staff asked to see inside my laptop case. I smiled and said "you didn't want to see it two minutes ago!" and started to open the case. He stopped me and I thought "Oh No...me and my big mouth!"....but he said...."OK...you can go through" I said "I didn't say you couldn't look in my bag...I insist that you look in my bag!" He just waved me away.

I've been back to the US every year since. Security seems to have a higher profile...but in reality, I don't think it is any better. It should be.

I've been to Ground Zero a few times. It is eery. It is so sad what happened there. We did a gig in Battery Park last July 4th....and my hotel room had a view of Ground Zero. I sat for about an hour just looking at that view...how could anyone just pull the curtains on that view and go to sleep.

I have friends in NYC that saw that second plane. They always have tears in their eyes when someone mentions 9/11.

3000 people lost their lives on 9/11....but how many people have lost their lives since?

I was also in

17th February 2007, 08:39 AM
WOW!.....n i said hubby was interminable!:eek::p:p:p;);):D

17th February 2007, 09:36 AM
jeez I thought for a minute I had logged on to x5world.com:p

17th February 2007, 07:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by sedgie

WOW!.....n i said hubby was interminable!:eek::p:p:p;);):D

OK...here it is for the slow readers:

Boom....Boom....JEEZ!...I won't forget that day


17th February 2007, 08:46 PM
ok saves me reading all that thanks mark for the condensed version

The Dogfather
19th February 2007, 06:43 AM
The BBC is pulling the theories apart pretty comprehesively....

They're making the guy who did loose change look pretty stupid

19th February 2007, 07:01 AM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

The BBC is pulling the theories apart pretty comprehesively....

They're making the guy who did loose change look pretty stupid

Yep, I'll go with the South Park version.

19th February 2007, 07:05 AM
I watched this with a very open mind, for me the theorists all put across their views aggressively whilst the witnesses and others were all pretty calm, the theorists might say this was due to training lol.
For me, there was nowt that really made me think that there was a conspiracy, the only exception was that no bodies or wreckage was found at one site.

19th February 2007, 06:53 PM
After watching that last night, it's just muddied the waters even more. Both sides of the coin have flaws in their explanations. Some parts of the 'truth' are just too conveniently coincidental, and some parts of the 'conspiracy theory' are obviously incorrect.

While the BBC program did a fairly good job of debunking the obvious flaws in the conspiracy theories, there was a lot of the more borderline stuff they simply did not address - whether due to time constraints or 'other' reasons..

Just one example... Why won't the US Government release footage from security cameras around the Pentagon - the ones in the Petrol station and Hotel - which were allegedly confiscated? Surely those images will prove them right? and if they have no such film, why haven't they come out and said these images simply don't exist?

There's much more to this than two opposing theories methinks.. It goes much deeper than any of us will ever find out unfortunately.

20th February 2007, 12:51 AM
It was a white wash for the sake of BBC America .None of the real questions were asked ,Alex Jones has done loads of docus there on google video put him name in ,you will see plenty.

7th March 2007, 10:56 PM
Some more interesting info...

From www.infowars.net (http://infowars.net/articles/february2007/280207BBC.htm)

8th March 2007, 12:31 AM
Alex Jones is a true American patroit Google TERROR STORM & WATCH IT